I think I need a suga daddy!

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But you haven't seen me though.


I liiiiiiiiied I look like honey boo boo's momma. But Somali men love fat women. :rejoice::rejoice:
Belive me after years chatting with girls online I devolped a skill to know how pretty the girl is from what she writes now I alway knew you were very cute with a baby face ..couse you act so tough and qumayo like in here but irl you're treated like little girl which you enjoy but you're sick of people not taking you serously so you come here with diffrent persona to feel diffrent


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Belive me after years chatting with girls online I devolped a skill to know how pretty the girl is from what she writes now I alway knew you were very cute with a baby face ..couse you act so tough and qumayo like in here but irl you're treated like little girl which you enjoy but you're sick of people not taking you serously so you come here with diffrent persona to feel diffrent


Im a grown woman who's treated like a lady.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Loool these rich old guys would probably last 10 seconds in bed anyway. I think it's worth the tradeoff of having a yacht and your own island. One of the perks of being a trophy wife.

10 seconds? If that's the case I will stick to my poor faraaxs who last 20 seconds.



Southie pride
I've expensive taste. I love finer things, diamonds, designer brands, vacation on yatchs, island hopping.
Is there a rich Somali old guy who is loaded with millions of dollars?
Who's looking for a trophy wife?

Oh lord bless me with unlimited money and happiness.




Waxaa isku soo harey Somali aboor iyo kuwo abaar ah waxaa kamid ah Crazywarya iyo kuwo kale oo badan oo SS kaqaraabto. marka, Allah hakuu sahlo faarax xooga heeysto oo kaa farxiyo.
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