I have started to notice something very strange

I am just messing with you. Why will I leave my loving gf to someone I met on internet Who frequently disagrees with my opinions and gives me qashin regularly. Us two are not even on the same page on life huuno.
I dont appreciate the tone
But good on ya
I hope she loves you forever and ever
Isku waara


The bit, I am talking to @Hals is trolling, but my gf is an Israeli Jew wallahi. She came here for university. No, I am Ogaden not MJ
Lakhaim waryaa, just don’t start wearing the hat or getting dreads and leave her after your done with her. Man there’s so many haliimos but you had to go after a jew of all people smh. I’m praying for you man seems like she controlling you


I was interrogated the other day while waiting for a friend outside the flat building , meanwhile I leaning on the car , looking at a snap this sexy girl sent me, I was halfway rolling a joint , bumping my head to the bass loudspeakers playing in the car this oday came up to me in the middle of nowhere and said " Waryaa, Timo Raamo, markasta adiga balaayo duubanaya lagu arki qoloma tahay adiga "
On my mind I was like wtf , how dare you talk to me like that old man.
" Huh , whaz diz u zay, old man, me no unserstand , speak zi English pleaze" I replied with a heavy Ethiopian accent

The oday then replied " you are not Soomaali? Where are you kam faram my fareendi? aar been badana wuxuu".

I said " no , man I am itopyan my brazar , Somali and Itopyan are brazars okay"

"Aaar waa Xabashi uraye , balaayo kugu dhacday, injirley walaalo ma nihin, meel daran ka bax " He replied in Amharic" አንተ ከየት ነህ?"

Shit what have I got myself into , I just wanted to fake being qolo kale
it turned out the old man was an ONLF prisoner and no stranger to Amharic Language.

he had the audacity to ask wether I was Amhara , Tigray or Oromo in Amharic kkkkk qabyaaladiiste buu ahaa

i said I was a Tigrayan , I was playing dumb and overestimated the oday , I thought he'd walk away once I said that , but then this is what happened " Ataqmalk Qaqnalelk Tigrigna , Duxum Qacltzhesh asta Mekelle?"
I was shocked holy shit , I didn't know what to do , a Geeljire speaking Tigrigna , I tried keeping a straight face.

I said " my braza, nice to meet zi you, me have some plaze to be"

He then gave me an angry stare " Waryaa! Stop !Atazaqzaq xayyhki kukh tum kaqla , what kind of tigray not speak his language , kan waa beenaale biyo ismarin "

Then the friend I was waiting , just appeared with two hotties , screaming in joy " Waryaa Rastavelli , Hala baashaalo" with bottles of champagne .

The oday then stared at us left and right in sheer disappointment and said " war balaayo niman arag " laughing hysterically


I looked at the friend and said war bacda ayaad nagu furtay f*ck is wrong with you nigga

All this just to avoid Qabiil question
Qabiil kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
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Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
In the past couple of months, I have met at least two odays who did not ask my Qabiil during our conversation. I found it strange but also upon talking to them, I have noticed that they also like to talk about general Somali well-being as a whole with no barriers.

This is very rare; where I am from, as the first thing an Oday would ask you is “Yaa Tahay” then instantly conjure up your whole life story.

In my opinion I think this is excellent and I have personally stopped identifying my qabiil years ago as a kid.

times are changing.
You've met unicorns my g, our odayaal are damaged goods. Everytime they see a somali it's a fight or flight thing for them, hence why they ask your qabiil. They're deciding whether to run away stay engaged in a conversation with you lol
You've met unicorns my g, our odayaal are damaged goods. Everytime they see a somali it's a fight or flight thing for them, hence why they ask your qabiil. They're deciding whether to run away stay engaged in a conversation with you lol
Exactly that, damaged worn out goods which must be replaced.

I propose that Politician age be capped at 50. If you reach that age, you have no business deciding the future of Somalia.


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
Exactly that, damaged worn out goods which must be replaced.

