I have been on no fap few months.... and I am already....

The only people who find that hard to believe or make up cope excuses are those embroiled in it and can't stop.
so I don't expect you to believe me but its true and I don't see any reason to lie about such a thing
I getting it saying cap is your way of coping but stop this vice while you can.


The only people who find that hard to believe or make up cope excuses are those embroiled in it and can't stop.
so I don't expect you to believe me but its true and I don't see any reason to lie about such a thing
Ok I believe you maybe you are asexual?
Ok I believe you maybe you are asexual?
See that's the cope I'm talking about. There is no need to cope. Do you think the prophet's and all the sahaba where all asexual?

If anything the prophet amongst all men would have the most valid reason to resorting to that as he has been described to have the strength of a 100 men in all field if you understand what I'm talking about so even his urges are a lot more potent then anyone alive yet he never did it and clearly he ain't asexual.

Allah doesn't make a person bare more then they can handle and it wouldn't be a sin if it was impossible to refrain from. You just need to be discipline as an individual.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
First time I did NoFap I had to wank one out after a 50 day streak. Was too much... BOWERRRRRR! I felt like a biological creation, as you say. It was too much. I felt like I was gonna explode with vigor and take all of the UAE with me.

Awesome Independence Day GIF


Yes and I'm telling you that im not asexual. thats not really hard to understand which is why I brought up the example of the messenger aswell
How do you even resist this biological urge?
you reminds me one of my friend, this guy was always preaching about how bad sin is masturbating. One day we got hold on his phone and looked at search history my god so much corn search everyday 😂 and even had onlyfan subscriptions 😂.
How do you even resist this biological urge?
you reminds me one of my friend, this guy was always preaching about how bad sin is masturbating. One day we got hold on his phone and looked at search history my god so much corn search everyday 😂 and even had onlyfan subscriptions 😂.
It's not like I don't get the biological urge it's just that I have self control and I don't stay idle mentally.
Aslong as your busy you won't do it same with consuming corn. Being alone and in your own head is just gonna lead to qasaro.

I don't watch corn or have any subscriptions
Remove yourself from the area of temptation.

I don't preach about this everyday either. I have only spoken on it twice here.

irl I don't even talk about it


It's not like I don't get the biological urge it's just that I have self control and I don't stay idle mentally.
Aslong as your busy you won't do it same with consuming corn. Being alone and in your own head is just gonna lead to qasaro.

I don't watch corn or have any subscriptions
Remove yourself from the area of temptation.

I don't preach about this everyday either. I have only spoken on it twice here.

irl I don't even talk about it
You never busted your seeds befor?
Best to wean yourself off corn and use lube while masturbating rather than going on Nofap. You can't stop yourself from masturbating. It is nearly impossible to do so in the long term.


You just get wet dreams more frequently although i don't actually dream of anything
Yeah I remember when I did nofap I had wet dreams I mean a lot of them. It’s just your body want to get rid of the seeds. Mr @Javelin i advise you to get married asap so how old are you?