If Wadani Wins In Somaliland Puntland Is In Trouble


Blocking them? They refused to support the candidacy of a SNM Chairman and choose the VP of the man who defeated them (Ina Cigaal). Out of spite for the HJ who they deeply resent. It’s not HA’s fault that the HY resent HJ.

Again nonsensical. There was never any distractions, nothing has gone on in Awdals since the 90s. Darood were mostly restricted to raids from Buhoodle border city until the Eastern Sool war. The distractions was intra-Isaaq politics.

The war with the Darood coalition has united Isaaqs, we were in deep toxic politics between HA & HY but the Jabarti surprise war has united us.

Regardless of the results, the East must be retaken and HY & HJ nomads need to be armed. SL and the people of SL will mobilize for war. There is no place for Darood in SL anymore, appeasement strategy is dead.

Nice how u pit HY and HJ against each other and they Bite the bait cigaal couldn't of won if he didn't have maryalool of all isaaqs vs hy, and he only ball busted abdirahman tuur because he wanted to rule the north and have PM in aideed govt, he wanted a north and south union which egal lied to landers that he is sending them into an old Somalia.

It's you midg1 awal who is responsible for somaliland policy post civil war and isolating hy and pitting isaaqs against HY. Your days r numbered waryaa the show down is finally here, round 2 between abdirahman tuur student ciiro vs egal student muse(anoo wax dili kara duco qaadan maayo) famous words said while warring with HY.

I'm like this at the prospects, a genius move by aideed left a legacy still boiling in SL

Thierry Henry Smile GIF by hamlet

and I didn't create your conflict aideed did a habar gedir who has created problems for all somali clans also even dhulos in aricadeeye lol and all hawiye, darods, even bimaal and rahanwayn.
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Legacies r not just not positive it can be negative as long as it "lasts" and damn did it not lead lead to isaaq civil war but also kept them at each other up untill today.

I do study this man(infamous not famous for good but evil), we osman mahmoud r not emotional, we just study men who leave legacies whether positive or negative.

Govt is looking to conquer whole country control all resources and taxes
They aren't conquering Puntland or Somaliland unless they want another civil war lol. Far more likely for FGS to control central and southern Somalia as it can be easily justified by their war against Al-Shabab.

IMO, Somalia in the future will consist of a centralized south and power sharing with the autonomous states of Puntland and Somaliland. Unlike the north, Jubaland, Southwest, Hirshabelle, Mudug and Galmudug are all too destitute, weak and corrupt to continue functioning and as such will be controlled by FGS.
Who’s the 2026 candidate? Deni? He’s cut ties with xamar, Madobe? He’s in Kenya and playing the long game, Hamza “satellite” Barre? He’s got no base of support or endorsement. Who’s the candidate? I genuinely have no idea.
you think maybe shariif sheikh axmed will run?