I Hope Her Husband Leaves Her After Saying This


Lol they actually don’t study men. The average young woman has a romanticized view of men and it’s one of the reasons why in Islam women needs Walis. If women don’t make this mistake women wouldn’t need a father to sus a man out lol.

One of the reasons some men dislike older women is due to the fact that the older you become, the more savvy you are to human nature including men. They’re less gullible and less likely to be lied to.

Interestingly enough, Islamic law in a sense that divorced women and even in the Maliki fiqh older virgin women don’t have as much wali restrictions when finding a partner compared to a young virgin due to being more competent.
Men dislike older women who have been around the block, because they are jaded out from all of their past experiences and have lost their innocent, feminine, positive nature. Women who are older but still chaste, are not different to younger girls.
Men dislike older women who have been around the block, because they are jaded out from all of their past experiences and have lost their innocent, feminine, positive nature. Women who are older but still chaste, are not different to younger girls.
I’m Muslim and Somali. I’m clearly talking about older girls who are chaste and Muslim. Gaals aren’t my concern.

Also, yes the older you become the more you’re able to sense B.S. I got married in my late 20s and when getting to know people I was able to sense B.S a mile away compared to my late teens and early 20s. Many young people are naive and Gullible same for men tbh and the older you become the more smarter. Thats what I meant. People’s brains are fully developed by 25 and tbh it’s nonsense for you to say that a young girl is the same mentally as an older woman. You a man aren’t the same as when you were 18 so I’m at a loss as to why you’d think it won’t be the same for women.

As for innocent postive nature, everyone should be positive but it’s a dog eat dog world and women should know this. Only a man with bad intentions would want a woman to be completely overly trusting. Girls with dads in their lives know this, your abo would the first man to warn you.


I’m Muslim and Somali. I’m clearly talking about older girls who are chaste and Muslim. Gaals aren’t my concern.

Also, yes the older you become the more you’re able to sense B.S. I got married in my late 20s and when getting to know people I was able to sense B.S a mile away compared to my late teens and early 20s. Many young people are naive and Gullible same for men tbh and the older you become the more smarter. Thats what I meant. People’s brains are fully developed by 25 and tbh it’s nonsense for you to say that a young girl is the same mentally as an older woman. You a man aren’t the same as when you were 18 so I’m at a loss as to why you’d think it won’t be the same for women.

As for innocent postive nature, everyone should be positive but it’s a dog eat dog world and women should know this. Only a man with bad intentions would want a woman to be completely overly trusting. Girls with dads in their lives know this, your abo would the first man to warn you.
My experience has been that women above 25 usually have some experience or baggage to be honest, just being Muslim doesn’t mean they are chaste. And it’s not just women, but Muslim men as well. The Muslim community in general. They’ve been in love before, had a boyfriend, had their heart broken etc.

I do want a girl who is overtly trusting, but I would also want her to be surrounded by family that protects her and makes sure that I’m the right guy for their daughter.


Also, yes the older you become the more you’re able to sense B.S. I got married in my late 20s and when getting to know people I was able to sense B.S a mile away compared to my late teens and early 20s. Many young people are naive and Gullible same for men tbh and the older you become the more smarter. Thats what I meant. People’s brains are fully developed by 25 and tbh it’s nonsense for you to say that a young girl is the same mentally as an older woman. You a man aren’t the same as when you were 18 so I’m at a loss as to why you’d think it won’t be the same for women.
Doesn’t matter if you are 18 or 25, if you have the same experience level then you will feel the same emotions as each other. You will get attached even more perhaps if you are older and been chaste because youve been alone for longer, you will value a good man or woman.
Doesn’t matter if you are 18 or 25, if you have the same experience level then you will feel the same emotions as each other. You will get attached even more perhaps if you are older and been chaste because youve been alone for longer, you will value a good man or woman.
The older you become the more things you see in other people’s lives and marriages and you learn from that. Alhamdulliah I’ve always been chaste and never had a haram relationship but before marriage I’ve had failed courtships and even engagement and I’ve learnt from that so it isn’t about being in a haram relationship or even getting your heart broken since I’ve never had my heart broken since I wasn’t emotionally invested since the talking was purely halal. The thing is, the older you become you become wiser in every aspect. Finances, relationships, work ect and you learn to sus people out more both male and females. Peoples brains fully develop by 25 and you simply make better decisions.

