Ideologies in Somalia

Ideologies are human folly. As soon as Europeans propagated them most effectively, is when you saw the death toll and human misery rise.

They are mechanisms for power competition and control of people, harnessed as a socio-cultural and political force. They rarely outlast after the specific systems of power that push them, making me believe they are more ad-hoc pragmatic justifications, than ideology setting the stage in earnest. Ideologies are for power holders to justify, legitimize, and hold power to and over people.

If we mean ideology in a very loose way, then to be honest, you can frame everything as an ideology, down to a person's worldview and what they want to see happen.

There are ideologies in Somalia.

The West is mainly Liberalism (progressive and classical, which is from the same source). Westernism is an ideology too. It is a modern ideology that has a real modern existence, that tries to nest itself as ancient when there was clear historical discontinuity. Only much later part adoption by unrelated inspired readers from mainly Germanic roots added distinct innovations to already separate existing thought regimes.


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