I have seen many times people claiming Harar to be the fourth holiest city in Islam. Why is this the case?

Honestly if there is one thing that seems to define the history of somalis in the last 2 centuries it's erasure. You have people who legitimately don't know how large of a somali presences there was in ethiopia,the swahili coast and yemen. Or if they do it's reduced to them just being irrelevant. I was in momba a week ago. When I went to fort Jesus the tour guide was talking about how the omanis renovated the place and put up pictures and signs talking about omani influence but nothing on their involvement in the slave trade. He also casually mentioned how the omanis ruled mogadishu when my family brought up said bargash and how somalis were also slaves.

The problem is today we have modern Fadhi Ku Dirir merchants who actively try to promote their clan fake enclaves and regions wether they are reer barawa, reer benadir, reer waaqoyi(so called landers), reer bari(puntland), reer konfuur, reer bay, reer gedo etc to dunk on other Somalis. Like you said in the other thread.

They are not in the real interest of writing real Somali history in service of Somalis as a whole or study their past to expand and learn more about their current situation and self. But will align themselves with false orientalist garbage aimed to rationalise european occupation, even ethiopian fake history(which we all come to learn recently is fiction) aimed at expanding this fantasy empire that never existed or even fabricate stuff to advance their specific regional/clan interests like that Mukhar guy i shared to you. Rather than connecting us , they work to disconnect us.

They will go so far as to ally themselves with British and Ethiopian communities and people who's public policies was always motivated towards our destruction because were are seen as vanguards of Islam in the region and we occupied the most advantagous geography.

Somalis also handicapped by grudges linked to the civil war, they let spill over into this. Like everything we are , or have been in the past is predicated on that tragedy. They don't see it for the reality that it is, a proxy war aimed at dividing us and we are victims of it.

I don't think there has been a full erasure because a lot of the history and information is there, it's up to Somalis to collect ,share and educate their own. Also bring those corrections in a fair balanced fact based manner. We can't do anything about what is destroyed or lost though, so that is a shame.

That last thing you mentioned about slavery is just standard Africans projecting their reality onto Somalis because they hate Islam and Arabs. They sold their own people into slavery, we didn't. Their biggest industry was them slave raiding eachother, it's an uncomfortable reality for them to deal with, so they externalize all of the blame to Arabs and it's also a narrative they inherited by Europeans who want to demonize Islam.
Whether you share the real history to them or not is not going to matter , they gonna deny it anyways.

Taking a Somali or selling them as a slave was pretty much illegal/forbidden and punishable in Omani/Zanzibari law. As we belonged to an unenslaveable race
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The problem is today we have modern Fadhi Ku Dirir merchants who actively try to promote their clan fake enclaves and regions wether they are reer barawa, reer benadir, reer waaqoyi(so called landers), reer bari(puntland), reer konfuur, reer bay, reer gedo etc to dunk on other Somalis. Like you said in the other thread.

They are not in the real interest of writing real Somali history in service of Somalis as a whole or study their past to expand and learn more about their current situation and self. But will align themselves with false orientalist garbage aimed to rationalise european occupation, even ethiopian fake history(which we all come to learn recently is fiction) aimed at expanding this fantasy empire that never existed or even fabricate stuff to advance their specific regional/clan interests like that Mukhar guy i shared to you. Rather than connecting us , they work to disconnect us.

They will go so far as to ally themselves with British and Ethiopian communities and people who's public policies was always motivated towards our destruction because were are seen as vanguards of Islam in the region and we occupied the most advantagous geography.

Somalis also handicapped by grudges linked to the civil war, they let spill over into this. Like everything we are , or have been in the past is predicated on that tragedy. They don't see it for the reality that it is, a proxy war aimed at dividing us and we are victims of it.

I don't think there has been a full erasure because a lot of the history and information is there, it's up to Somalis to collect ,share and educate their own. Also bring those corrections in a fair balanced fact based manner. We can't do anything about what is destroyed or lost though, so that is a shame.

