Lord Flacko
The more followers one have on IG the more ty they are and the more their self worth is bloated to the point of no return.
The less followers they have and they're usually more genuine people, and not as fake. I like that. And all the pretty, smart and miskeen xaliimos I've met have less than a couple hundred
When I see a chick with a couple thousand followers, I'll usually get de-interested. Depends on who the followers are though and what she posts. Nowadays you'll get a shitton of followers by showing some ass.
Also depends on where they're from. I don't live in Oslo or a really big city so it's chill
But what really fucks my mind up tho is the FOBs with easily over 5000 followers each
Niggas must have told everybody on their rubber boat they used to get to Europe to follow them or some shit
The less followers they have and they're usually more genuine people, and not as fake. I like that. And all the pretty, smart and miskeen xaliimos I've met have less than a couple hundred

When I see a chick with a couple thousand followers, I'll usually get de-interested. Depends on who the followers are though and what she posts. Nowadays you'll get a shitton of followers by showing some ass.
Also depends on where they're from. I don't live in Oslo or a really big city so it's chill
But what really fucks my mind up tho is the FOBs with easily over 5000 followers each