I gotta ask, how serious do you guys really take this Islam stuff?

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Lol this site. There are people on here that are believe and practice their deen and there are others that do not. I do believe in Islam and I take it seriously.
May Allah keeps you and the rest of us believers in Islam until we die. No fate is worse than dying as a non muslim.


The trouble is, you think you have time
May Allah keeps you and the rest of us believers in Islam until we die. No fate is worse than dying as a non muslim.
May Allah grant you an abundance of rewards and grant you and your family the highest level in Jannah. Ameen.
And they say Arab are racists


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

"All my es got real hair"

looool. This is what these rich rappers care about.
It's a sad state of affairs, black men discriminate against black women cause of their hair or having dark complexion. They parade their women around on their music videos like a 2 dollar hoe & they expect others to respect them. Their music is owned by Jews Michael Jackson fucked around & mentioned 'Jew me sue me' the Jews told him to delete it out if track, yet they can call black women hoes & es & rap about killing niggas.
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