If a person can't speak Somali well or at all whose at fault?

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Had this discussion with a friend today
Cause we have noticed in the West one of the main reasons that attribute to most of the youth lacking the ability to speak somali is how they interact with their parents and family members

Go to your average Somali household, you'll notice the parents will speak af somali but the kids will respond back in English or whatever language is the main language there

For the most part luuqada wey fahman laakin soo celiska ku adag So who do we blame? The parents?


Jet life till my next life
Nah nah! You're to blame for not responding back in Somali! You're prolly just talking about yourself, grown ass man in his thirties can't even write/speak proper Somali! :stopit:

And what's with you calling yourself a feminist? That's the most retarded shit I ever heard from a nigga!

I'm a be upfront breh, ya lame as f*ck!
I feel like I should slap you with some sense, damn f*ck wrong witchu? :kanyehmm:
Depends how old the person is, where they grew up. If they were born in the West or came here when they were little, than its not their fault.

Parents should sometimes teach their kids Somali, thats the least they could do for them.
Nah nah! You're to blame for not responding back in Somali! You're prolly just talking about yourself, grown ass man in his thirties can't even write/speak proper Somali! :stopit:

And what's with you calling yourself a feminist? That's the most retarded shit I ever heard from a nigga!

I'm a be upfront breh, ya lame as f*ck!
I feel like I should slap you with some sense, damn f*ck wrong witchu? :kanyehmm:

Unwarranted attack :whoa:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Nah nah! You're to blame for not responding back in Somali! You're prolly just talking about yourself, grown ass man in his thirties can't even write/speak proper Somali! :stopit:

And what's with you calling yourself a feminist? That's the most retarded shit I ever heard from a nigga!

I'm a be upfront breh, ya lame as f*ck!
I feel like I should slap you with some sense, damn f*ck wrong witchu? :kanyehmm:
Horta are you on your period? cause you seem to act all butthurt and y for no reason, Af somali wan ku hadla iyo wan ku qora caadi niyoow

I never said im a feminist i just agree on equal rights im not even close to thirty nacas kan bal eg just assuming shit


Two languages is hard when one language is spoken only to change the channel or get in bed or do the homework. You need more than home to speak well.
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Prince of East Africa
Nah nah! You're to blame for not responding back in Somali! You're prolly just talking about yourself, grown ass man in his thirties can't even write/speak proper Somali! :stopit:

And what's with you calling yourself a feminist? That's the most retarded shit I ever heard from a nigga!

I'm a be upfront breh, ya lame as f*ck!
I feel like I should slap you with some sense, damn f*ck wrong witchu? :kanyehmm:


Loves milk is lactose intolerant, kill me
It really depends if the kid was born in the west or not and if he/she had Somali friends growing up or was just surrounded by cadaans.
Plus to learn a language properly you need someone to actually teach you the proper grammar etc
Well, its becuz they not in a Somali speaking environment most of the time. Kids are in school 1/3rd of the day and sleep the other 1/3rd of the day away and barely see their working parents. So honestly, its expected that if you move away from a country with your mother tongue, you're kids are not going to experience authenticity.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
I don't know who to blame.

I learned how to speak in afsomali through my parents and grandmother, especially my granny. She taught us all how to speak it, and read it. She also taught us mahmahs.

I would encourage anyone who doesn't speak afsomali to spend sometime with their grandparents.
The older generation of somalis who fucked up what it means to be somali. The ones who tore down a country thinking along primitive tribal lines that rendered it useless & a source of shame for its descendants. The older generation that made us the laughing stock of the world. :mjcry::meleshame::kanyehmm:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
There's a lot of things that could be blamed here.
Some parents try their best when it comes to teaching their kids their mother tongue, but if its limited to home and dugsi then it won't really
be a main language. No disrespect but some parents don't even bother and their kids end up getting roasted the f*ck out of till they actually end up learning it on the fly (shout out to them niggas that got roasted when they went to the homeland).

Younger generations of the diaspora squad usually have English, Swedish, Dutch or some other shit as their main language.
I'd say the environment is to be blame, well for me it was. Once I started chilling with abti fadhi ku dirir my vocabulary increased tenth folds.


To be honest, Somali is pretty useless.

Other than communicating with family members it really hasn't benefited me much.
Honestly, knowing Somali is not going to get you anywhere in life. If I could switch knowing another language than Somali, I would do it in a heartbeat.


"I'd kill for a Noble Peace Prize"
To be honest, Somali is pretty useless.

Other than communicating with family members it really hasn't benefited me much.

Yeah Somali is pretty useless, but hey other than communicating it with the most important people in my life, hooyo included, what else is it there for:drakekidding:

What a daft goon, nacalaa waar do you realise how oxymoronic that sounds? It really hasnt benefited me kulaha :drakewtf::drakelaugh:


"I'd kill for a Noble Peace Prize"
Honestly, knowing Somali is not going to get you anywhere in life. If I could switch knowing another language than Somali, I would do it in a heartbeat.
:faysalwtf: What a traitorous shittty thing to say. Waar adeer luuqada Somaligu noociinan oo kale uma baahna waxna u noqon mayso, so go and learn some other gibberish lingos
Just realise, Somali language=Somali people, and if you cant speak it, you might as well forfeit all the comes with it i.e being Somali!
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