That last thing you mentioned about slavery is just standard Africans projecting their reality onto Somalis because they hate Islam and Arabs. They sold their own people into slavery, we didn't. Their biggest industry was them slave raiding eachother, it's an uncomfortable reality for them to deal with, so they externalize all of the blame to Arabs and it's also a narrative they inherited by Europeans who want to demonize Islam.
Whether you share the real history to them or not is not going to matter , they gonna deny it anyways.

Taking a Somali or selling them as a slave was pretty much illegal/forbidden and punishable in Omani/Zanzibari law. As we belonged to an unenslaveable race
I dont really buy into all the iq stuff that much. But sometime when I see how these people will basically embaress themselves and create pseudohistory like how other somalis where enslaved but they weren't just for FKD not realizing how mentally ill they look doing that makes me question their intelligence.

Another thing weird thing about somalis smd history is that you have people who have a more accurate version or understanding of stuff like how harar used to be somali. But you don't really see them talking about it or correcting people like they're indifferent to whatever people are saying about it.
Finally i am also starting to wonder if the earlier Amirs of Harar were just Somalis before the Gurage oromo Emir took over the title of Emir. @Emir of Harar @Midas @Shimbiris. @Emir of Zayla

Here it is mentioned by a visitor in 1840.

Another source that speaks more on this:


Before this happened many of the Somali Harar Amirs had actively fought, pushed back against oromo's and subdued them for 2 centuries. These are information from recovered documents

Amiir Ahmed bin Abu Bakr (1756-1783)
For nearly 30 years, he led a Jihad against the Oromos his conquests are commemorated in inscriptions partially destroyed by the Shewan.

His his successor Abd al Shakur (1783-1794) would later dispatch Somali Shaykhs to build mosques in the conquered Oromo invaded territories like inBale where Oromos still visit to this day. He is remembered for a period of peace and prosperity where he was able to carry out many administrative reforms thanks to Ahmed bin Abu bakr's conquests,


Amiir Ahmed bin Muhammad (1794-1820)

He followed on Ahmed bin Abu bakr's footsteps and resumed the punitive expeditions on the Oromo tribes for a little more than two decades


The Jihad stopped and it fell into the hands of the traitor Emir Ahmed bin Abu bakr II (1852-1856) who usurped power through marriage alliance and adoption with the Gurage-Oromo who he allowed them to penetrate and flood the city and the surounding province, he also jailed his uncle Abdurrahman during a civil uprising against him. This is around the time of Richard Burton's visit by the way and this set the stage for the weakening of the Emirate,
Just like that other source above i qouted said ''Today it's lost its ancient splendour'' ''The race of gran(Ahmed Gurey) is destroyed (meaning the Somalis)''

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@Laser made an extended researched post on this. Both Oromo and Hararis knew and understood that they were Gurage , up until recently when they constructed this fake Harari ethnicity. They kept concious trail and connection with it.

Another source from 1841 by a visitor describing the 12-14.000 inhabitants as Somalis

Another source that speaks more on this:


Then after this, Menelik came to slaugthered unarmed Somali inhabitants.

We were massacred a second time in 1913 in Harar:

@Midas @Shimbiris @NidarNidar
Things tipped in a different direction first with the Gurage-Oromo Adopted Emir, that took control of the city & overran us, then 2nd with Menelik came to wipe us out and then last the Iyasu failed revolt. Somalis were legit ethnically cleansed from our central city like damnnnn:francis: and not only was our scholars, generational inhabitants brutally murdered, but our libraries burnt to ashes, our mosques turned to Churches, it's only through the efforts by Enrico Cerruli historical rescue operations that we have the few medieval chronicles that was kept by Somalis families in Harar.

Ethiopians also looted a lot of our treasures , from our ancestors and actively display it in their museum like the armour of Sultan Badlay and the fines robes of Imam Ahmed that @Emir of Zayla showed . We practically went through a cultural genocide and replacement, it's insane to think about.