Example, the type of dumb nonsense an 18 yr old would let slide isn’t the same as a 25 yr old. Example an 18 yr old girl might not care about a man’s background or work since she thinks he’s good looking and nice. At 25 your standards are more sharper ect. I can image it’s the same for men.
A decent amount of red pillers online are single fathers. I would fully expect them to date other single mothers.

@Keep it a boqol @Kane
Being a single child free male that dates single mothers is insane behavior. Especially if your educated and financially stable. The single moms need to be left for the single fathers and broke ass niggas that need love.

There's plenty of childfree women to choose from these days.

That’s why I laugh at black pill dudes who think being over 6 feet, having good looks and a high income guarantees you any woman of your choice.Not understanding that mindset matters equally to both men and women.

This dude even though he is handsome, tall and well off, his mindset aka attitude could only afford him this single mother.
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Lol they actually don’t study men. The average young woman has a romanticized view of men and it’s one of the reasons why in Islam women needs Walis. If women don’t make this mistake women wouldn’t need a father to sus a man out lol.

One of the reasons some men dislike older women is due to the fact that the older you become, the more savvy you are to human nature including men. They’re less gullible and less likely to be lied to.

Interestingly enough, Islamic law in a sense that divorced women and even in the Maliki fiqh older virgin women don’t have as much wali restrictions when finding a partner compared to a young virgin due to being more competent.

Experience improves men but weakens women, that’s why it’s valued in men but not in women.

And most men avoided older women because all the emotional baggage they carry, not because of their wisdom lol.
Experience improves men but weakens women, that’s why it’s valued in men but not in women.

And most men avoided older women because all the emotional baggage they carry, not because of their wisdom lol.
I’m not talking about actual experience here. I’m talking about maturity, intelligence and wisdom. This is something both genders gain as they get older. The ability to sus people out. There is a reason why some men like it when a woman is not as intelligent. Easy to get one over.

Men too carry emotional baggage, so let’s not. Mens emotional baggage is worse. They’ll be rejected and then turn to incelnimo and redpill and harbor intense hatred for women, with some even go as far as shooting and killing. Women are definitely stronger when it comes to dealing with the opp Gen.

One thing you redpillers don’t understand is that the world of your fathers and grandfathers no longer exist. For example many of you lot believe women like older experienced men and you’re basing it on what was observed in the past. In the past women preferred older men because they had more resources. They didn’t necessarily prefer the baggage of experiences like divorce and or polygamy and kids. That was just something women had to put up with in order for women to be able to secure wealth.

Now, the average single father struggles, older men find it harder to marry women more than a decade younger unless they go to a third world country and statistics backs this up. Most women marry men who are only 2-5 yrs older and have a preference for men who also don’t have kids. This isn’t just a Western phenomenon, you also see this in wealthy but conservative Muslim countries. The overwhelming evidence is that when women have resources and aren’t marrying for survival, their true desire isn’t a man decades older with baggage. For some strange reason modern men can’t seem to understand this especially when the real world illustrates this all the time. (Using the example of ultra wealthy men isn’t evidence. Those men have 100s of millions and are in a different league. It’s like 50 yr old women comparing themselves to Madonna who has a 28 yr old boyfriend but we all know men prefer youth and that it’s Madanna’s fame and millions that allows her to date younger men)

Redpillers haven’t evolved and you’ll find that most redpill gurus are dysfunctional. You’ll hardly see one that been married for decades without a divorce, they’ll preach hate against single mothers but marry them and they’ll actually mostly be with promiscuous women like Fresh from fresh and fit.

Kane you’re not a bad guy, but taking something like this seriously undermines your intelligence.
I’m not talking about actual experience here. I’m talking about maturity, intelligence and wisdom. This is something both genders gain as they get older. The ability to sus people out. There is a reason why some men like it when a woman is not as intelligent. Easy to get one over.

Experience and wisdom makes woman gain make characteristics which a real turn off for majority of men.

Men too carry emotional baggage, so let’s not. Mens emotional baggage is worse. They’ll be rejected and then turn to incelnimo and redpill and harbor intense hatred for women, with some even go as far as shooting and killing. Women are definitely stronger when it comes to dealing with the opp Gen.

