I think everyone geniunely hates black/dark skinned people


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
It’s not the dark skin it’s the features that go along with it

black people get mostly made fun of for their features,wide nose,lips etc


Sadly majority of the world population do hence why we are targetted the most since the media mainly portrays us as very dark and from a poor country.
Sadly majority of the world population do hence why we are targetted the most since the media mainly portrays us as very dark and from a poor country.
We are majority dark/brown skin, no problem if we’re depicted as such.

Alot of the anti-somali sentiments exist because we’re tied to a failed polity, this is temporary though. Somalia will obvs recover soon InshAllah


We are majority dark/brown skin, no problem if we’re depicted as such.

Alot of the anti-somali sentiments exist because we’re tied to a failed polity, this is temporary though. Somalia will obvs recover soon InshAllah
Yes your right it's because we are poor but I'm certain Somalia and Somali diaspora will succeed and we will have a great comeback soon.
Hate is a big word to use. I would not say people hate dark/Brown people because GOD only looks at the heart not the cover of your face.

But still this life and world is dominated by light which white comes close or near to it. So white gets easy access to life while black unfortunately suffers just to prove himself.

In my own family my own mom discriminated against the darker childs while favoring the light skinned. Its human nature but its also wrong too and we have to work on how to give equal opportunity to all.

This is why white priviledge exist. Not only western culture but all human culture including somali culture too. Light skinned get away easily while the darker shade has do the double the work only for the same price of worth.

Speak for yourself, most Somalis are dark skinned I’ve never seen or heard light skinned children been favored
We're enslaved in North Africa
& imprisoned disproportionately in the West.

The hell u talkin about protected?
U been following politics lately?

The few favorable laws we did have are being yanked left & right.
That’s ransom not enslavement, some Somalis are involved in this lucrative business where they ask for thousands of dollars to be released


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
Because you disproportionately commit more fucking crimes. Blacks will never take accountability for their actions. They're so tiring.
White peoples commit the most crimes by far the difference is they made the laws and know all the loopholes these filthy cadaans commit crimes against humanity for breakfast and get away with it we don’t have the power to do half the vile shit they do to whole countries.

Us black people don’t have a single friend it’s us vs the whole damn world you can’t compare us to whites who get worshipped wherever they step foot.
Hate is a big word to use. I would not say people hate dark/Brown people because GOD only looks at the heart not the cover of your face.

But still this life and world is dominated by light which white comes close or near to it. So white gets easy access to life while black unfortunately suffers just to prove himself.

In my own family my own mom discriminated against the darker childs while favoring the light skinned. Its human nature but its also wrong too and we have to work on how to give equal opportunity to all.

This is why white priviledge exist. Not only western culture but all human culture including somali culture too. Light skinned get away easily while the darker shade has do the double the work only for the same price of worth.

Thts the truth. In somali homes the lightskin child is given compliments while the dark one just has insults. Its a world wide disease.
That’s ransom not enslavement, some Somalis are involved in this lucrative business where they ask for thousands of dollars to be released

It's slavery my boi.
What happens to those who can't pay?
A pathway to citizenship?


Nonsense. Nin hurdaa tahay. Almost Anywhere online Somalis are talked about these guys are there to attack us unprovoked. Cadaan are cunsuri it's a given but what's their excuse? Drop the SJW nonsense. They wouldn't campaign for you if you were to say abused/murdered by an officer.
I bet the comments would be like:

"He a somalian"
A Nigerian mouth breather would follow with: "Dey somalians ugly"
Some other nigga from irrelevant togo: "How did you know I'm somalian"

Finally all the other races would chime in seeing they have the green light from the protected race
Yeah , that's online though. In real life the worst thing people have asked me is " do you have pirates in Somalia" other than that most people don't ok know that much about Somalis. It may different for reer UK who have a huge Somali population that has beef with other ethnicities. I do agree that our online reputation isn't great but I think it's partially caused by diaspora fdk , was qabilism exposed in English for the entire world to se etc. We need to stop that shit. Some people are also anti somali because they project their insecurities on us , I don't care tbh and we shouldn't give them much attention. The average guy from Nigeria or Ghana though doesn't know anything about somalia or somalis other than random stuff they heard on the news.

