I hate Wahabbism


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
For some people “I hate Wahhabism” is a covert way of saying you hate Islamic doctrine


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Do you believe in Allaah and his messenger? If your answer is yes, why do you think that the commands of Allaah being enforced on the people of a Muslim nation is a bad thing?
The people concerning themselves with how people dress are oftentimes the worst among us. They lie, they don’t keep promises, they’re greedy and they engage in so many other sins. Typically they’re also leeches, never actually working or contributing anything meaningful to society.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Let’s get one thing clear about Wahhabism…

Wahhabism wasnt actually introduced to Somalia in the civil war but a few decades before.

During the Cold War, the US and Saudi Arabia realised that they both hate communism and the US encouraged KSA to use its religious influence as the birthplace of Islam to preach against communism.

The funds and support emboldened the Saudis, which settled their new policy on Somalia, one of the nearest Islamic-majority communist countries to them.

Siyaad Barre, president at the time, was more than willing to accept Saudi money and cheap oil as it meant no strings attached.

However, the Saudis went further and started building mosques. Isbahaysiga Masjid (largest in Somalia) was built by the Saudis.

They also started teaching imams and began offering scholarships. Soon Somalia had a new class of sheikhs that were taught in Saudi Arabia and hated communism.

It isn’t very surprising that imams were one of the first groups to turn en masse against Barre…..


Hana deul
Understandly so, it is literal garbage. Its the platform of dajjal iniated by khawarij, and has caused more disunity and destruction within the ummah in the history of islam
Do you believe in Allaah and his messenger? If your answer is yes, why do you think that the commands of Allaah being enforced on the people of a Muslim nation is a bad thing?
If it's forced wouldn't it be defeating the point and purpose of our existence which is being tested by Allah? And Allah didn't ask humans to be law forcing agents for humans on earth. I understand when gay people get punished for spreading their influence in public..it makes sense and it's in the Islamic law (sharia) to force a prohibition...but some something like covering or not covering hair and putting too much prohibition on it is extra.
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Don't be ignorant and don't be fooled, there is no sect called wahaabis . Here is sheekh Albaani explaining the back ground of the term 'wahaabi' and those that used it . Plus Somalia was destroyed by qabyaalad and the khawarij in Somalia is recent phenomena and it all comes back to lack of knowledge in the religion.
The kufaars in the media in order to spread misinformation also use this term 'wahaabi'
and when they found out how ignorant and silly they are , they have started to use terms like salafis when in reality the Salafis are far from extremism.
Don't be ignorant and don't be fooled, there is no sect called wahaabis . Here is sheekh Albaani explaining the back ground of the term 'wahaabi' and those that used it . Plus Somalia was destroyed by qabyaalad and the khawarij in Somalia is recent phenomena and it all comes back to lack of knowledge in the religion.

If Nationalists/ex-Muslims could rewrite history they'd claim Salafis destroyed Somalia. When in fact Salafis strongly oppose the two things that destroyed our country (rebelling against the leader & qabyaalad).
Shiekh Muhammad Ibn AbdulWahab Rahimhumallah only called upon Muslims to reject grave worshipping, call upon the mumineen to follow the Sunnah and Quran. And now Sufis wanna call the people who Adhere to his message as "Wahabis" lmao


Somali Arab
Shiekh Muhammad Ibn AbdulWahab Rahimhumallah only called upon Muslims to reject grave worshipping, call upon the mumineen to follow the Sunnah and Quran. And now Sufis wanna call the people who Adhere to his message as "Wahabis" lmao
I have no problem with them calling us wahabi just shows the lack of knowledge they have and differentiates us from them


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