I hate Race mixers.

My uncle said that too lol now his kids are half Filipinos who are disinterested in their Somali side, hate that they’re black and know nothing about Islam 💀
Ew imagine mixing with jungle Asians 😭 dysgenic, short, unappealing look all around. If you’re gonna marry out go big or go tf home


Plotting world domination
Ok, slightly related.. In one of my African courses this semester, I've noticed an overwhelming number of mixed ppl (mainly white and West African/Caribbean). There seems to be a sense of overcompensation with them. I’ve observed it in their hairstyles, their overtly leaning into stereotypical Black Y2K fashion, and even in the way they participate in lectures.. it all screams a desire to fit in imo
Tbh most mixed people I've met never gave me overcompensation vibes.
Than again I live in one of the blackest regions in North America lool.

Ive met white washed mixed people but they were usually raised in suburbs away from their black community.


Plotting world domination
Ew imagine mixing with jungle Asians 😭 dysgenic, short, unappealing look all around. If you’re gonna marry out go big or go tf home
my uncle tried to bring home a Vietnamese chick after he finished college and almost got disowned :dead: .

Nigga got married off to some random xalimo back home a few months later.

Irl though I know an abdi and xalimo that married some Filipinos and had kids.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
To be honest I dislike the idea for myself but if another somali marries out I wouldnt put attention to it and bring flame to the fire. And if by some miracle I dont find xalimo and I am absolutely deprived of any then I would get with a ajnabi and I would make sure the half kid know his abtirsi from beggining to end, speak only somali around me and do all things somali. :kanyeshrug:

I personally know some mixed somali kids but not all are whitewashed some suprisingly are more close to their somali side and even speak somali one of them is half somali djiboutian and slavic and he is as somali as you can get he is even going to go visit djibouti and meet his reer this year. It all depends on the parent that mixes with ajnabi whether they make their child have their somalinimo locked on or not so if your going to racemix do it with caution and ensure your child is not detached from his somali side I have heard many horror stories of somali racemixers not heeding this warning.
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Support interracial love 💕
They need to be stopped. Most unnatural thing u can do is to mix urself out of existence. What u will then create is some fuckd up genetic mixed breed. The kid will also look nothing like both parents. It's the height of self hate to race mix. I saw some paki with a halimo It was so digusting.
I couldn’t care less. Somalis are going to be a mix of everything in those big cities. They’ll be non-believers by the third generation living in the West.


Cadaan in-laws are the best, never in your business. The older you get the more you realise that marrying out ain’t as bad as people make it seem, there’s way less buuq.:manny:
The redpill to Nazi like racism pipe line needs to be studied. They went from hating women to now being out and out racists.

As Somali, you’re literally a product of ancient mixing. Yes, your ancestors defied ‘nature’ as you put it and mixed with each other.

Anyways this is shameful talk as Muslims and is a products of satanic talking points being normalized. Let’s all remember that Satan become the devil because of his superiority. He thought he was superior to man, and like wise some of you fools think you’re superior to other groups. Race is nothing but a social construct. People can’t even fully agree with who is black, who is white ect. So get out of here with this low IQ talk.
My uncle married a white woman and they are still together with 3 kids and her + the kids are still part of the family. It's not deep


♚Sargon of Adal♚
They need to be stopped. Most unnatural thing u can do is to mix urself out of existence. What u will then create is some fuckd up genetic mixed breed. The kid will also look nothing like both parents. It's the height of self hate to race mix. I saw some paki with a halimo It was so digusting.
Everyone is mixed, if you go far enough back, humanity for long periods were in small roaming groups of hunter-gatherers that stumbled upon each other and intermingled, until we built enough mass to not lose technology.