I have not prayed for 7 months

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i have not missed a prayer since 2009, now i can't stop praying even if i wanted to :wow1:
try getting some kind of routine going, also a reason some people don't pray is because they don't know how to properly, try reading online to improve your prayers :wow:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
We need to move beyond the four imams of Islamic law. Their rulings on criminal justice are no better than wahabbis. Ancient theologians have been the curse of Islam. These were people who thought the earth was flat and had never heard of the germ theory of disease: they blamed disease on jinns and the evil eye. There was a broadcast on Channel 4 news by that Somali reporter showing how Somali sheikhs are telling people that autism is caused by demon possession.

Muslims need to follow a rational and scientific Islam that is informed by contemporary knowledge. We need modern scholarship, not worm devoured medievalists. I'm glad to see that more and more sheikhs like Mohammed Ghilani and Shabir Ally are reconciling Islam with secularism.
Imam Shaafici is our imam, he and other Imams have shown only differences in fiqh. This religion is a silsilaad of narrations and is not new.

Under moderate Caliph following one of the madhabs can and did allow huge scientific leaps during the days of Anatolia, Bagdhad pre Gengis was the centre of knowledge. Ever heard of Abu Nawas? He was a poet who loved writing about young boys and was not only not persecuted but welcomed by the then Caliph for his beautiful poems. The radical ISIS would have thrown him off a building. Islam is much more liberal than the Wahabists would like to think.

Remember Yazid the son of Muawiya that drank and murdered the grandson of the Prophet. Why wasn't he persecuted? Its because Muslims at that time didn't care for the personal sins one does in the privacy of his home
Imam Shaafici is our imam, he and other Imams have shown only differences in fiqh. This religion is a silsilaad of narrations and is not new.

Under moderate Caliph following one of the madhabs can and did allow huge scientific leaps during the days of Anatolia, Bagdhad pre Gengis was the centre of knowledge. Ever heard of Abu Nawas? He was a poet who loved writing about young boys and was not only not persecuted but welcomed by the then Caliph for his beautiful poems. The radical ISIS would have thrown him off a building. Islam is much more liberal than the Wahabists would like to think.

Remember Yazid the son of Muawiya that drank and murdered the grandson of the Prophet. Why wasn't he persecuted? Its because Muslims at that time didn't care for the personal sins one does in the privacy of his home
That is true, Yazid was a secular mujahid. He was a connoissuer of the forbidden bottle. We need tolerant leaders like that.

You are praising Abu Nawas? Subhanallah, this guy is a sexual predator. Fucking child molester. I know you are a deviant. I bet you like Bachi Bazi too. Typical. That is what happens when boys are kept away from girls. They become qaniis.

True, Muslims were at the head of scientific advances. Al-Jahiz discovered evolution hundreds of years before Darwin. In fact a Muslim scholar in the tenth century did before him. But the Shaficis conspired with the other madhabs to censor their work. But alhamdulilah the modern generation of scholars are rediscovering them:

La Hawla wala quwata ilabilah

What is this I am reading? People are suggesting to ignore the 4 schools of fiqh and follow the " rattional and scientific " islam ?

Absolutely Horrid, no wonder the state of the Ummah is the way it is.

The way of the Salaf As-Saalih (Righteous Predecessors) is the only way towards practicing Islam.

Following the Quran and Sunnah while forbidding against evil and enjoining good is what every muslim should strive to achieve.
La Hawla wala quwata ilabilah

What is this I am reading? People are suggesting to ignore the 4 schools of fiqh and follow the " rattional and scientific " islam ?

Absolutely Horrid, no wonder the state of the Ummah is the way it is.

The way of the Salaf As-Saalih (Righteous Predecessors) is the only way towards practicing Islam.

Following the Quran and Sunnah while forbidding against evil and enjoining good is what every muslim should strive to achieve.

Why should the 4 school of thought have monopoly on religious matters? Besides the quran does not mention school of thoughts and it's the primary source of Islam.
Why should the 4 school of thought have monopoly on religious matters? Besides the quran does not mention school of thoughts and it's the primary source of Islam.

Let me make this clear it is not obligatory for a muslim to follow any particular madhab. The four imams have learned the jurisprudence from the Quran and sunnah.

Whoever does not have the ability to derive rulings from the Quran and sunnah for a particular fiqh issue is free to look at one of the four imams rulings regarding the particular issue and follow it if he believes it it the truth. The four imams of course are human beings and make mistakes and muslims are urged not to blindly follow them but rather what they think is the truth regarding a certain issue.

Thus the answer to your question is that the 4 schools of thought are important regarding religious matters because since you are uneducated regarding the teachings and rulings you simply can't derive your own rulings from the quran and sunnah regarding important matters.

