Naah speak for those dark ass daroods you call kinsmen.
I'm not even Darood. Dark ass? Sidi dhoocil camal aa uu hadashaa no wonder @Salih is after you.
Naah speak for those dark ass daroods you call kinsmen.
you're right, I'm back peddling from you, you ugly shit.
I knew it's the squad she wanted to join.
Ma langaab ba tahay,either way you are obviously butthurt a cadcad nigga turned you down.@Salih I think madam is into you.Her dissing you is a way to get your attentionI'm not even Darood. Dark ass? Sidi dhoocil camal aa uu hadashaa no wonder @Salih is after you.
I'm not on here to look for a relationship. The fact that such thing has crossed your mind could only lead me to believe that you are.Is that all you got? You ugly disses? Miskiin.
But tell me are you trynna pick up guys here since you keep changing your avatar?
None of the girls here would give you a chance clearly.
Looool, I couldn't agree more bruv. I'd have her as a maid though, man needs help with keeping my flat clean.Ma langaab ba tahay,either way you are obviously butthurt a cadcad nigga turned you down.@Salih I think madam is into you.Her dissing you is a way to get your attention
Ma langaab ba tahay,either way you are obviously butthurt a cadcad nigga turned you down.@Salih I think madam is into you.Her dissing you is a way to get your attention
My country is Somaliland,Ethiopia,Canada.a is not my concernWhy you are you self-hater? You're on a Somali forum but constantly dissing Somalis and your own country and praising an enemy state. Taas bal ka jawaab?
I'm far from laangaab. @Salih is more interested in you, ma arkin miyaa? Give him a chance.
Cadcads isku dhaqan maba nihin.
You keep mentioning the same thing, it's getting boring now.Why you are you self-hater? You're on a Somali forum but constantly dissing Somalis and your own country and praising an enemy state. Taas bal ka jawaab?
I'm far from laangaab. @Salih is more interested in you, ma arkin miyaa? Give him a chance.
Cadcads isku dhaqan maba nihin.
I'm not on here to look for a relationship. The fact that such thing has crossed your mind could only lead me to believe that you are.
You don't have a chance with a male human. Try gorilla.
What truths have you come with? And what disses do you have besides claiming I'm a homosexual?Are you sure? No chick here boasts as much as you do or changes her avatar as much lol.
Try gorilla? Your disses are so weak wallahi. It's like high school stuff. I come with truths and all you got is you're ugly disses. I'll leave you alone since you started to cry like a .
Btw I'm happily married. obamadatazz
I'll let you and your little girlfriend continue your dhoocil games. Toodles.