Her kid will probably have an IQ above 125. /Suugo Science.
She bagged a smart guy. I have been reading some of his books. Surprisingly good writer.
this wants us to convert to christianity
if she was advocating for atheism it will been understandable some how .
but to Christianity
Some Somali apostate who's famous for insulting Islam. She's also a Zionist puppet who's allied with right wing racist anti Islam haters.Who is that? Some feminist?
1. She’s ugly 2. Who leaves Islam and turns ChristianSome Somali apostate who's famous for insulting Islam. She's also a Zionist puppet who's allied with right wing racist anti Islam haters.
Me hopping into this thread thinking ayan hirsi nudes got posted because of the trigger warning
remember when she claimed her ex-husband came with a gang of osman mahmoud to honor kill her?
I estimate over 90% of all Somali speaking peoples have been brain damaged!
King Solo
I have been sayings this for a long time! You sure you didn't steal it from me?
The entire race has been Tortured and Mutilated! Brain Damage has occured!
Is that sarcasm I detect?
I did no such thing!