It doesn’t have to be about rivalry and territorial disputes.
Both people are smart people, the could benefit from working together, and pull themselves and the country out of ruin.
But those types of leaders must be elected.
Even if SL becomes independent, they could still work with Puntland.
Trade between the two would lift living standards, you can’t avoid your neighbor, you can only choose the type of relationship.
Mutual dependence of the two will lead to harmony because they need each other and because of that they will support each other.
Both people are smart people, the could benefit from working together, and pull themselves and the country out of ruin.
But those types of leaders must be elected.
Even if SL becomes independent, they could still work with Puntland.
Trade between the two would lift living standards, you can’t avoid your neighbor, you can only choose the type of relationship.
Mutual dependence of the two will lead to harmony because they need each other and because of that they will support each other.