It was all aided by the British and the Italians. The Italians pressured Menelik to invade Harar as a revenge for most of their Italian top politicans being murderd by Somalis and the british provided cover and millitary support for him, while trying to actively disarm Somalis and forced Egyptians we called in for protection to pull out, which left us defenseless.
It wasn't just Somalis who suffered from his conquests, Oromos, Omotics, Nilotics, and more were all victims to his expansions which he framed as a colonization effort. It is estimated that up to 5 million people were killed after his conquests, crazy stuff.
It wasn't just Somalis who suffered from his conquests, Oromos, Omotics, Nilotics, and more were all victims to his expansions which he framed as a colonization effort. It is estimated that up to 5 million people were killed after his conquests, crazy stuff.

He didn't really expand passed Harar and was protected by the British inside the city and later Italians.

Every conquest Menelik/Ethiopians tried to undertake everywhere else in Ogaden resulted in his defeat and humiliation at the hands of Somalis. Every single one.


They couldn't even leave the city walls of Harar in fear of Somalis
I dont really buy into all the iq stuff that much. But sometime when I see how these people will basically embaress themselves and create pseudohistory like how other somalis where enslaved but they weren't just for FKD not realizing how mentally ill they look doing that makes me question their intelligence.

Another thing weird thing about somalis smd history is that you have people who have a more accurate version or understanding of stuff like how harar used to be somali. But you don't really see them talking about it or correcting people like they're indifferent to whatever people are saying about it.
The funny thing about calling us Low IQ is that throughout the history of us that i read about us they always seem to characterize us as very intelligent people but say the exact opposite about other Africans in comparison, throughout the early modern period even in the 1800-1900s.

Somalis intelligence in relation to Oromos

Somalis intelligence in relation to compared to Afar tribes


Somalis compared to other Kenyan Africans in NFD

Even in the middle ages Muslim authors say this about us , while comparing us to Muslim Africans in Mali and other Africans.

'''The Land of Zayla...its a very hot country the colour of its people is closer to brown.. their hair is not as peppery as the people of Mali, and their intelligence is sharper than others and their nature is more intelligent''

So the perception was always that we were very intelligent people and enterprising people and we were the most literate as well in the region. The average nomad(Bedouin) away from the cities and towns could even read and write.

The Low IQ perception was only born out of the civil war, when we supported and housed traitors that made war against other Somalis and invited in outsiders. And our collapse was used to connect us to the wider African disparity, which were historical not apart of.

Somalis don't understand those people are planted subversions by external kuffar enemies, who are in it for themselves. Just like that Harar traitor Emir Abu Bakr , who was a plant by Gurage Oromo inserted to divide Somalis in Harar, made war against Somalis and his family even. He betrayed the cause. As a result we fell from prosperity to weakening in short time.

I think Somalis were still conscious about Harar being a central Somali city until very recent, because both the SYL and Kacaan government were poised to retake it and make it our capital in the newly formed Islamic Somali republic. Bari/Hobyo Sultans were ready to send 50.000 troops and sent them arms/rifles to defend it.

Somalis today are different they only care about local unuka leh of their tuulo and fake clan regions they attach ''land'' next to. When we say ''Ragu waa ragi hore'' it's no lie.
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There’s other groups in the horn not just Somalis also Harla were the first in the harar plateau and harari is a new ethnicity

Harla was 1 single Somali darood clan that lived between hawash and at end the of upper shabelle. They didn't even live in Harar. There is zero proof they was a seperate ethnicity as well.

Around the same place futuh places them:

There was multiple Somali agro-pastoral clans living in the hawash river around showa that acted as a border Baqulzar, Gatur, Warjac , Hargayah etc even sections of Geri were sedentary agro-pastoralists with Gedayah Geri in the showa area.

