I have a question

Yes that's what most historians believe but somalis dont wanna admit it coz if they do, that means land of punt wasnt really them.

The reason why some historians say we came from kush is mainly coz we speak a cushitic language, oromos and habesha are also stated to be from kush
Why do you want to claim another peoples history. Kush has nothing to do with Somalis, if that was the case who inhabited the horn and traded with the Romans, Greeks, Arabs, Egyptians, etc.
Yes that's what most historians believe but somalis dont wanna admit it coz if they do, that means land of punt wasnt really them.

The reason why some historians say we came from kush is mainly coz we speak a cushitic language, oromos and habesha are also stated to be from kush
The first kushites were literally nilotes who have no relation to Somalis, this has been proven genetically, archaelogically and historically
Here are some images of them showing no resonance with modern day Somalis



Furthermore, the only cushitic kushites are descended from afar invaders and the only reason modern sudanese look like cushites is because they are a mix of kushitic nilotes and arabs as for the beja who live in eastern sudan they had nothing to do with kush and their territories weren't even in the kingdom
Why do you want to claim another peoples history. Kush has nothing to do with Somalis, if that was the case who inhabited the horn and traded with the Romans, Greeks, Arabs, Egyptians, etc.
Exactly, Somalis had relations with Egypt since the 4th dynasty, it is ludacris to think the kushites expanded into the horn we don't even share the same haplogroups


Why do you want to claim another peoples history. Kush has nothing to do with Somalis, if that was the case who inhabited the horn and traded with the Romans, Greeks, Arabs, Egyptians, etc.
Did u see me claiming it, I told u that some historians believe that

Garaad diinle

 
Kushites and cushites are not the same thing. Cushitic languages named as such because western lingusts used the torah tradition of naming other nations. Cushites were first called hamites as in ham son of noah and then later changed it to cush son of ham. Kushites are an iron age civilizations that came into existens close to the time ethiosemitic identity first formed in east africa. Kushitic kingdom spoke most likely a nilo-saharan language and lastesd less than 500 years.

That being said in regard to the name cush it has been suggested that the name cush might have enterd into the torah from the time when beni israel lived in egypt, they then most likely came into contact with some traders from the kingdom of kush around 1000 bce so the name kush might very well be the same as cush.
Were Somalis (or Cushities) part of the Kingdom of Kush? And can we trace our ancestry back.
Since we are hamities and surely we were the first people whom control the first worlds. Civilization as we know as today were created by children of ham. It was Mizraim who was father of eygptians it was cush who was the father of Babylonians so on so forth.
better leading question is when did Somalis come to the horn
Depends on what you consider the Horn. Would Gash be a part of the Horn since it’s in Eritrea? Then it would have been quite a long time ago. Better question is perhaps “when did Somalis leave Eastern Desert/Red Sea Hills?”


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Depends on what you consider the Horn. Would Gash be a part of the Horn since it’s in Eritrea? Then it would have been quite a long time ago. Better question is perhaps “when did Somalis leave Eastern Desert/Red Sea Hills?”

Based on Y-DNA possibly no earlier than around 2000 BCE which is very interesting as Cushites had already begun swarming the Horn of Africa by 3000 BCE. By 3000 BCE there are already rock-carvings and cave paintings from cattle, goat, sheep, donkey and dog laden pastoralists everywhere from the central highlands to northern and southern Somali peninsula territories. Yet our Y-DNA implies a presence along Beja lands after 3000 BCE in Bronze Age Sudan. However, I do think it is likely there was some kind of secondary Cushitic migration at around 2000 BCE that brought with it things like the plow, agriculture and a layer of Ancient Egyptian (5-10% in Somalis) that is often mistaken for Yemeni admixture in Horners.
Based on Y-DNA possibly no earlier than around 2000 BCE which is very interesting as Cushites had already begun swarming the Horn of Africa by 3000 BCE. By 3000 BCE there are already rock-carvings and cave paintings from cattle, goat, sheep, donkey and dog laden pastoralists everywhere from the central highlands to northern and southern Somali peninsula territories.
I am of the opinion that the rock art and the introduction of pastoralism to the Somali Peninsula was the work of an offshoot of South Cushites rather than by our direct East Cushitic ancestors. I also think these guys were the ones to have absorbed the LSA hunter-gatherer inhabitants of Somaliweyne who would’ve been pretty distinct from other EAHG groups. We likely then absorbed the offshoot as waves of us migrated south.

