I think daughters are better than sons

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This shit here is why abortions is necessary :bell:


I don't drink, do drugs, smoke nor do I go clubbing. I am actually a very good person and think will be a good father in the future.
Can we say the same about you.


I don't trust you to raise daughters or sons for that matter:reallymaury: all your daughters would end up with poor self esteem and lack confidence whereas ur sons would turn out like bakhti losers


As i live and breathe

thats something @adheerwarsame would come up with:chrisfreshhah:

You're probably right about that :siilaanyolaugh:

But seriously, male role models are critical for young boys. And when Somali dads aren't even around for most of the time you end up with the thuggish sons we see today:mjlaugh: My father is a great man (Bless him :rejoice:) and i'm doing well for myself. He instilled good values within me from a very young age. Emphasized education and good work ethic. Who knows where i would've ended up without him, probably like my Somali friends from back in high school :manny:


I don't trust you to raise daughters or sons for that matter:reallymaury: all your daughters would end up with poor self esteem and lack confidence whereas ur sons would turn out like bakhti losers

kkkk says the athiest. You will turn most of our daughters into gaalo wearing skinny jeans and we know what will come after that:russ: (clubbing, drugs , boyfriends etc) . Between me and you, everyone will trust me to put the children in the straight path.


cismaan maxamuud
I want sons to carry my name and my legacy but i want daughters too to look after me when i'm old.I think a good blend between the 2 would good but more boys would be ideal to protect the girls from harm.:manny:
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