It is Oromo oral mythology that blows them up an makes them something more than they are and ascribes to them stuff they are not even responsible for building. There is no Harla kingdom at all, they were just 1 clan among many.

No sources says Somalis bordered Amharas

A recent Oxford academic study says Somalis pretty much dominated Showa and conquered the Amhara province and expanded from the Somali inhabited areas.. They are basing this on cultural and material evidence that connects it to Somali inhabited areas away from the highlands, as it underwent a cultural change.


This is pretty much confirmed by Al-Maqrizi who says the Walashma founders expanded from Jabarta and a local medieval chronicle document who detail them to be by from Awdal.

Al-Maqrizi literally says they came from northern Somalia (Jabarta region connected to Zeila) and gradually moved further inland to occupy Awfat.

Local manuscript on the History of Walashma confirms and details the same thing about them conquering Shoa and incorporating it with Awdal (Zeila province).

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♚Sargon of Adal♚
Written sources can only go so far back, there are modern-day ruins next to Dirdhiba called Harrala, that are similar to the ones in Awdal, and we need more archaeological digs and DNA testing on these sites.



Harala ruin


Amud ruin


Abasa ruin.

Dir a settlement which according to Huntingford, may conceivably be modern day Dire Dawa. Huntingford, Historical Geography of Ethiopia, p. 122. (p)

It is likely, however, that the majority of the population at Harlaa came from the local area. The ceramic data suggest interaction with the local population or, more likely, the presence of a local population at Harlaa using ceramics with which they were familiar. Some 20 534 sherds of locally made pottery have been recovered, compared with 331 sherds of imported pottery (Tait Reference Tait2020). All the local ceramics are handmade and appear to have been fired in open bonfires. They have a similar fabric composition, with poorly sorted, coarse inclusions up to 1mm in size, and rarer larger inclusions up to 5mm. While a source has yet to be identified, these ceramics appear to have been produced using local clays. Earthenware/plainware (Figure 10A), usually red, comprise the largest proportion of wares (9725 sherds; 77.8 per cent), with black/brown burnished wares also relatively common (2250 sherds; 18 per cent), followed by light brown (369 sherds; 3 per cent) (Figure 10B). Other wares include black slipped with a red fabric (58 sherds; 0.5 per cent) and light brown slipped with a black fabric (nine sherds; 0.1 per cent) (Tait Reference Tait2020). Only 380 sherds (2.46 per cent) are decorated. Incised decoration (125 sherds; 32.9 per cent of decorated sherds) of simple horizontal lines or rows of dashes, or punctate (dot) decoration (73 sherds; 19.5 per cent) feature on all ware types. The most common decorative style (140 sherds; 36.8 per cent) is roughened line decoration, consisting of straight or zig-zag lines added to burnished wares after burnishing, but prior to firing (Figure 10C). The significance of this technique is unclear.

Vessel forms included carinated bowls (Figure 10B), bowls, jugs and jars with ring bases, large storage vessels (Figure 10A) and bowls with multiple legs attached to a flat plate or ring—so-called ‘stand bases’ (Figure 10D). Nine broad-rim categories have been identified, with simple (656 sherds; 40.9 per cent) (Figure 10C & E) and flat (459 sherds; 28.6 per cent) rims (Figure 10A & F) being the most common (Tait Reference Tait2020). Affinities exist with ceramic assemblages from both non-Muslim and Islamic sites. Carinated bowls and globular-bodied jars from Harlaa are of types also found at the Raré and Sourré-Kabanawa burial tumuli in the Chercher Mountains (Joussaume Reference Joussaume1980: 102, Reference Joussaume2014: 103–104), and pierced lug handles and grooved- and pricked-rim decoration resemble local ceramics from medieval Islamic town-sites in Somaliland, on the trade route from Harlaa to the Red Sea coast (see Curle Reference Curle1937; González-Ruibal et al. Reference González-Ruibal, de Torres, Franco, Ali, Shabelle, Barrio and Aideed2017).

