I hate Wahabbism

Do you believe in Allaah and his messenger? If your answer is yes, why do you think that the commands of Allaah being enforced on the people of a Muslim nation is a bad thing?


Geeljire racist
Do you believe in Allaah and his messenger? If your answer is yes, why do you think that the commands of Allaah being enforced on the people of a Muslim nation is a bad thing?
Of course I do I'm Muslim.

Wahabbism is not true Islam. Wahabbism destroys cultures and takfirs people. It's also misogynistic and violent. It destroys everywhere it touches. I hate what it's done to our people.
Of course I do I'm Muslim.

Wahabbism is not true Islam. Wahabbism destroys cultures and takfirs people. It's also misogynistic and violent. It destroys everywhere it touches. I hate what it's done to our people.
You know nothing about "wahhabism", you are just repeating things you have heard from other ignorant people.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Only unmarried women wore the hijab but all women still dressed very modestly, they wore the guntiino.

Khawariji ideology has definitely harmed us somalis but lets not romanticise our past as a utopia. Women dressed modestly, we had qabyaalad, basically all the ills somalis had was present all ready.

Khawariji ideology has ruined a lot of the good aspects of somali culture but they will rebound when we get richer and more stable.
There isn't a sect called "Wahhabism". It's a slur used for Salafis. It's disrespectful because Al-Wahhaab is one of the names of Allah عز وجل so Muslims shouldn't be using that as an insult/in a negative way.