I propose that Politician age be capped at 50. If you reach that age, you have no business deciding the future of Somalia.
No necessarily bro, this just applies to our damaged odayaals. But generally the older the person the more wisdom and experience, which is lost on these odayaal.
No necessarily bro, this just applies to our damaged odayaals. But generally the older the person the more wisdom and experience, which is lost on these odayaal.
Outlawing old ones would at least be for 100 years + temporarily until we completely wipe out the violent minded odayaal and their brainwashed offsprings and replace with Young Somalis who want to take on the world instead of eachother.

Trust me, it will pay huge dividends.


To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
In the past couple of months, I have met at least two odays who did not ask my Qabiil during our conversation. I found it strange but also upon talking to them, I have noticed that they also like to talk about general Somali well-being as a whole with no barriers.

This is very rare; where I am from, as the first thing an Oday would ask you is “Yaa Tahay” then instantly conjure up your whole life story.

In my opinion I think this is excellent and I have personally stopped identifying my qabiil years ago as a kid.

times are changing.
It was heartwarming to read your post. Inshallah, destructive qabilism will become a thing of the past in Somalia.
I am Ogaden, we don’t even live in Somalia. We mostly live In Kenya and Ethiopia. Me and your dad will get along really nicely.

your not Ogaden, your a sheegat, Daalos with another fake account

Kulaha we dont live in somalia when Ogaden literally cleansed Jubaland from wardey in 1820s

sheegat buun ah, your stratagem and ruse will not work, try it on another forum

langab sheegat buun ah

Hassan mahat

I karbash wahabist salafis daily.
your not Ogaden, your a sheegat, Daalos with another fake account

Kulaha we dont live in somalia when Ogaden literally cleansed Jubaland from wardey in 1820s

sheegat buun ah, your stratagem and ruse will not work, try it on another forum

langab sheegat buun ah
War walahi I am Ogaden, most of my family are born in dhagaxbur .

Hassan mahat

I karbash wahabist salafis daily.
your not Ogaden, your a sheegat, Daalos with another fake account

Kulaha we dont live in somalia when Ogaden literally cleansed Jubaland from wardey in 1820s

sheegat buun ah, your stratagem and ruse will not work, try it on another forum

langab sheegat buun ah
We don’t mostly live in Somalia. The majority of us live In Ethiopia and Kenya.

Hassan mahat

I karbash wahabist salafis daily.
your a sheegat bro , stop it,

horta why is every sheegat claiming Mj and OG in here ?

is N&N paying yall to to divide and rule on these two clans?
How do you want me to proof it? I don’t know much about qabiils but my mom is right next to me. She can give me my whole abtirisimo.
How do you want me to proof it? I don’t know much about qabiils but my mom is right next to me. She can give me my whole abtirisimo.

Taban Jir Ogaden Looma Taliyo, its a pharse, Ogaden single handedly created somali poetry and invented all the mahmah, no one can contest this, that phrase means : a ten year old Ogaden does not need his hands held, meaning by age ten an OG boy is expected to be a man and one he comes from a superior race/ethnic group called Ogadeni Absame Kumade

get lost, kulaha my mother is next to me, how old are you lad? 7 years old?

please stay away from us and stop claiming my people, this is a warning or i will declare war on you, if you only knew who i am on this forum you will stay away,
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Hassan mahat

I karbash wahabist salafis daily.
Taban Jir Ogaden Looma Taliyo, its a pharse, Ogaden single handedly created somali poetry and invented all the mahmah, no one can contest this, that phrase means : a ten year old Ogaden does not need his hands held, meaning by age ten an OG boy is expected to be a man and one he comes from a superior race/ethnic group called Ogadeni Absame Kumade

get lost, kulaha my mother is next to me, how old are you lad? 7 years old?

please stay away from us and stop claiming my people, this is a warn or i will declare war on you, if you only knew who i am on this forum you will stay away,
Haye, saxiib I hope you have an amazing day.

