My love is not blind, walaalo I simply love my country. China was once fractured, 2000 thousand years of empire came to an end. Rebellions killed millions. They’ve had incompetent leaders, ones who have caused famines killing so many people, some estimates place the number as high as 20-70 million. Maybe then they should’ve stopped. Now China is a rising superpower. Small states can never become superpowers. I believe we can be greater together than apart.
Let's be realistic and not dreaming. Somalia collapsed in the 1991. Some people live in anarchy since then and other have built successful states. Somaliland would not benefit a single thing by uniting with the south. And by beeing a recognized country they would benefit 1000 things. Same applies for Puntland. South Somalia didn't have anything near a civilization sjnce 30 years and it's unlikely to happen in the near future.
I ask you if you are sincere, is it more in Somalilands interest to be independent or sticking to this failed State ?