r u still shia @AbdiJohnson
Unfortunately true.Most Somalis are frothing at the mouth reactionaries
Somalis like to pick and choose what they want to practice in their faith. Observe them closely.
What would it be? For me it would be ceeb this and ceeb that, Somalis think everything is ceeb anything that deviates from what they consider normal, we shame people too much it's corrosive to our culture.
You're asking Somalis to be liberal and forward thinking. Good luck with that. That's why conservatism sucks. People want to justify doing terrible shit from 1921 in the name of tradition and culture. Back in the day cultural conservatives were against the suffrage movement because it went against the culture and traditions of the time.
It's the same fucking diabolical arguments you hear from Somalis. Cultures evolve and its about fucking time ours did as well.
That has nothing to do with conservatism you nacaas.
You don't even know what conservatism even means. All belief systems and ideologies consider themselves progressive and "forward-thinking". For you to hijack that term speaks to your shallow thinking and incredible arrogance.
Somalis like to pick and choose what they want to practice in their faith. Observe them closely.
You really are an utter moron. Honestly your IQ must be shockingly low.
Social conservatism is about the preservation of traditional values, culture and morals.
Ceeb culture is worse because it restricts human capital and growth.You could have picked our extreme corruption or our myopia or our lack of cooperation skills.
But you chose ceeb culture as our primary problem.
Something is wrong with you.
Thanks bro.A cursory glance would do, tbh.
You might find this blog post interesting, its written by that human rights lawyer in hargeisa that pops up every now and again.