I think discrimination towards bantus overplayed

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Somalis have so much Somali guilt especially twitter Somalis and its really so fucking weird. What have Somalis ever done really? Remember that the bantu enslaving was part of the Arab slave trade. We never had a large slave trade or anything near that. Some Somalis are racist towards bantus and they are mistreated. I agree. But remember the state of Somalia. One of the least developed countries in Africa. Even ethnic Somalis are suffering everyday, we just had a famine like last year.
Also even though bantu women are used as maids, I have never heard of Somalis abusing and mistreating them like arabs do to their Somali maids. They are treated well, some Somalis even have too much xishood to demand that their maid does a lot of cleaning.
The way Somalis mistreat Bantus is the way people across Africa treat each other, but they do it even worse in other countries. Like in Mauritania light-skinned blacks (who think theyre arabs) enslave darkskinned blacks, the Fulani in West Africa mistreat the darker blacks, etc. The **** and Tutsi. We Africans are just like that tbh

In Madagascar, the elite all look more Indonesian than the peasants.

Former president of Madagscar:


Somali Bantus are not discriminated as much as some make it out to be. When I was in Xamar they walked around like normal people, had jobs, etc and no one cared. I never saw anyone attacking them.
all this nonesenical bantu repression stems from the inherent black attitude that anyone even little further from what they call the black 'norm'(looks) must be a slave holder, that incessant victimization card they so dearly hold close to their chest have further eroded whateva little sympathy they had from otha races and are blind to how it works against thm.


Men are asleep but at death they will awake!
Maybe yall should worry more about them having more children than you, secretely getting guns, and preparing for a takeover of Amisom-Land !
We generally either leave them alone, or let them integrate into Mogadishu's society. We have never whipped them until their flesh came off, lynched them, or ethnically cleansed them like what has been done to the Rohingya. We may have discriminated against them for being different, but we still considered them human beings. It's a much different story compared to how whites or Arabs enslaved blacks.
Hi good afternoon my name is Abdirahman sheikh Abdulrahiim and I am from minneapolis Minnesota i live in cedar riverside a place that has the largest somali community in minnesota I bought with my credit card 700 soccer jerseys and soccer shorts and I also bought from the sports stores 900 soccer balls I traveled on the airplane do different countries to buy these soccer balls I have a soccer field and 2 soccer goals and why? because I love the sport of soccer
Nigga what?:cosbyhmm:

Puffin Stuff

Cheating death in berbera
Im not denying that they experience discrimination but honestly the extent is over-exaggerated imo. When I lived in xamar I always saw bantu and Somali kids playing side by side and I saw bantu people everywhere and people were not even looking twice at them. Now they definately experience racism but I think more so when it comes to things like marriage etc. But I remember reading somewhere that bantus cannot even walk down the street without being spat at and honestly thats so ridiculously untrue
Also the case of the bantu man being burned alive, it sparked outrage and 99% Somalis were against it. It also went viral because its something that rarely/never happens, bantus are not being killed for being bantu in Somalia.
And the mp talking about being disrespected and mistaken for Ugandan at the airport, if thats his biggest complaint I doubt he experiences much discrimination in Somalia.
Im not downplaying their struggle but alot of sjw Somalis love to act like bantus are living in hell solely due to being bantu but ignore discrimination towards madhiban which is probably just as bad/even worse.
Tribalism is normal I prefer Somali people to All other ethnicities simply because we have more in common then I do with the Somali Bantu. Somalis have a working class that’s a good thing can you imagine our working class being largely Bantu? We’d become a minority like the Jews are I mean sure we’d control a lot of monetary assets and rule over the less intelligent Bantu but we’re still a minority how long till they decide they’d prefer to rule over themselves?? This was just a test scenario or analogy whatever it’s called. Back to my point the Somali monopoly on its working class is a big deal now more than ever Bantus are now steadily rising and their number one profession is farming literally the cornerstone of any working class soon they’ll be the working class and our historical claims to these lands won’t matter to them or our neighbors
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