Lool I was called Tamil my whole life I was expecting at least 10% but I got nearly full SomaliI’m gonna do a dna test next month iso duuceyai’m trying to spread that wabeeneeye supremacy would be bad if i got indian tamil blood

Lool I was called Tamil my whole life I was expecting at least 10% but I got nearly full SomaliI’m gonna do a dna test next month iso duuceyai’m trying to spread that wabeeneeye supremacy would be bad if i got indian tamil blood
Haplo T loved having orgies in Djibouti it is the hot son akhi LMFAOOOActually GS got a unique ass paternal lineage. It is super old, but laangaab. Only 4% all over the Horn, but 35,000 years old. Your 3,000 year old T lineage is 50% in Djibouti. That's quite fascinating.![]()
Some xabeshi dude didn’t understand that i was somali and he would say nah you are yemeni, other than that i have never been confused with other ethnicities. Btw mashallah u are pure brotherLool I was called Tamil my whole life I was expecting at least 10% but I got nearly full SomaliSomalis are pretty much pure sxb we just come in all looks and shapes
Looool yo chill I dont know what happened to the beesha em281 but I will be the one to spread em far and wide that's my goalwhat if we rearrange countries based on haplogroups GeeljireSanbuur would live all alone LMFAOOOO
Thanks brother Ajnabis always think were mixed its hella Annoying you will probably get 95 % plus Somali nearly every Somali on my relatives list on 23 and me is 98 97 or 99%Some xabeshi dude didn’t understand that i was somali and he would say nah you are yemeni, other than that i have never been confused with other ethnicities. Btw mashallah u are pure brother
It’s like they want to force their muttness onto people subxanallah.Thanks brother Ajnabis always think were mixed its hella Annoying you will probably get 95 % plus Somali nearly every Somali on my relatives list on 23 and me is 98 97 or 99%
Exactly sxb they're just projecting their insecurities onto us kkkIt’s like they want to force their muttness onto people subxanallah.
As a woman, it it even beneficial to send a kit? It’s probably way more economical/logical to get my brother tested, no? In which case, women should be given half price, since there’s no way to get as much information as a male with the same kit lol.
Wow, that changed my opinion. I’ve stayed away from the DNA-testing rabbit hole, but I’m surprised I didn’t know about this.It's better to test yourself and then download the raw data file so you can extract health information from it (https://promethease.com/). Since you are med student, IIRC, that would be interesting for you. Testing your brother would only help to discover your paternal lineage, but for Somalis that is not too interesting (there are mostly only two big ones).
Somalis and Habeshas have a shared ancestry of at least 70 ~ %, so it’s not surprising we share haplogroups.Until you find out your ancestry is part raw meat eater who you've been looking down on for all your life.
It's like that old KKK guy that found out he was part black on tv.
Other than that is good as it shows we're all mutts so that breaks a barrier between us.
Makes sense so the e-m281 are not the eurasian nautifians that conquered Africa in the back the Africa migration but ancient lineage that just stayed thereSomalis and Habeshas have a shared ancestry of at least 70 ~ %, so it’s not surprising we share haplogroups.
If i'm remembering correctly I think it was just under two months@embarassing how long did it took to arrive after you sent it to the lab?
Thanks broski
My DNA results have come I'm not suprised with the 1.4 percent Ethiopia since I'm from habar jeclo we were Muslim hararis who mixed in with the Somali community
Lmao I remember seeing you in my new additions to the “DNA relatives” connections. We’re apparently a tiny bit related.
Lol what clan are you sxb
He's a Hawiye (Gugundhabe) with a rare lineage (L-M27). You two should become friends in laangaabnimo, j/k. I recommend you both take further y-chromosome tests at ftdna. It is worthwhile to do further research.