I have to say congratulations…. to Somaliland 🥳


♚Sargon of Adal♚
But it’s more so due to incompetence, than the former. All objectives could theoretically be accomplished even though reliance on foreign aid is rampant. SL is heavily reliant on their portion of foreign aid, yet they managed to have over half a dozen free and fair elections. Same could be said about many countries globally, it’s just certain leaders in Somalia are happy with the status quo. Somalia is currently a business, HSM and Farmajoo for explain, went into politics coming from a teaching and councilmen background to then becoming multimillionaire within a span of a few year. I’m afraid the status quo will remain until, leaders are actually held accountable for their actions.
That's why I said it needs to come from within, ICU was the natural solution to the mess in the South and it wasn't allowed to bloom due to the fear of it becoming the next Taliban.
Are we just gonna forget last 8 years quarrel
The current elected one and his fellow clan folks crying they got robbed last election and forming rebels.
Habar Awal will form a new rebel group. They want their own federal state. No more ictiraaf now that they ain’t in charge
roast of justin bieber lol GIF


But most African countries let alone Somalia can't do this and we did this with hardly any resources, Africa suffers because it's institutions are bad or in our case non-existent from a wider Somalia perspective.
Somalia again has yet to hold an election in which the general public gets to vote doesn’t really count .I agree with the part in which you said Africa suffers because it’s institutions are bad!
The only country in the Horn of Africa that has had multiple peaceful presidential elections and also peacful tranfer of power from one president another , it is truly remarkable. Congratulations to Abdirahman Mohamed Abdullahi! As a Samaroon from Awdal, I have to say im very proud of my country! 🎉🎉🎉

I don’t think you are a Samaroon. Not one single habro vote went to your Adeer’s party. You should go check what he posted on his X earlier today.