I know some of yall will get pissed by this😂

Anisah The Serpent

☼ The sun is alone but it still shines ☼
Tribalism is haram true, but knowing your clan isnt lool. Being white isnt wrong, but being a white supremacy is, do yall understand now?

theres nothing wrong being a foreigner here, but hiding your clan when asked, makes people doubt you being Somali🤥
I’m not hiding anything but alright. Just trying to understand what you’re trying to say.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Lol were do you even get this inside info sxb, i wanna se that poll😂 were not even that strict, sure if you walk around with a miniskirt you will be called that.
Ive seen it happen alot in our community if she wants the husband to be more involved at home she will be told to lower her expectations and not ruin her marriage
Tribalistic clown grow tf up
Stop repeating yourself foreigner😂😂 incogkneegrow( incog negro) cleaver name😂
Ive seen it happen alot in our community if she wants the husband to be more involved at home she will be told to lower her expectations and not ruin her marriage
If shes a stay at home mom, and he works then shes being unresonable. But if there both home it should be haqq and 50/50.
This is for the Xalimos!
You probably know this, but Somali men are one of the only ones from Africa, that overwhelmingly marries his own womenfolk in the diaspora.

The majority of us don’t marry Shaniqua or Bethany, but Sahra or Nasteexo.

We are for the most part attracted to yall 💯, but what we and most men hate is a bad attitude.

Dont chase us away with a stinky attitude🙏🏾
Waa kaas it didnt take long, before ”who do you think you are” came😂😂
Love it sxb, not everything in the world just 🌹😂
I have no problem in that department bruv 🙏🏾 Its just an advice for my loved Xalimos, just so they dont scare away a good guy coming their way🥸
Lol i didnt even say that they all have bad attitude, i was speaking in general terms😂
By being your sweet self, you will attract 100s of Faaraxs online iyo banaanka 😂
U sheeg, they will never find any men more loving then their Faaraxs, we are even ready to marry 4 of our Xaliimos ❤😂
Istaaqfurallah never use that gif again yareey 😤
Lol u found that one with a stinky attitude sxb😂 im sorry that happened to you🙏🏾
Lol were not South asians, arranged marriage happens but its for those who have a hard time finding for themselves. Not that you as a foreigner would know! But now you know😤
White supremacy brainwash thats why.
Stop it be incognito somewhere else foreigner😂 then whts your clan and subclan?
Karbaash baa ubaahantahay markaas, from macalin basbaas🥸
I care and love our Xaliimos, i want whats best for yall. So dont chase those Faaraxs that dont even look at foreign womens direction, in favour of yall away🙏🏾 Plus waa indho adeer😂
Caaac🐑 no Somali would ever say that😂 stop it foreigner, your clan is your passport to being Somali🥸
Lol were do you even get this inside info sxb, i wanna se that poll😂 were not even that strict, sure if you walk around with a miniskirt you will be called that.

So you’re basically gonna singlehandedly respond back & forth to yourself innit? 45 replies and 39 of them are yours :cryinglaughsmiley:


Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
Somali Men are more conscious of safe guarding their ethnic “purity” than their counterpart. This only applies to younger Gen


Golan Heights belong to Syria
Focus on any Muslim woman. Forget about solely Somali women. If it happens, Allah SWT wills it. 99% of Muslim women are not Somali. Don't limit yourself. Look at the big selection and the more options available.
Focus on any Muslim woman. Forget about solely Somali women. If it happens, Allah SWT wills it. 99% of Muslim women are not Somali. Don't limit yourself. Look at the big selection and the more options available.
Good luck 🤣🤣as if any other women will put up with faraax😂bwhaha