Chercher, now called Chiro, was taken over by Oromo since the 16th century, has a sizable Gadabuursi community(Dir) in the city, who live with the Ittu Oromo Muslims and Jarso.

The edible crops identified at Harlaa, such as Hordeum sp. and Triticum sp., are suggestive of further population complexity. Crop remains that are local to Ethiopia, such as Teff (Eragrostis tef) and finger millet (Eleusine coracana), are notably absent. This situation is comparable with cultural development in northern Ethiopia, where the contemporaneous agricultural system was dominated by the cultivation of wheat, barley, legumes (e.g. Pisum abyssinicum, Lens culinaris, Cicer arietinum) and oil crops (e.g. Sesamum indicum, Linum usitatissimum), all of Middle Eastern origin (Beldados et al. Reference Beldados, Zewdu and Insoll2019). Zooarchaeological evidence also supports the existence of a cosmopolitan religious community or religious non-observance; warthog (Phacochoerus sp.) or bushpig (Potamochoerus sp.) would not likely have been consumed by observant Muslims. At Harlaa, the proportions of goat, cattle and sheep elements, along with the butchery evidence, resemble those found at multiple Islamic-period sites in Arabia, Mesopotamia and Iberia (c. eleventh to sixteenth centuries). This also suggests the presence of individuals at Harlaa who followed a more orthodox Muslim diet (Gaastra & Insoll Reference Gaastra and Insoll2020).


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Written sources can only go so far back, there are modern-day ruins next to Dirdhiba called Harrala, that are similar to the ones in Awdal, and we need more archaeological digs and DNA testing on these sites.

Written sources are more preferred. Went over it in another thread that there is no merit behind the Harla attributions and it's purely an Oromo invented mythology borrowed back and combined with local ones. The ruins were built by the state and who used local Somali man power. Not by one agro-pastoral clan, who btw didn't even live in some of those areas.

Read through these posts.:
I also don't think they are responsible for building the towns and ruined stone settlements. The act of building of towns and mosques etc is described in Futuh and a diverse group of state actors are tasked with the job with no mention given to Harla:

With Abu Bakr were forty knights from Balaw, with the sum Sakr and the sum Muhammad. He pacified it and its people remained on as peasant farmers for them. He built towns in it, and mosques.

Over it, the imam appointed Garad Sabr ad-Din,and built towns and mosques in it that are there today.' He also appointed Farasaham 4 All along with Farasaham Sultan, 'Adil, Samsu
and Takla over the land of Darha87' which extends from Bagemder to Gojjam. He
built towns and mosques there,
and its people remained on as peasant fanners for

the Muslims.
Which isn't all that surprising you need capital investments , wealth and resources to build stone structures. So it's either wealthy individuals/merchants or the state who assemble money through taxation/commercial activity and who can acquire resources/man power to commission the building projects.

These stones structures and settlements continue spread out into Northern Somalia and those ones are not attributed to Harla and there is no local traditions mentioning them in the area.

Harla in historical sources are described as a sedentary agro-pastoral darood group living between the fertile upper shabelle river and awash plains

The attribution of those sites and others to them solely lie in mostly Oromos who expanded into the fertile plains where Harla was the dominant group among many other clans(who are also mentioned in Futuh) and assimilated them.

It would be equivalent to Oromos penetrating into the fertile rivers between Shabelle and Juba and assimilating the different raxanweyn & hawiye clans where the sedentary Geledi clan was dominant in the area in the 1800s and start attributing all the stuff in the area to Geledi. You get me?

They can't tell you anything when all they can tell you is who they remember was there before them last,
That's why it's more important to rely on historical documents than solely oral stories and oral stories tend to also be borrowed into neighboring groups as well, this is how the Taallo Tiriyaad (Monuments of Tirii) tradition has morphed into it

The author is wrong as well because he is trying locate the ruins inside oral stories by late comers (Oromo's) , which is then borrowed back into it's neighbors(Somali). When he needs to contextualize and prioritize written documented history to explain them and oral history can be used to compliment our understandings.