I’m a redpiller can you describe the hatred I harbor for women?


One thing you redpillers don’t understand is that the world of your fathers and grandfathers no longer exist. For example many of you lot believe women like older experienced men and you’re basing it on what was observed in the past. In the past women preferred older men because they had more resources. They didn’t necessarily prefer the baggage of experiences like divorce and or polygamy and kids. That was just something women had to put up with in order for women to be able to secure wealth.

True but women prefer older men today for a completely different reason, lack of father figure while growing up.

Now the older men in question are not these out of shaped, non grooming badly dressed ones.

Now, the average single father struggles, older men find it harder to marry women more than a decade younger unless they go to a third world country and statistics backs this up. Most women marry men who are only 2-5 yrs older and have a preference for men who also don’t have kids. This isn’t just a Western phenomenon, you also see this in wealthy but conservative Muslim countries. The overwhelming evidence is that when women have resources and aren’t marrying for survival, their true desire isn’t a man decades older with baggage. For some strange reason modern men can’t seem to understand this especially when the real world illustrates this all the time. (Using the example of ultra wealthy men isn’t evidence. Those men have 100s of millions and are in a different league. It’s like 50 yr old women comparing themselves to Madonna who has a 28 yr old boyfriend but we all know men prefer youth and that it’s Madanna’s fame and millions that allows her to date younger men)

You’re comparing men and women as if their equal when they are not, women have more options early in life and men have it later it’s nature learn to live with it darling.
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Redpillers haven’t evolved and you’ll find that most redpill gurus are dysfunctional. You’ll hardly see one that been married for decades without a divorce, they’ll preach hate against single mothers but marry them and they’ll actually mostly be with promiscuous women like Fresh from fresh and fit.
Rollo tomassi!!!

Kane you’re not a bad guy, but taking something like this seriously undermines your intelligence.

That’s because you’re taking a bunch of idiots on YouTube at their word when they say they are red pill.

Red pill is a philosophy based on self improvement, stoicism and female nature. And not on bashing women night after night after night for views. Complaining is anti stoic hence not red pill!!!!


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
That’s why I laugh at black pill dudes who think being over 6 feet, having good looks and a high income guarantees you any woman of your choice.Not understanding that mindset matters equally to both men and women.

This dude even though he is handsome, tall and well off, his mindset aka attitude could only afford him this single mother.
When you encounter a woman the first thing they note down is your looks they dont give a damn about your income/mindset those things come after, also where did you come up that this single mums husband is handsome or tall? Even if he is it doesnt matter all women are fair game and fold for looks first and personality after. Redpill is a lie.
Experience and wisdom makes woman gain make characteristics which a real turn off for majority of men.
Many men want to emotionally manipulate. You can’t do that when a woman has wisdom and intelligence.
I’m a redpiller can you describe the hatred I harbor for women?

True but women prefer older men today for a completely different reason, lack of father figure while growing up.
A woman who wants an older man for a lack of a father figure clearly isn’t emotionally healthy. So even you know a normal woman with a father in her life isn’t going for a man that’s 15 yr older. Also, marrying men who are 15 yrs older is now rare in the West and rich countries btw.
Now the older men in question are not these out of shaped, non grooming badly dressed ones.
Thats what’s funny 90% of older men are not in shape, that’s simply the aging process hence your theory only works on what? Less than 10% of men and even then I’m being generous
You’re comparing men and women as if their equal when they are not, women have more options early in life and men have it later it’s nature learn to live with it darling.
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In the West they don’t. Thats why I truly think you redpillers are delusional. People in fact marry and date within their age group. 92% of women are with men of a similar age group. Men over 35+ are seen as ‘uncles’ by women in their 20s in the West.

Rollo tomassi!!!

That’s because you’re taking a bunch of idiots on YouTube at their word when they say they are red pill.

