I got my 23andme DNA results 🤨


A nomad with no true place
IIRC I saw somewheer that the average south Arabian autosomal DNA ranges between 5-10% which you would expect as we were doing major trade with the Sabeans, etc and Greek chroniclers recorded intermarriage between traders and local women on both sides.
@The alchemist Is this true? Or is it intermixing with ethio-semites on why we have minor arabian? Thanks abti
A bit random but I couldn't be asked to make a thread on it and the genetics people seem to all be here so I was wondering if anyone could explain the recent dna finds in Hungary and why so many of their samples (of the Avar invaders) are J1- P58?

Send me that link. Let me read.
One of the ladies on the forum who is also a J haplogroup, I think she is madhiban had said my results differed to the madhibaan ones which suggests a different origin.

We are thr same sub clan as Imam ahmed gurey, it could be possible that the story of him being of mix somali and arab could be true?

Mashallah. I used to follow up on your results once in a while with sdpp. I already knew you was of semitic origin just wasn’t sure if it was Ethiopian sourced or Arabian sourced. I mentioned Ethiopian because a large portion of Habesha have that J-P56 but they tend to have a different type from yours. You’re definitely not Habesha alxamdulilah. Like @The alchemist said your descendant from one of those Arab tribes on that tree. The next job now is for us to find another sixawle from a complete different sub clan to confirm if this is the common sixawle lineage or not. Since you mentioned Gurey it would be nice to get hold of the Garaads or even better Reer Ibrahim. This would answer all your questions. This is what I did when I was the only Murusade (Sabdi) on the tree. I got a Forculus tested to confirm that my lineage is the common denominator amongst all Murusade. Don’t worry about paying. I got the kits ready.

Apparently, not only were the J1-P58 samples a relatively large percentage - 21%, these samples were also the dominant ones amongst their founding dynasty that invaded Europe in the 6th century. J2 was at 33% and various other ones at small percentages.

You know what’s crazy? Not only did they have the P58 but they had the young Arabian versions of it. People on twitter are confused how it ended up being there 😂


A nomad with no true place
Mashallah. I used to follow up on your results once in a while with sdpp. I already knew you was of semitic origin just wasn’t sure if it was Ethiopian sourced or Arabian sourced. I mentioned Ethiopian because a large portion of Habesha have that J-P56 but they tend to have a different type from yours. You’re definitely not Habesha alxamdulilah. Like @The alchemist said your descendant from one of those Arab tribes on that tree. The next job now is for us to find another sixawle from a complete different sub clan to confirm if this is the common sixawle lineage or not. Since you mentioned Gurey it would be nice to get hold of the Garaads or even better Reer Ibrahim. This would answer all your questions. This is what I did when I was the only Murusade (Sabdi) on the tree. I got a Forculus tested to confirm that my lineage is the common denominator amongst all Murusade. Don’t worry about paying. I got the kits ready.
Intriguing, how common is being from those arab tribes? I know all somalis have small arabian, and the habesha way more. Would he be different from any somali genetically? Prob not right
Intriguing, how common is being from those arab tribes? I know all somalis have small arabian, and the habesha way more. Would he be different from any somali genetically? Prob not right

It’s difficult to say how many Somalis are paternally descendant from those Arab tribes across the Red Sea. We are not even sure yet if the T-L208 carried by the Dir is of Arabian extraction or not although it does seem like it. This lineage accounts to a substantial portion of the Somali male population. Then there is also the possibility of ancient migrations from the direction of Arabia into the Horn like E-Z830 sub lineages E-V1515 (E-M293, E-V6, E-V42 etc). Their entry point into Africa seems to have been Eritrea as that’s where the highest diversity is found according to Trombetta. If we just look at recent confirmed lineages from Arabia like J1, E-M34 etc and just ignore these other obscure ancient once then I would say Somalis carry 5-10% max lineages associated with the Arab tribes. I could be completely wrong so don’t quote me on this.
It’s difficult to say how many Somalis are paternally descendant from those Arab tribes across the Red Sea. We are not even sure yet if the T-L208 carried by the Dir is of Arabian extraction or not although it does seem like it. This lineage accounts to a substantial portion of the Somali male population. Then there is also the possibility of ancient migrations from the direction of Arabia into the Horn like E-Z830 sub lineages E-V1515 (E-M293, E-V6, E-V42 etc). Their entry point into Africa could seems to be Eritrea as that’s where the highest diversity is found according to Trombetta. If we just look at recent confirmed lineages from Arabia like J1, E-M34 etc and just ignore these other obscure ancient once then I would say Somalis carry 5-10% max lineages associated with the Arab tribes. I could be completely wrong so don’t quote me on this.
I'd give like 80% probability it is based on the current evidence we have. I think that more samples and even clusters in time will be found just downstream of the Somali clade in the near future
Intriguing, but don't all somalis have minor arabian roots? And isn't the person fully somali genetically? With the high prevalence of T especially in some clans?
Sure, Somalis have some level of limited residue of Arabian-like ancestry. Haplogroups introduced to Somalis do not need to have any autosomal effects.

I hypothesize those most South Arabian elements come from mixing with Cushitic people in Eritrea before we arrived on the northern Somali coast. I hold the belief that non-Agaw, genetically Somali-like groups ( probably Lowland Cushitic) had an independent but synonymous Southern Arabian mixture when those ancient Yemenis arrived in the northern Horn (a separate Arabian group that deeper to northern Eritrea), our mixture representing a distinctly removed lifeway horizon from the highland Agaw. We basically mixed with those and received some of it. To what degree we mixed with those Cushitic lowlanders is hard to say.

I think this is somewhat of an evidence:

That Somali sample came to the Somali region with the E-V32 wave. Notice the Tigray samples that belong to the same tree. Tigres today are basically mixed of various Cushtic groups, and I have said before that much of their sub-structure is definitely East Cushitic. But if you notice the Y-DNA comes from Arabia. So it fits nicely with my hypothesis.

The other factor is that people say it fluctuates from negligible to 12% (I don't remember exactly, since it was years ago since I measured this on G25). Well, on the macro Eurasian scale, it is all even across the board with insignificant differences. This means it was all baked from the beginning during a minor population size founder effect and probably happened while E-V32 migrated south to Eritrea, mixed with a similar tribe that had some new Arabian in them, and then went further to the Somali coast.


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