For example one of the ruins they named Harla was actually called Hoobad we know this from written texts that mention this walled city and it's named after a slope where it sits. It was a large cosmopolitan city and it was tied to the Awfat/Awdal or Walashma/Sa'ad Din polities. But if you asked the Oromos they can't tell you this, they just call random stuff harla. A piece of random rock laying there is Harla to them.

They are not tied to 1 specific lineage grouping like Harla. The harla nonsense is mythology, there is no harla kingdom or civilization.

It's also important to explain what goes into building of stones structures: It requires considerable amount of wealth, direction , control of resources, transportation, time investment, a large labor pool of workers, expertise, maintenance and it's projects undertaken by wealthy individuals or ruling elites who act's as patrons. It's not something one clan can be responsible for or peasant farmers.

The fact that villages/hamlets had houses made out of stones and not just cities and small towns should tell you how wealthy they got in that period and how expertise/resources was invested into a wider country side and not just concentrated in town centers.

The elders don't live past 100 years, so what they say is less reliable when it comes to events dealing with 500 years or so unless its backed by historical texts, because what's been passed by the word of mouth can be a subject to change and adoption . Especially when a new group moves or some disturbance happens.

The Harla attribution has been borrowed back into Somali from Oromos who came into the area and it blended in with Taallo Tiriyaad '' Monuments of Tirii '' Stories.

If you aren't familiar with the Monuments of Tiiri tradition this article is an introduction. https://www-bbc-com.translate.goog/...6kpo?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US

It features the same trope that they were mysterious giants who were cursed and built stone monuments:

And when they excavated those sites in Somaliland they just found recent Somali remains in them : and cautioned others not to lightly accept traditions which purport to deal with events of 500 or more years ago.

And even in NFD and Southern Somalia they tell the same story about a giants race of people being builders of stone works , monuments and wells but calls them Madanle: instead of Tiiri

This is the oral story they tell about Harla:

How can we tell it's been borrowed? Because the ''Taalo Tiiriyaad'' story is mentioned in all of Northern Somalia, and Madanle in the south and in those parts no mentions are given to Harla. They don't even connect them to it, but it features the same trope about giants being credited to build stuff etc.

It's specific to the Harar uplands where Oromo's expanded into . It has nothing to do with Harla sultanate , scholars bringing Islam or even Harla people, it just mythology and legends about pagan tribes being cursed and are giants before the founding of the Muslim tribes.

In the historical documents that relate to Harla, no mentions are given to a Harla sultanate , their regions are mentioned to be on the upper edge of the Harar highlands and Awash valley.

And Hobaad in Futuh which is called Ganda Harla by Oromos , is not mentioned to be even ruled by them or them living there. And also Amda Sayeon chronicles mentioned a number of different clan identities such Warjax , Gabal pastoralists cheiftans ec alongside the occupational terms like Temur & Semur not just Harla. Which shows you there is no real specific prominence given to them over other tribes, they are just one among many.
The text i shared which details the genealogy
Thank you, I'll read more into it.

Also, doesn't the futuh seperate Somalis and Harlas on multiple occasions? I've seen that as an argument that the Harla were a seperate ethnicity because they had their own military wing
Thank you, I'll read more into it.

Also, doesn't the futuh seperate Somalis and Harlas on multiple occasions? I've seen that as an argument that the Harla were a seperate ethnicity because they had their own military wing
They did have their own military wing but that does not mean they were a separate ethnicity because we know from reading the Futuh they were led by Sultan Mohamed who was brother of amir Abu Bakr (Garaad of Hobat) and paternal cousin of Gurey. Fardowsa bint Ibrahim was the wife of Garaad Mataan of Geri who commanded the Somali devision. In a nutshell this family was tied to both divisions (Harla +Somali).