Red pill is a philosophy based on self improvement, stoicism and female nature. And not on bashing women night after night after night for views. Complaining is anti stoic hence not red pill!!!!
It’s for delusional men like yourself who wants to use your brother a mere personal anecdote when the overwhelming majority of women don’t prefer over 40s. If a man is exceptionally handsome or rich it’s a different story and the fact that you can’t seem to understand that the exception doesn’t make the rule is baffling. You know for a fact that the vast majority of men in their early 40s are balding and out of shape and that’s due to ageing. Young women on average do not like aging men.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
It’s for delusional men like yourself who wants to use your brother a mere personal anecdote when the overwhelming majority of women don’t prefer over 40s. If a man is exceptionally handsome or rich it’s a different story and the fact that you can’t seem to understand that the exception doesn’t make the rule is baffling. You know for a fact that the vast majority of men in their early 40s are balding and out of shape and that’s due to ageing. Young women on average do not like aging men.
@Kane This is being said from a woman themself, embrace the blackpill no matter how rich you are looks is above all😂
When you encounter a woman the first thing they note down is your looks they dont give a damn about your income/mindset those things come after, also where did you come up that this single mums husband is handsome or tall? Even if he is it doesnt matter all women are fair game and fold for looks first and personality after. Redpill is a lie.

This is the problem with black pill men, just like the women they hate on, their entire focus is on looks.

not understanding a simple fact, looks might get you in the door but won’t help you maintain anything.

A women must be kept and looks don’t get the job done, that’s exactly why most blackpillers are either f boys, tricks who pay for cookies or suckers who marry single mothers with no options unlike redpillers!!!

Many men want to emotionally manipulate. You can’t do that when a woman has wisdom and intelligence.

Women no matter their age are always vulnerable to manipulation, for one simple reason they practice it themselves.

80% of men are manipulated by women and 20% of men manipulate women. You know why because the women themselves allow it!!!!

Manipulation like hypnotization cannot work unless the target is open to it.

A woman who wants an older man for a lack of a father figure clearly isn’t emotionally healthy. So even you know a normal woman with a father in her life isn’t going for a man that’s 15 yr older. Also, marrying men who are 15 yrs older is now rare in the West and rich countries btw.

Thats what’s funny 90% of older men are not in shape, that’s simply the aging process hence your theory only works on what? Less than 10% of men and even then I’m being generous

In the West they don’t. Thats why I truly think you redpillers are delusional. People in fact marry and date within their age group. 92% of women are with men of a similar age group. Men over 35+ are seen as ‘uncles’ by women in their 20s in the West.

It’s for delusional men like yourself who wants to use your brother a mere personal anecdote when the overwhelming majority of women don’t prefer over 40s. If a man is exceptionally handsome or rich it’s a different story and the fact that you can’t seem to understand that the exception doesn’t make the rule is baffling. You know for a fact that the vast majority of men in their early 40s are balding and out of shape and that’s due to ageing. Young women on average do not like aging men.

@Kane This is being said from a woman themself, embrace the blackpill no matter how rich you are looks is above all😂

She is taking about men over 40’s look at you trying to force the issue.

I got a question for you, in the beginning there were only two pills blue and red.

Why was the black pill created and what did it bring that the other two lacked?
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A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
This is the problem with black pill men, just like the women they hate on, their entire focus is on looks.

not understanding a simple fact, looks might get you in the door but won’t help you maintain anything.

A women must be kept and looks don’t get the job done, that’s exactly why most blackpillers are either f boys, tricks who pay for cookies or suckers who marry single mothers with no options unlike redpillers!!!
How is accepting how true female nature functions as "Hating on Women"? Atleast you know what they really want, and its a good looking guy and looks can keep 90% of the time they will only choose someone else over you if the other person is equally good looking BUT has good personality other than that looks will always get the job done.
She is taking about men over 40’s look at you trying to force the issue.

I got a question for you, in the beginning there were only two pills blue and red.

Why was the black pill created and what did it bring that the other two lacked?
Women if they are 20,30, 40 etc. Are all the same you will be idolised for your looks why do you think they keep leaving and divorcing the ugly rich men they are with no matter how rich you are your looks will hold you down somehow someway, The blackpill was always there, it comes to you, you never come to it.

Blue: "Just be Yourself!"
Red: "Just be Confident!"
Black: "Be Tall&Handsome"

Its the harsh truth, nobody wishes the world works this way I would even wish that people would see you for the interior and not the exterior but its a cruel and harsh world we live in.
This is the problem with black pill men, just like the women they hate on, their entire focus is on looks.

not understanding a simple fact, looks might get you in the door but won’t help you maintain anything.

