I hate this East African nonsense

I think that false information. Your ancestor are recent arrives to the East Africa. If we take a deep dive into your DNA I bet you'll have heavy admixture of bantu . My ancestor have always been in East Africa and ran trade with the enter world. What is your name of your people ?

Deep dive? E-V32 did not originate in Cameroon. I have North African, East African, and Omotic DNA.
Nearly pages ten in @Nilote2 states he's Cameroonian :farmajoyaab:
Im Not No Way GIF
I'm sorry that you lost family members; and may they rest in peace. :it0tdo8:

If a different group of people enter your lands for mutually beneficial commerce; are still clearly a demographic minority in your ethnic lands; and abide by your laws... you're in the driver's seat.

It's really up to you to make sure that you retain the edge in commerce; and control the official and un-official levers of power.

Indians didn't even do anything wrong in Uganda; they were just used as a scapegoat by Idi Amin due to his incompetence and mismanagement.

The truth is that Uganda could have invested into their entrepreneurs and significantly reduced their dependence on Indian owned businesses.

Idi Amin was a Karo (South Sudanese ethnic group) so I'm not even criticising him for invalid reasons.

We can't even get along amongst ourselves, just look at South Sudan and Kenya. Every tribe that's clashing is Nilotic. The Anywaas and Nuers are also clashing in Gambella. I haven't really interacted with South Sudanese people in Kenya but I've seen comments on social media saying they're arrogant.

Even the coloniser's description of the Shilluk (Luo) is that of a proud people.

I see a lot of similarities in the attitude of Somalis and our own people. That's why I laughed when what's her name said my motivation was driven by sex. I love Nilotic women, I don't even look at other groups.

Im arguing with fk'ing Cameroon about Somali's owning kenya :stopit: :drakelaugh::drakelaugh::drakelaugh::drakelaugh::deadpeter::deadpeter::deadpeter::dead1::deadmanny::deadrose: .
Yo get the f out of here

That's rich coming from someone claiming descent from Sheikh Ishaaq bin Ahmed of Arabia. Don't be mad because my ancestor came here before yours. Graves in Nubia are practically indistinguishable from those in Kenya. It was the same people.

That's rich coming from someone claiming descent from Sheikh Ishaaq bin Ahmed of Arabia. Don't be mad because my ancestor came here before yours.
The Somali people are first people to inhabit africa. We have never moved out for our region in Africa, but you on the other hand is from Cameroon sxb be proud of Cameroon and not Kenyan
The Somali people are first people to inhabit africa. We have never moved out for our region in Africa, but you on the other hand is from Cameroon sxb be proud of Cameroon and not Kenyan

Your people were in Arabia when my ancestors inhabited this land, relax. If you happen to be an E-V32 holder then you were born from my ancestor's nutsack. E-Z813 is where you belong.

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Your people were in Arabia when my ancestors inhabited this land, relax. If you happen to be an E-V32 holder then you were born from my ancestor's nutsack. EZ813 is where you belong.
Your people never existed in Africa at all before mine. Somali and Horners are the first people of creation. You should mind your manors when speaking to your elders.
Your people were in Arabia when my ancestors inhabited this land, relax. If you happen to be an E-V32 holder then you were born from my ancestor's nutsack. E-Z813 is where you belong.

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Your people are still children. The first people in africa were Somalis/ Ethiopian . I don't need the white man mumbo jumbo. You know it and I know it. You people came out of nut sack of a Horner and your body deformed to fit in the region your currently from which is Cameroon.
Your people are still children. The first people in africa were Somalis/ Ethiopian . I don't need the white man mumbo jumbo. You know it and I know it. You people came out of nut sack of a Horner and your body deformed to fit in the region your currently from which is Cameroon.

You can keep running your mouth but DNA doesn't lie, you're guests in the land of my ancestors. A child can never disrespect his father.

You can keep running your mouth but DNA doesn't lie, you're guests in the land of my ancestors. A child can never disrespect his father.

Aaah now he shows his true colours. Most Somalis don't identify with "east africa" bs for reasons mentioned before, but also because of shit like this. You folks always come around and someway somehow call us outsiders :mjlol:

Not to mention how your countries actively part take in the destabilization of Somalia. Can you imagine if you kenyattis and ethiopians weren't b!tch made and helped us instead of circling us like a pack of starving hyenas, that entire geographic region would have rivalled or even surpassed the entirety of the middle east economically but you'd rather kneecap each other and us just to be the tallest midget :mjohreally:

You, specially you kenyattis, im looking forward to seeing indians rule over your b!tch made fake country :pacspit:
as for ethiopia, everyday I pray for it's balkanisation :pacspit:
Aaah now he shows his true colours. Most Somalis don't identify with "east africa" bs for reasons mentioned before, but also because of shit like this. You folks always come around and someway somehow call us outsiders :mjlol:

I don't need to call you anything, it's the truth in my case. Sorry if it bruises your ego.

Not to mention how your countries actively part take in the destabilization of Somalia.

1. Your conflict doesn't have anything to do with my ancestral land.

2. Kenya has historically stayed out of your conflicts so I'm not entirely sure what you mean. You pulled us into this mess when your Shabaabs started kidnapping our tourists.

Can you imagine if you kenyattis and ethiopians weren't b!tch made and helped us instead of circling us like a pack of starving hyenas,

Reality: The Kenyan and Tanzanian coasts would still be at the mercy of Omani slave traders if not for British and German intervention. As demand intensified, more Madowweyne would have been shipped to southern Somalia, while groups such as the Ogaden and Darod would have expanded further into Kenya, leading to increased conflicts. Somali clans such as the Ogaden, Ajuran and Darod were already in direct competition with the Borana and Rendille over grazing land.

I don't think you're in any position to call anyone a b****.

that entire geographic region would have rivalled or even surpassed the entirety of the middle east economically but you'd rather kneecap each other and us just to be the tallest midget :mjohreally:

Kneecap each other (when?) 🤔 and us? Did you even think before writing this nonsense?

You, specially you kenyattis, im looking forward to seeing indians rule over your b!tch made fake country :pacspit:
as for ethiopia, everyday I pray for it's balkanisation :pacspit:

This right here is why you need good relations with your neighbours.

Reality: Somalia is entirely to blame for its internal conflicts but they like blaming others because they can't take ownership of their internal power struggles. On one side, you have Al-Shabaab fighting the government, while Somaliland wants no part of you, yet somehow we’re to blame. I wish our troops would withdraw from Somalia because I'm tired of your scapegoating. Our men and women are out there risking their lives, and all we get in return is slander. Just know that I was never for our involvement because I knew it would end like this.
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