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Thank you, I'll read more into it.

Also, doesn't the futuh seperate Somalis and Harlas on multiple occasions? I've seen that as an argument that the Harla were a seperate ethnicity because they had their own military wing

It groups them with other Somali tribes in certain passages, in other passages they are grouped with the agro-pastoral clans and seperated, because the bedouin clans are headed by their own independant leaders while Harla along with the other sedentary ones are led by a one leader from Zarba a different clan.

So the speration is between bedouin and agro-pastoral sedentary clans. Not an ethnic one.
It's consistent with the distinction richard burton gives to Somalis in the area 500 years later.
Even in Futuh you can clearly see that Harla is just a Qabil and not an ethnicity. When they are mentioned alongside other clans , for example in this passage

Unless you also want to believe that Habr Maqdi and Geri are ethnicities also. You can't make any other sense of it.

Anyone positing that they are ethio-semetic will have hard time arguing that point. There is no ethio-semetic group divided into somali sub-clan structure . Not even the harari. Did they just delete the sub-clans that are mentioned in Futuh?

Harla and the other sedentary clans mentioned in Futuh are described as:
- As being joint led by 1 Sultan
- Harla is led by a Sultan/Leader from another tribe Zarba and not their own.

- ''Soomals''(Bedouin) clans are led each by their own independent Emirs.

This is exactly the same way in which Richard Burton explains the distinction between Sedentary Somali clans and Nomadic/Bedouin clans in the same area nearly 400 years later.



Somebody asked me the same question a previous thread: Have a read to a more detailed answer i gave:
They make occupational distinctions not ethnic ones since they are written as a connected group
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@Idilinaa @Step a side Now I'm curious about the Harla language/linguistics

IIRC, Richard Burton once stated he found a group in Somalia that spoke Af-Harlaad however I'm hoping for something more concrete and contemporary. Can you guys give me any Harla that had Somali namea or had Somali linguistic influences?
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Harla itself is a Somali name, i remember someone around here shared a source on it but can't really find it anymore.

Aside from that i don't think we have mentions of many Harla individuals from the past.
Really? The Futuh talks a lot about the Harla and name drops plenty of them but many seem to have Arabic or Ethiosemitic names

Not that the name is super important here, I'm hoping to find sources of the Harla having Somali linguistic affinity
Really? The Futuh talks a lot about the Harla and name drops plenty of them but many seem to have Arabic or Ethiosemitic names

Not that the name is super important here, I'm hoping to find sources of the Harla having Somali linguistic affinity

It don't think they are ethiosemetic, but if even if they are, there are literally Somalis in Futuh like from the Marehan clan and other with Ethiosemetic names like Dawit and Goita Tedros so that doesn't prove anything, but the rest just inviduals with arabic names we all posses.

You are not going to find linguistic affinity in Futuh because he hardly gives any word from the language aside from mentioning ''Webi'' as a river in the language people use. or the use of certain Somali titles like Garad and Aw.

But yeah there is a post made in a seperate thread about the survivng Harla daroods dialect
You can read here:
@Idilinaa @Step a side Now I'm curious about the Harla language/linguistics

IIRC, Richard Burton once stated he found a group in Somalia that spoke Af-Harlaad however I'm hoping for something more concrete and contemporary. Can you guys give me any Harla that had Somali namea or had Somali linguistic influences?
The problem is that Futuh was not written by a Somali. The author makes few mistakes like claiming Garad Abun was Gurey’s brother (was actually his cousin). His real name is Garad Abun ibn Adash. Adash was brother of Ibrahim and the main competing lineage. Wesen Seged calls him the brother of Gurey he served under him, his maternal side are from Zarba like Sultan Mohamed.

Not too sure about these associations Hangool is making but he does come from galbeed and did find a lot of similarities with the sub sub Karanle tribes over there and some of the Harla mentioned in the Futuh

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