A women must be kept and looks don’t get the job done, that’s exactly why most blackpillers are either f boys, tricks who pay for cookies or suckers who marry single mothers with no options unlike redpillers!!!

Women no matter their age are always vulnerable to manipulation, for one simple reason they practice it themselves.
You’re clearly a hurt man to think that all women practice manipulation lol. You’re a hurt young boy that has resorted to being manipulated by redpill men who have the most dysfunctional relationships.

Being manipulated isn’t gender specific. People get manipulated by friends, co-workers and the list continues. The older you become the more savvy you are when it comes to certain behaviors. Not everything is man vs women btw.
80% of men are manipulated by women and 20% of men manipulate women. You know why because the women themselves allow it!!!!

Manipulation like hypnotization cannot work unless the target is open to it.
Lol, I cannot take you seriously. When we look at most grooming cases of young women it’s older men. Rochesdale rape cases, the Bristol one. The worst manipulation cases have always been men. Even in relationships men cheat more so than women and that requires deception and manipulation. When we look at statistics of rates of lying, it is known men lie more. When we look at statistics of narcs, it is a fact men are more likely to be narcs. Thats what funny about redpill, a lot of is projection.

A meta-analysis on honesty (Gerlach et al., 2019), based on 380 experiments that recorded gender differences in lying, indicated that men were 4% more deceptive than women.

She is taking about men over 40’s look at you trying to force the issue.

I got a question for you, in the beginning there were only two pills blue and red.

Why was the black pill created and what did it bring that the other two lacked?
He accepts her and her three children, raising them as his own and being the father figure they desperately need. Meanwhile, she’s shamelessly embarrassing her husband telling the whole world she doesn’t really like him and purposely makes him go through it all.

She’s probably telling bro in private “your a real man for stepping up🥰🥺😩

The funny part is she is admitting to being undesirable. Yet, she’s too dense to see that the man she’s with is preforming a charitable act. It’s not easy or rational to raise another man’s kids yet he still gets humiliated on the internet. I truly pity him.
How is accepting how true female nature functions as "Hating on Women"? Atleast you know what they really want, and its a good looking guy and looks can keep 90% of the time they will only choose someone else over you if the other person is equally good looking BUT has good personality other than that looks will always get the job done.

You can’t be accepting and judgmental at the same time and all blackpillers do 24/7 is judge women and talk negatively about female nature. That’s the opposite of acceptance. Redpillers on the other surrender to female nature, now that sounds bad until you understand it.
Because at the end of the day, you can’t have women while despising their nature.
That’s why the black pill produces more incels than the blue pill and the red pill combined.

Women if they are 20,30, 40 etc. Are all the same you will be idolised for your looks why do you think they keep leaving and divorcing the ugly rich men they are with no matter how rich you are your looks will hold you down somehow someway, The blackpill was always there, it comes to you, you never come to it.

Blue: "Just be Yourself!"
Red: "Just be Confident!"
Black: "Be Tall&Handsome"

Its the harsh truth, nobody wishes the world works this way I would even wish that people would see you for the interior and not the exterior but its a cruel and harsh world we live in.

“Being confident” and “being yourself” are basically the same thing, which tells me you know nothing about the red pill.

And with all due respect you did not answer my question.

You’re clearly a hurt man to think that all women practice manipulation lol. You’re a hurt young boy that has resorted to being manipulated by redpill men who have the most dysfunctional relationships.

Being manipulated isn’t gender specific. People get manipulated by friends, co-workers and the list continues. The older you become the more savvy you are when it comes to certain behaviors. Not everything is man vs women btw.

Don’t tell me you’re using emotional manipulation, to disprove my point about women being more manipulative then men.


Lol, I cannot take you seriously. When we look at most grooming cases of young women it’s older men. Rochesdale rape cases, the Bristol one. The worst manipulation cases have always been men. Even in relationships men cheat more so than women and that requires deception and manipulation. When we look at statistics of rates of lying, it is known men lie more. When we look at statistics of narcs, it is a fact men are more likely to be narcs. Thats what funny about redpill, a lot of is projection.

A meta-analysis on honesty (Gerlach et al., 2019), based on 380 experiments that recorded gender differences in lying, indicated that men were 4% more deceptive than women.

quick we’re losing the debate let’s use good old faithful “worst case scenario”.


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