For example rulings regarding issues like abortion, organ transplant, Insurance etc. There is no way you can form your own consensus on what is the right thing to do regarding these topics because you are uneducated islamically you would have to read up on what the four imams have written on regarding these issues and follow the one you think is correct based on what you read on them.
La Hawla wala quwata ilabilah

What is this I am reading? People are suggesting to ignore the 4 schools of fiqh and follow the " rattional and scientific " islam ?

Absolutely Horrid, no wonder the state of the Ummah is the way it is.

The way of the Salaf As-Saalih (Righteous Predecessors) is the only way towards practicing Islam.

Following the Quran and Sunnah while forbidding against evil and enjoining good is what every muslim should strive to achieve.
Salafis are a cancer that have destroyed Islam. They need chemotherapy to finish them off. There's a reason why your sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah was clapped in jail by the ulema. He was a criminal whose takfiri ideology has held back the ummah and cost the lives of millions around the world. Al Shabab spring directly from that crook and his boyfriend Muhammad Abdul Wahab.

You have a problem with science? That pretty much sums up the problem with your Saudi cult.

We need a rational and reason based approach to Islam that is not in conflict with human rights and progress. Irrational fatwas by ancient Arabs with no scientific training should be thrown out
Let me make this clear it is not obligatory for a muslim to follow any particular madhab. The four imams have learned the jurisprudence from the Quran and sunnah.

Whoever does not have the ability to derive rulings from the Quran and sunnah for a particular fiqh issue is free to look at one of the four imams rulings regarding the particular issue and follow it if he believes it it the truth. The four imams of course are human beings and make mistakes and muslims are urged not to blindly follow them but rather what they think is the truth regarding a certain issue.

Thus the answer to your question is that the 4 schools of thought are important regarding religious matters because since you are uneducated regarding the teachings and rulings you simply can't derive your own rulings from the quran and sunnah regarding important matters.

For example rulings regarding issues like abortion, organ transplant, Insurance etc. There is no way you can form your own consensus on what is the right thing to do regarding these topics because you are uneducated islamically you would have to read up on what the four imams have written on regarding these issues and follow the one you think is correct based on what you read on them.
Why did Allah not comment on abortion and organ transplants in the Quran when he knew they would emerge in the 20th century? Did he forget? That is what you're saying. He was so dull witted that he needed the help of the four imams to help him write his book. What kind of moronic belief is that? Did the imams also speak to him about his views on nuclear weapons? That's a pretty big question. Nukes can wipe out humanity. How about climate change? Tax policy?

Allah knew all about this stuff and more. But he left it to human judgement. Each generation has to work it out for itself by approaching it rationally and scientifically. Not following some clowns who've been dead for a thousand years.
Man I had a feeling this guy would come up with a crazy tangent.

Sxb @Bidaar Wanagsan I will not entertain your meaningless tactics. You are extremely transparent, I can see right through what you are trying to get at.

This whole "Reformation" of islam that you are trying to push here is nothing but modifying the religion to succumb to your whims and desires. You claim to drink and sleep around with females. Of course you would want to reform Islam to suit your desires.

Islam in its essence means to Submit to the will of God. If you can't understand the basic meaning of Islam then what is the point of reading up on the works of scholars such as Ibn Taymiyyah Rahimahullah and passing judgements on him when you behave like a typical Gaal ?

And how exactly do I have a problem with Science ? The Quran contains many miracles and has mentioned the expansion of the Universe, how the embryo forms and many more. Many Muslim Scientists and Doctors made advances in the Scientific world from creating Chemistry to curing eye diseases such as Cataracts.

No one is against Science here buddy, unless you are trying to push the Darwins evolution theory here...

I suggest you brush up on the basics of Islam and learn what it means to submit to the will of God before you cry Wahhabism and Salafism.


As i live and breathe
Alt right? Sxb, the alt right have a raging hate boner for Somalis. Like, they hate madows but for some reason they hate us 10x more, and it's kind of amusing tbh.
How dumb do you have to be to not be able to distinguish arabs and Islam? Anyways, praying and being muslim in general is in your best interest.
At the end of the day, you don't bring any good to anyone or to Allah by being a muslim. it's all for you sxb.
if you are convinced being agnostic is the way to go, go ahead.
I'd advise you to go back and rediscover your faith.
Man I had a feeling this guy would come up with a crazy tangent.

Sxb @Bidaar Wanagsan I will not entertain your meaningless tactics. You are extremely transparent, I can see right through what you are trying to get at.

This whole "Reformation" of islam that you are trying to push here is nothing but modifying the religion to succumb to your whims and desires. You claim to drink and sleep around with females. Of course you would want to reform Islam to suit your desires.

Islam in its essence means to Submit to the will of God. If you can't understand the basic meaning of Islam then what is the point of reading up on the works of scholars such as Ibn Taymiyyah Rahimahullah and passing judgements on him when you behave like a typical Gaal ?

