I have been cursed

That's smart think to do actually. I might start doing the same.

AussieHustler. We are not robots. It's possible to vent, feel sorry for yourself and then do something about it. That's how most people function. Unlike robots who has no emotions and say problem need solution and that's it. I just needed to vent


Yes, we are not robots but we work with others and there are rules and regulations at the workplace that we have to observe them diligently, otherwise, we might loose our jobs or be indicted with a crime. Follow these rules and when there are personality clashes, you can always redress them for a resolution with a senior staff or with someone else nominated by your workplace. Be calm and control your emotions and remember, these are your work colleagues and they are not your family members or your best friends who might tolerate your emotional outbursts.


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
I want to know more about the fight with the girl lol

I hope all will be well for you bro


Make Hobyo Great Again
@Jaydaan Get a sheikh to read rukiyah on you and make a conscious effort to strengthen your imaan. Salaat, duas, ending bad habits - anything that you haven't been doing before, do it now.

