Soooo, tell me, do you have a boyfriend? I don't mean the conventional meaning. I know you're a divorced woman. I mean a friend who is a boy and can maybe help quiet the demons in your loins from time to time.Iniquity? Fitna? Those are strong words!
I'm just a sociable person. I stay in touch with most people I've worked with or met through friends. I only have 5 close friends, the rest are all acquaintances.
Am very heartened by your recognition of my jihad against the fanatics, fools, and fruitcakes of Wahabbism. Never thought an Abbysinian would care for such things. You're an observant fella. Luther? Isn't he one of yours? Nietzsche says that he was a con artist. The Popes were the true reformers. They introduced things like Indulgences and nepotism into the Church which had nothing to do with the scriptures. Some of them like Borgias were practically libertines. Luther was a back-to-scripture Salafi. But yes, he was certainly a revolutionary. Gotta respect that.Focus on your real goal Mr. Bidaar, which is the crusade on the radicals of this forum and the refermations of islam just as your predecessor Luther has done before you. I shall join you in the endeavors of displacing them only if you partition the history section to me once and for all after they are fully subdued. May we bask in the glory of the conquest of the extremofiles.
Signed: Menelik III of Aksum
History section? It's yours mate. Refighting 1977 is not part of my remit.
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