And how exactly do I have a problem with Science ? The Quran contains many miracles and has mentioned the expansion of the Universe, how the embryo forms and many more. Many Muslim Scientists and Doctors made advances in the Scientific world from creating Chemistry to curing eye diseases such as Cataracts.

No one is against Science here buddy, unless you are trying to push the Darwins evolution theory here...

I suggest you brush up on the basics of Islam and learn what it means to submit to the will of God before you cry Wahhabism and Salafism.
You didn't answer my questions. Typical Salafi. They always flee in terror when you ask basic questions about aqeeda. How can evolution be Darwin's ideas when it was discovered by Muslim scientists 900 years before Darwin? Scholars like Muhammad al-Nakhshabi and al-Jahiz explained the mechanisms of natural selection when Europeans were still creationists. It is the Salafis who reformed Islam from a progressive and scientific religion into a science denying terrorist movement. I suggest you watch this Islamic explanation of evolution:



Death Awaits You
I came to the US at the age of 14 so I was very conservative but after I started going to college learned more about science/psychology, I started using my rational mind to question and be critical at my thinking. Religious rules/practices and teachings are nothing but a story in a book.


Why do people claim the quran has science? the quran isn't a book that deals with science for god sakes. Embryology is one they always throw up, you think people at that time didn't have miscarriages and could see the fetus and what it is made of a blood like clot which is exactly how it describes it? They also throw out the expansion of the universe and the big bang? If the big bang was truly mentioned in the quran, the quran wouldn't speak about how the earth was formed before the sky. How can you have an earth where there is no space to hold it?

β€œHe it is Who created for you all that is on earth. Then He Istawa (rose over) towards the heaven and made them seven heavens and He is the All-Knower of everything”

[al-Baqarah 2:29]

Even there salafi scholars are in agreement the earth was created first. They don't see the huge implication this has for big bang in the quran? You need the heavens first created so that provides a space where the planets can be contained in.


Islam to me isn't a scientific book, it isn't a book about this world. It's a book that focuses on the next life and uses examples from this life to relate to us the deeper meaning of our purpose here. It's got nothing to do with science, how to create a govt, human rights, and all that. We are to use our intelligence and reasoning to deal with earthly matters or else why in the world would allah give us a brain if we are not to use it?. That's why in the quran it explicitly states that 'every nation punishes itself first by it's own works".

We are the ones responsible for the state islam and muslims are in today!!! That's why every society has ups and downs and we are in our downward trajectory spiral. If you don't believe this and think the situation of islam is good, then explain why a non muslim is protecting mecca? America funds the Saudis, if that doesn't tell you something has gone totally wrong with the Ummah, then I am not sure what will!!!


I personally lean towards the side of god existence mainly for the fact using atheist arguments. They say since there is no evidence of god, there must be no god. I say just because there is no evidence for something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. There is no evidence I had a dream last night, doesn't equate to I had no dream just cause there is lack of evidence. Our own minds are very limited in my opinion and just because we can't grasp something or prove it we tend to rule it out. We have done that time and time again.

For example for centuries the world thought the earth is flat, just because there was a lack of evidence to prove the world was round doesn't mean the earth was flat. You see how we rule out things just because it is beyond our scope.

I honestly think if we could prove god it would go against religion purpose which is 'faith'. If something is proven 100% there is no need to have faith anymore. Example, I don't need faith to believe the sun exists, because there is sufficient evidence before my eyes the sun exists. Therefore you can't really test me on my faith if I already know something exists. It is no different to god, if we theists proved god existence, it would mean the end of faith and testing and the whole purpose of religion. But those stupid Salafists don't see the destructive path they are taking Islam towards especially with their 'science' is in islam trying to prove allah existence not knowing the huge implications it would have for islam and faith and testing.

I tell atheists, if I proved my god with evidence, it would mean there would be no point to having a religion or faith anymore which would work out in their favor. So I prefer to use proof from like 'dreams' how we enter different realms and conscious states while asleep or how mentally ill people are in different conscious state to what we are in. I honestly believe there is many worlds or realities so to speak and it doesn't have to mean a worldly planet but consciousness, one person can see and hear stuff(mentally ill) that you can't. You all can enter dream like states and into different types of consciousness.
Why do people claim the quran has science? the quran isn't a book that deals with science for god sakes. Embryology is one they always throw up, you think people at that time didn't have miscarriages and could see the fetus and what it is made of a blood like clot which is exactly how it describes it? They also throw out the expansion of the universe and the big bang? If the big bang was truly mentioned in the quran, the quran wouldn't speak about how the earth was formed before the sky. How can you have an earth where there is no space to hold it?

β€œHe it is Who created for you all that is on earth. Then He Istawa (rose over) towards the heaven and made them seven heavens and He is the All-Knower of everything”

[al-Baqarah 2:29]

Even there salafi scholars are in agreement the earth was created first. They don't see the huge implication this has for big bang in the quran? You need the heavens first created so that provides a space where the planets can be contained in.


