I found a white women + Black men forum

I live in Britain what makes you think I'm going for cadaan women here, "palest of cheeks" requires actual cheeks walaal:hova:
I scrolled through the misc forum thread after thread @Abdalla posted and someone mentioned finding a white women black men forum so I decided to search it up because it sounded funny.

Lo and behold it's hilarious

:patrice:was just wondering, you keep finding those obscure forums, not saying that they are not funny :lolbron:


Ugaas of the supreme gentleman
:patrice:was just wondering, you keep finding those obscure forums, not saying that they are not funny :lolbron:
Just scroll through random forums, find references to other forums (somnet was a goldmine). Everything from theColi to whatever this shit is. Hell I remember going to stormfront just to laugh at how retarded the users were (I cannot stress how stupid some of the shit I read was).

Or just type whatever you want to know or find funny and put forum at the end. It can go for days.

