I got my 23andme DNA results 🤨

No. They are Habar Ceyno who are Foolculus. Why?
Is Habar Ceyno EV32? Generally reer ugaas are the real representitives of the clan . Forinstance so far the Marehan rer ugaas are the only Marehan's who share a common sub clade with some of the other Darod. The other two Marehan sub clans tested have totally different sub clade or haplogroup.
Is Habar Ceyno EV32? Generally reer ugaas are the real representitives of the clan . Forinstance so far the Marehan rer ugaas are the only Marehan's who share a common sub clade with some of the other Darod. The other two Marehan sub clans tested have totally different sub clade or haplogroup.

CulturedKay would know since she took 23&me. But I did remember her telling me that there were loads of Foolculus E-V32 she matched with.
My job is to further test Murusade or any other Karanle that already tested positive for E-V32. I’m sure this being a public thread there will be one or two lurking around reading this. Hopefully they will step forward. I’m willing to pay for them just to find out what the common denominator is among us all.
This is what baffles me. The T in those regions is so common in only Isaaq/Dir that I can’t help but wonder if our brother Niggaibn is Dir in origin.

Another possibility is that it’s a T that is ancestral to the Dir/Isaaq one and parallel to it. So a long lost brother basically,

Don’t forget we have another T that had nothing to do with the Dir/Isaaq T and was found in Bay/Bakool region.
If T is more prevalent in the Harar region it could be a different clade than the dir one maybe an upstream variant or completely different like the rx guy. However as @CulturedKay said most of the Karanle she saw were ev32 so the T there probably lost dir. obv we need more samples especially from areas like Hobat dire dawa Harar etc
@CulturedKay i am sorry but there is no way to interpret yourself, you would have to close the page and then open it and do it as my tutorial showed.

Your results shouldn't look like that and you don't need to click on every 2+ or 1+, all you need is to just have a line that goes down like the one i showed.

also are you using your phone? if so i recommend a laptop, that will make the job easier and faster.
Sxb this doesn't do anything, you getting the result at the bottom is just a coincidence, it just shows her all the options after J-Z2215, it can't give her anything more specific though, her brother just needs to do a full genome test.
Me personally I don't even think Sabti and Faraculus will share a sub clade. The reason is it seems that Murursade lineage is not very well preserved orally. I'm sure murursade had more than two sons,, most likely yet they are missing. Also I was listening to this Somali historian and he noticed that most Somsli sub clans have two lineages at the very top like Facaye and Marehan, meaning Aliance. and Sabti and Faraculus, he mentioned tens of clans that had those practices. Sabti sounds like Sab to me which means reer Guri. Meaning the Sabti sub clan were the original inhabitants of Galmudug region, whereas some Faraculus came to Galmudug, so perhaps from Galbeed.

San can be used for people that don't move around forinstance the Rahanweyn or it could mean reer Guri.
Kkk I love your theories. Our abtirsi is well preserved. Here is 1 family tree focused on Murusade. Just getting to Israfeel takes me 19 Abtirsi. You can count the rest to Karanle Hawiye. It’s easily the longest abtirsi.

If T is more prevalent in the Harar region it could be a different clade than the dir one maybe an upstream variant or completely different like the rx guy. However as @CulturedKay said most of the Karanle she saw were ev32 so the T there probably lost dir. obv we need more samples especially from areas like Hobat dire dawa Harar etc
harar will have all the lineages on earth. It’s that simple. It’s a place that has given rise to Sheekhaal with the Berber E-M81, Cultured Kay J1, Gugundhabe with L. Same thing with Mogadishu that has reported Benaadiri with G, R1a, J2 etc. The thing is Benaadiri never got invaded while Harar has. Most of these Hararis with exotic lineages got assimilated into nearby towns like Baabili when they escaped the walled city for safety.
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HA Activist.
@Libaax-Joore Sxb stop speaking for the people of the J haplogroup. Not every E-v32 is somali just like not every J haplogroup is madhibaan. Ethiopia has large of amount of J haplogroup, and her family can be from any of that or even created their own subclade, there isn't enough information to assume so stop and stick to your little E-v32 people.:damsel:
That guy is obsessed with this subject. People should remind him to mind his own business


J Haplogroup Enthusiast
Sxb this doesn't do anything, you getting the result at the bottom is just a coincidence, it just shows her all the options after J-Z2215, it can't give her anything more specific though, her brother just needs to do a full genome test.
Actually it does give one an idea of what their subclade would look like, as for hers, she is doing it all wrong by clicking on 2+ or 1+ that aren't need to be clicked.

