Wait, are you really trying to compare war-torn Syrian refugees to Sabrina???
If you are, then your even sillier than I thought you were.
Why is it an issue if I marry a Syrian girl and offer her a better life with my money/wealth? I'm sure there are some Syrian gems hidden somewhere inside those camps who are looking for a man that would take care of them and offer them a better life.
I wasn't comparing..Wait, are you really trying to compare war-torn Syrian refugees to Sabrina???
If you are, then your even sillier than I thought you were.
I get where you coming from if you have ability to use it. He pushed her early on to these things, but she has nothing to offer and those interviews died down. She is a third wife of a 50 year old actor past his prime and I bet you in the so called hollywood circle you think she made friends in she is actually looked down on. Oh so he married a waitress...cute. Thats the reaction she gets most of the time. Not this welcoming everyone is friends in hollywood narrative you are pushingNope and tbh, i'm not interested in what she has to say. Although, I know she has been interviewed by vogue and other well established magazines and interviewers. I've just never bothered clicking on it. Although at one point magazines and dailymail have been kinda of promoting her through their countless articles.
The point is, Jaydaan she is a nobody who probably doesn't have much to say, yet due to her connection (husband) she is getting magazine covers and interviews she really shouldn't be.
She has i can imagine also made friends with people her husband is also usually around.
That is connections. A small time waitress who did modelling here and there, gracing magazine covers and being interviewed like she has talent.
Do you get where I am coming from?
If she has sense about her she could milk it.
I get where you coming from if you have ability to use it. He pushed her early on to these things, but she has nothing to offer and those interviews died down. She is a third wife of a 50 year old actor past his prime and I bet you in the so called hollywood circle you think she made friends in she is actually looked down on. Oh so he married a waitress...cute. Thats the reaction she gets most of the time. Not this welcoming everyone is friends in hollywood narrative you are pushing
I get where you coming from if you have ability to use it. He pushed her early on to these things, but she has nothing to offer and those interviews died down. She is a third wife of a 50 year old actor past his prime and I bet you in the so called hollywood circle you think she made friends in she is actually looked down on. Oh so he married a waitress...cute. Thats the reaction she gets most of the time. Not this welcoming everyone is friends in hollywood narrative you are pushing
what about the 2 poor wives he left behind for a younger one? Or is it as long as he gives them money its ok? She is 10 years older than his oldest kidJaydaan her bills are taken care of and she probably loves him. To a lot of women Idris is considered attractive. Your sympathy should be with the poor xalimo looking after 9 kids and the dad has just eloped to Kenya to marry a 17 year old.
what about the 2 poor wives he left behind for a younger one? Or is it as long as he gives them money its ok? She is 10 years older than his oldest kid
lets keep that same energy when our aabos get a younger wife in Somalia1. he was divorced when she met him
2. There was a 15 year age gap between the prophet and Khadija- yet they still had a long successful stable marriage. Who cares about age seriously?
lets keep that same energy when our aabos get a younger wife in Somalia
so only good looking people with money has the right to get younger wives to play with? I guess I wont find consistency here. Atleast most somali odays has better immune system than Idris as he is dying of corona coronaMany of the cases I've seen the Somali odeys are broke, first wife/family is struggling and the girl he is marrying back home has no options but to deal with a pot bellied old man.
Somali women back home have to deal with the rejects of the west. Its funny how those odeys can never get a western girl with options.
Say what you want to say, but Idris is considered attractive by most women, young and old.
lets keep that same energy when our aabos get a younger wife in Somalia
so only good looking people with money has the right to get younger wives to play with? I guess I wont find consistency here. Atleast most somali odays has better immune system than Idris as he is dying of corona corona
is it more of power imbalance than a hollywood actor and a young waitress? Why didnt Idris get a woman on his level with a popping career in hollywood?There’s a difference there. Be reasonable. The relationship between a diaspora and a native somali can never be equal because there is a power imbalance there. Can a young girl relying on the handouts of the diaspora man ever say “no” to him? When she knows displeasing him in anyway could mean going without an income and portentously starving or not being able to help with family hospital costs.
is it more of power imbalance than a hollywood actor and a young waitress? Why didnt Idris get a woman on his level with a popping career in hollywood?
is it more of power imbalance than a hollywood actor and a young waitress? Why didnt Idris get a woman on his level with a popping career in hollywood?
Listen I have no beef with this Madow oday. I just want him stay away from James Bond role. Thats all I care for....there is certain things in life we should not mess with and having a Madow say im James....James Bond is the last thing i want to see. So now you get where my hatred for him comes fromJaydaan are you dumb?
I'm not famous nor do I have the wealth of a hollywood star, but guess what, i'm not poor, I have a passport and have freedom to earn my own money.
Sabrina is a western woman with all of the things a western raised woman has. Don't you dare compare her to a 15 yr old Xalimo who has probably never been to school.
At this point, you're trying to insult people's intelligence.
Sspot is really trying to compare a big 30 yr old Western Xalimo to a 15 yr old third world girl that can't even pay for her parents hospital bills.
1. he was divorced when she met him
2. There was a 15 year age gap between the prophet and Khadija- yet they still had a long successful stable marriage. Who cares about age seriously?
Jaydaan are you dumb?
I'm not famous nor do I have the wealth of a hollywood star, but guess what, i'm not poor, I have a passport and have freedom to earn my own money.
Sabrina is a western woman with all of the things a western raised woman has. Don't you dare compare her to a 15 yr old Xalimo who has probably never been to school.
At this point, you're trying to insult people's intelligence.
Sspot is really trying to compare a big 30 yr old Western Xalimo to a 15 yr old third world girl that can't even pay for her parents hospital bills.