Islam to me isn't a scientific book, it isn't a book about this world. It's a book that focuses on the next life and uses examples from this life to relate to us the deeper meaning of our purpose here. It's got nothing to do with science, how to create a govt, human rights, and all that. We are to use our intelligence and reasoning to deal with earthly matters or else why in the world would allah give us a brain if we are not to use it?. That's why in the quran it explicitly states that 'every nation punishes itself first by it's own works".

We are the ones responsible for the state islam and muslims are in today!!! That's why every society has ups and downs and we are in our downward trajectory spiral. If you don't believe this and think the situation of islam is good, then explain why a non muslim is protecting mecca? America funds the Saudis, if that doesn't tell you something has gone totally wrong with the Ummah, then I am not sure what will!!!
Excellent. The Quran is a book about spirituality, not about science, or mathematics, or geography, or politics. Christians started the trend of saying the Bible was full of scientific truths, and then Muslim and Hindu preachers emulated their example to prove how modern and edgy they could be too. And then there was a craze for proving that the number 19 has a miraculous role in the Quran popularised by Rashad Khalifa and then supported by Ahmed Deedat.

When you look at the so-called scientific miracles, they turn out to be fraudulent. The Qur'anic verse which is allegedly about the Big Bang says Allah separated the heavens and the earth. That's not how physics describes the creation of the universe because the earth was formed billions of years after the Big Bang, after the formation of matter and energy and nebulae. It's a false interpretation. Another verse they claim is a scientific miracle is the one that says Allah created mountains to stop the earth from shaking. If that was true, there would be no earthquakes. As for the embryology stuff, open a biological textbook and you will see there are many, many steps in the evolution of a zygote to a baby that is not covered by the Qur'an. Why would it when it was revealed to illiterate Stone Age people who did not have ultrasound?

Many websites have debunked these so-called miracles but they are perpetuated by Zakir Naik and other Christian wannabes. They even claim that Western scientists have converted to Islam because of these miracles which have been denied by those very scientists:

The effect of all this stuff is that when they are debunked, Muslims who put their faith in it will leave Islam because they were sold a false bill of goods. The Qur'an is about man's relation to God. Not about conducting tests in laboratories or running a political system.


The last suugo bender
You would be praying to a god that accepts prayer in Arabic. What are the odds that an all powerful being such as god behaves like a 7th century desert despot? Maybe because he was and he successfully duped you and millions. How do you balance your alt-right stuff with praying in Arabic to a god who only accepts those prayers in Arabic?

That awkward moment when you DON'T have to pray to your lord in arabic you fool , the prayers the prophet uttered where in arabic , go figure that was the only langauge he knew so these strict orthodox muslims say it MUST therefore be in arabic and nothing else , my grandma a religious old woman makes her tawbah and dua's in plain somali,

so much nonsense everyday :lawd:

ALL the prophets were sent to different nations , all supplicated to their lord from Lut , to Hud to haruun , to yahya and zakariah to Ibrahim and muusa , then Cissa and hundreds more , are you then telling me they all spoke arabic?? nah gerrara here with that foolishness.
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Intellectual saqajaan
That awkward moment when you DON'T have to pray to your lord in arabic you fool , the prayers the prophet uttered where in arabic , go figure that was the only langauge he knew so these strict orthodox muslims say it MUST therefore be in arabic and nothing else , my grandma a religious old woman makes her tawbah and dua's in plain somali,

so much nonsense everyday :lawd:

ALL the prophets were sent to different nations , all supplicated to their lord from Lut , to Hud to haruun , to yahya and zakariah to Ibrahim and muusa , then Cissa and hundreds more , are you then telling me they all spoke arabic?? nah gerrara here with that foolishness.
You pray in Somali :lol: Run that by your local ulemma. Better yet, translate Quran into Somali and pray that way :lol: :troll:
That awkward moment when you DON'T have to pray to your lord in arabic you fool , the prayers the prophet uttered where in arabic , go figure that was the only langauge he knew so these strict orthodox muslims say it MUST therefore be in arabic and nothing else , my grandma a religious old woman makes her tawbah and dua's in plain somali,

so much nonsense everyday :lawd:
Preach it sis. Allah created all languages and understands them all. None is better than another. Those who say Arabic is the language of the prophet are ignorant of the fact Allah says he sent a messenger to every people so there have been prophets who spoke African, Chinese, and European languages.

I love it when they say that Arabic is superior than other languages. What this amounts to is that God is so incompetent that he cocked up all the languages he made except for one. The rest were failures. Only Arab supremacists claim that their language is best. There's nothing Islamic about their speech, their national dress, or their culture. All should be discarded like a used condom.
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