If she follows my tutorial, i promise you it would work for her too. and as for the E-v32 it didn't work, it makes sense as the dna showed there was red highlights which showed that it was negative.

@CulturedKay hopefully you redo it, and if you need a video tutorial i can make one for you, and yeah i agree she needs to do the big y but that will take good amount of time.
Hey can you please take a screenshot and also can you click on 1+ to get more subclades. thank you. it should look like this, click on the first 1+ or 2+View attachment 267905

yeah, there is a problem. you don't have to do all of the 2+ or 1+ . Here is a little tutorial

First, after you reupload your results, you start with this.

View attachment 267929

then this
View attachment 267932
And so on, and remember to always pick the last one at the bottom.
View attachment 267933
I just found out a Gidir karanle guy had a cousin who got E-V32 on 23&me. I told him Karanle be getting all sort of lineages from J1 to T to E. Apparently he told me his cousin did DNA test and got E-V32 and that he himself will do one to check what he gets. I encouraged him to do Nebula and I told him to let his cousin join anthrogenica.

It could be that this is the common denominator among us all. Hopefully he takes it soon. It’s good to know that the E-V32 strain was found in his family among one of his cousins
Yh I’m young + I’m saving money for new laptop for school work because I can’t be ask going to the library
@Step a side sounds like sexawle and gidir are T or J so far without even doing the yfull. Somebody needs to test the those in imeey galbeed those from babile and the highlands are mostly non E haplogroups.
Why don't you test Maqabul, reer Isaaq, Tolamooge. Or are you expecting them not to share a cooman ancestor with you ? ☺
why don’t you test reer dalal reer axmed reer cusmaan and reer siyaad or you fear they might not share a common ancestor? The only people that can talk about dna and point finger is the mj and some isaaq. As they happen to be the most tested clans out there.
We came to rise in the last 250 years and happen to sit on the largest landmass of any somali clan. We are the only somali clan to have lost 1,000 spearmen in one village 1903 against a joint somali- xabadhi night surprise attack on the bahgeri.
why don’t you test reer dalal reer axmed reer cusmaan and reer siyaad or you fear they might not share a common ancestor? The only people that can talk about dna and point finger is the mj and some isaaq. As they happen to be the most tested clans out there.
We came to rise in the last 250 years and happen to sit on the largest landmass of any somali clan. We are the only somali clan to have lost 1,000 spearmen in one village 1903 against a joint somali- xabadhi night surprise attack on the bahgeri.
All reer Diini are E-163949 reer Ahmed who are further up tested positive for E-163949 so no pooint testing any reer Diini sub clan. Reer Cismaan are 99% E-163949"they are the only Marehan sub clan ever to have held the Daarood boqortoyo according to marehan tradition. Reer ina Nur and reer Garad who held the Gadabersi GARAAD'S are one abtirsi away from reer Ahmed, I would like to test those sub clans.
All reer Diini are E-163949 reer Ahmed who are further up tested positive for E-163949 so no pooint testing any reer Diini sub clan. Reer Cismaan are 99% E-163949"they are the only Marehan sub clan ever to have held the Daarood boqortoyo according to marehan tradition. Reer ina Nur and reer Garad who held the Gadabersi GARAAD'S are one abtirsi away from reer Ahmed, I would like to test those sub clans.

My maternal great grandma was Reer Ahmed. Don't know much about her but I've been getting quite alot of marehaans as relatives on 23andme
@Bowda-dheer I there s a individual on this forum who is Maalinguur Ogaden @reer_ugaas_hussein most reer Cismaan Marehan are amongst the Maalinguur. Alott of them have left the ogaden Maalinguur and moved to Doolo, and now settle with the Marehan.
I know many marexaan families seked refuge and protection in the Absame lands every Ogaden subclan had marexan clans that were in their protection but since 91 it has gone down massively or let’s say since siyad Bare came to power.
All reer Diini are E-163949 reer Ahmed who are further up tested positive for E-163949 so no pooint testing any reer Diini sub clan. Reer Cismaan are 99% E-163949"they are the only Marehan sub clan ever to have held the Daarood boqortoyo according to marehan tradition. Reer ina Nur and reer Garad who held the Gadabersi GARAAD'S are one abtirsi away from reer Ahmed, I would like to test those sub clans.
Am not really sure who’s after this bro let’s just have people from the forum take this thing as there have been fake reports in all of the 49s.


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