Brother I’m married with a kid. I got married in 2023 when I was 21 and my wife was 18 now my son will be reach 1 year by the end of the month. Anyhow I promise had my wife been 17 they would be no differences in the relationship. Also the “What is there to talk about” saying is so perplexing wym. Have you ever gotten to know someone before? Finding things to talk about is easy assuming you put in the time to get to know her.The fornication agenda has been rolling since like the sixties i guess there is nothing we can do about it, about the only good thing it brought was increased awareness of stds But with chastity that wouldn't even be an issue
I guess the way forward in the west is uphold somali dhaqan do your nikaax and dont engage with the system if you don't have to [i.e. dont legally marry if you dont have to]
Just look for people you can talk with because i promise you as a 20 something year old man (i assume) have absolutely zero things to talk with a sub 20 woman
Even one who is islamically adult
Getting married at 21 is crazy. Do you live in Somalia?Brother I’m married with a kid. I got married in 2023 when I was 21 and my wife was 18 now my son will be reach 1 year by the end of the month. Anyhow I promise had my wife been 17 they would be no differences in the relationship. Also the “What is there to talk about” saying is so perplexing wym. Have you ever gotten to know someone before? Finding things to talk about is easy assuming you put in the time to get to know her.
Getting married at 21 is crazy. Do you live in Somalia?
You’re married with a kid!?Brother I’m married with a kid. I got married in 2023 when I was 21 and my wife was 18 now my son will be reach 1 year by the end of the month. Anyhow I promise had my wife been 17 they would be no differences in the relationship. Also the “What is there to talk about” saying is so perplexing wym. Have you ever gotten to know someone before? Finding things to talk about is easy assuming you put in the time to get to know her.
Yea, well it's was derailed maliciously with lies.Did the thread get nuked?I didn't know mans could do that
I will never go off topic again