As wrong as it might seem to us, two adult men wrecking each other's rectal passage isn't even in the same league as pedophilia. Unlike gays, there's no such thing as consent when it comes to pedos. They can't even satiate their sexual desires by using ography without inflicting hard on children.Your not meant to be gay in the first place but that doesn't mean we kill them just because they are gay, same with people who want to do zina, or incest, or watch faahishah online, having a desire towards something isn't the same as doing it, plus killing someone who thinks about doing it will only make them not admit to it and be more secret about it
I said if they had any noblity, they'd chemically castrate themselves, not kill themselves. Don't put words in my mouth. And chill the f*ck out with the weird "devil's advocate" shit mate