Not sure how this could even be proven (perhaps finding South Cushitic substrata in Somali?) but I recall seeing that at K=14, Somalis’ Nilotic-like (if we can even call it that) was best modelled as Dinka for the most part, but we also had varying layers of something better modelled Ethiopian Nilote (think it was Anuak) that wasn’t present in other Horners.
Yet our Y-DNA implies a presence along Beja lands after 3000 BCE in Bronze Age Sudan.
What reason is there to believe that East Cushites weren’t present in Sudan around that time period? Isn’t it E Cushitic substrata we find in some Nile Valley languages rather than N Cushitic as would be assumed? I get that we’re very divergent and some linguistic models have E Cushitic and N Cushitic split as far back as 8000 years ago, but in no way does that mean we couldn’t have shared the region. I also read somewhere that Beja received an influx of Somali-like DNA not even 4000 years ago, but I do also remember that particular paper claiming some other questionable things.

However, I do think it is likely there was some kind of secondary Cushitic migration at around 2000 BCE that brought with it things like the plow, agriculture and a layer of Ancient Egyptian (5-10% in Somalis) that is often mistaken for Yemeni admixture in Horners.
This is really cool and something I’d love to find out more on. Sorry for all the questions, but do you have any material on this second migration that would have introduced these technologies?

Also, do you reckon that if OK Egyptians are sequenced they’ll be a decent fit for us? Would they have been without any Iranian that we seem to lack? That one low coverage 12th Dynasty sample could be modelled as Neolithic Levantine + IBM + >8% Dinka if I remember correctly.
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Depends on what you consider the Horn. Would Gash be a part of the Horn since it’s in Eritrea? Then it would have been quite a long time ago. Better question is perhaps “when did Somalis leave Eastern Desert/Red Sea Hills?”
When do u think they left, and how & when do u think different Somali groups popuated Somaliweyn. Read that Somlis populated the south around 3k years ago

Also, do u believe Ancient Somalis settled much more west now and borded Ethio-semitic which is the origin for our Ethio-semitic ad-stratum? Cerulli theorized that some Somaloids group lived all the way in Awfat (Jabarti) like Warjex, Gabal and Harla.
I am of the opinion that the rock art and the introduction of pastoralism to the Somali Peninsula was the work of an offshoot of South Cushites rather than by our direct East Cushitic ancestors. I also think these guys were the ones to have absorbed the LSA hunter-gatherer inhabitants of Somaliweyne who would’ve been pretty distinct from other EAHG groups. We likely then absorbed the offshoot as waves of us migrated south.
Probably off-topic, but I recall there's some similar paintings in Yemen, right? Were those dated? Lol, this potential proto-Cushitic explorer is interesting.
Not sure how this could even be proven (perhaps finding South Cushitic substrata in Somali?) but I recall seeing that at K=14, Somalis’ Nilotic-like (if we can even call it that) was best modelled as Dinka for the most part, but we also had varying layers of something better modelled Ethiopian Nilote (think it was Anuak) that wasn’t present in other Horners.
How about Omotic ancestry? I thought there is a layer of Wolayta in Somalis?
I'm a bit confused with this part: do southern Horners score more Ari-like or less? Among "mainstream Cushites", I'd assume Ethiopians score the most of this?

Btw, what's up with that Bejas having an instrusion of Somali-like profile? What paper is that? It'd be interesting. Maybe it's because of Pan-Grave? Pan-Grave was stated to be more "southern" in morphology compared to C-Group. But weirdly Somali skulls don't seem really "southern" in the Cushitic bunch.

Also, do you reckon that if OK Egyptians are sequenced they’ll be a decent fit for us? Would they have been without any Iranian that we seem to lack? That one low coverage 12th Dynasty sample could be modelled as Neolithic Levantine + IBM + >8% Dinka if I remember correctly.
I think Shimbiris said in that certain thread OK ones have little to no Iranian ancestry.
Regarding Nakht-Ankh, well bro, are you referencing Moe's model? He modelled it as this one below:

So it can either be modelled as this or some ~70% Natufian, ~10% Iran and ~7.8-8% nilotic according to the G25 model that's been spammed to death.
IIRC the two other models you showed me didn't use IBMs as proxies, or that when Natufian was applied, this dude didn't score IBM.


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