saxiib we can disagree and still have puntland unity. wether you are for independance or your not at the end of the day we are all puntlanders. if you leave out ppl you dont agree than there is no point of dialogue. life would be boring. anyways like i said before i was for puntland independance but not anymore because i realized that it wont ever happen sxb. i hate mogadishu more than anyone here. and i will never step foot in that dump because of personal reasons i wont repeat. i wont ever invest in anywhere besides puntland. but the people wont ever be seccesionist in puntland. so i gave up on a dream that will never come to be. i am a wadani and but want to keep our autonomy. every body stay in their gobol but we will defend each other from outside forcesI didn’t tag @Suldaanka because he seems more pro Farmaajo unfortunately and I’m not sure on @Cabdi’s views. Everyone else I tagged is staunchly pro autonomous/independent PL.