I would only date women with less than a couple hunderd followers on IG

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The more followers one have on IG the more ty they are and the more their self worth is bloated to the point of no return.

The less followers they have and they're usually more genuine people, and not as fake. I like that. And all the pretty, smart and miskeen xaliimos I've met have less than a couple hundred:lawd:

When I see a chick with a couple thousand followers, I'll usually get de-interested. Depends on who the followers are though and what she posts. Nowadays you'll get a shitton of followers by showing some ass.

Also depends on where they're from. I don't live in Oslo or a really big city so it's chill

But what really fucks my mind up tho is the FOBs with easily over 5000 followers each:mindblown::kanyehmm: Niggas must have told everybody on their rubber boat they used to get to Europe to follow them or some shit:mjlaugh:


Ironically, if you were to divulge this information, the fact that you were scared of my followers would lessen you, in a way, and it wouldn't bode well for anything serious, anyway.
Ironically, if you were to divulge this information, the fact that you were scared of my followers would lessen you, in a way, and it wouldn't bode well for anything serious, anyway.

Ahh, the myth of the insecure, intimidated male. Most men wouldn't care if the women made more money than them, was more educated and got a lot of attnetion from other men if it wasn't for the fact that women let all this shit get to their heads and begin to resent their partner if they fall below what they think they deserve in a man. Women are hypergamous, which means they want to date and marry up. So it's women who have a problem with men who don't have enough looks, money and status to meet their standards, so why would men who fall short in these areas, when compared to the girl, want to deal with the headache of being emasculated and eventually being dumped when the women decides to trade up? If having thousands of instagram followers,or being a 9/10 or making $200,000 or having a PHD had no impact on how a women treats and perceives her man who is below her in these things then mne would have no problem with it whatsoever, but that's not the case in the real world.

So I don't think it's fair to blame female hypergamy on male insecurities. Y'all claim men can't handle a strong, beautiful and successful woman, I assure you they can but yall would just reject or resent them for it if they don't have the right mix of looks, money and status. Men want to love and protect their woman, that's why they can and usually date/marry down, but women want a man they can respect and look up to so they usually date/marry up.
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Queen of the light
I don't have IG not much of a social media person why do I have take pictures off mysel, in reality it's vanity which reveals itself nobody cares if your at the cafe with your freind lol
Ironically, if you were to divulge this information, the fact that you were scared of my followers would lessen you, in a way, and it wouldn't bode well for anything serious, anyway.
Don't worry I can see by the way you carry yourself that you have a modest amount of followers



Ahh, the myth of the insecure, intimidated male. Most men wouldn't care if the women made more money than them, was more educated and got a lot of attnetion from other men if it wasn't for the fact that women let all this shit get to their heads and begin to resent their partner if they fall below what they think they deserve in a man. Women are hypergamous, which means they want to date and marry up. So it's women who have a problem with men who don't have enough looks, money and status to meet their standards, so why would men who fall short in these areas, when compared to the girl, want to deal with the headache of being emasculated and eventually being dumped when the women decides to trade up? If having thousands of instagram followers,or being a 9/10 or making $200,000 or having a PHD had no impact on how a women treats and perceives her man who is below her in these things then mne would have no problem with it whatsoever, but that's not the case in the real world.

So I don't think it's fair to blame female hypergamy on male insecurities. Y'all claim men can't handle a strong, beautiful and successful woman, I assure you they can but yall would just reject or resent them for it if they don't have the right mix of looks, money and status. Men want to love and protect their woman, that's why they can and usually date/marry down, but women want a man they can respect and look up to so they usually date/marry up.
Definitely not getting into this one with you. TC.
Don't worry I can see by the way you carry yourself that you have a modest amount of followers. Masha'allah
Type-casting ish lol. More than you'd be comfortable with, let's just say. You should make it a habit to stick to your own principles, especially after having made them known.
You are a and manwhore if your Instagram isn't private and if you have more than 50 people.
Wallahi the worst is the people who have a private account but accept any follow request. Like, get some standards

I'm not like that, as you can see from my quote under my profile pic
No only her, but many of her 14-16 year old circle of friends have secret insta accounts with at least 1000 plus followers. Whilst conducting my research through my informants(other teenage family members) ,I noticed most of these young girls lead doubles ;the hijab attire is all
For the family-they are different animals on Instagram. Majority of their followers happen to be abu Terence ,some old as 23.we live in a dangerous world guys. Open your eyes.
Wallahi the worst is the people who have a private account but accept any follow request. Like, get some standards

I'm not like that, as you can see from my quote under my profile pic


I will not accept them because that would be dhiiloyin/attention seeking behavior. I know all but one of them but I'm not close to them
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