If you have ever cursed anyone, hurt anyone's feelings wrongfully, or backbitten anyone, say this dua.

"If you have ever cursed anyone, hurt anyone's feelings wrongfully, backbitten anyone, and so on, and you regret it but can't fix it or cannot remember who and when, then say this dua before you go to sleep each night and teach it to your family, children, friends, and those you care about."

اللَّهمَّ إِنَّما أنا بشَرٌ أغضب كما يغضب البشر فأيُّما مسلم سببته أو لعنته وليس لذلك بأهل فاجعل ذلِكَ لَهُ صلاةً وزَكاةً وقربة تقربه إليك يوم القيامة

O Allah, I am only human. I get angry like everyone else naturally. So, if I have insulted, abused or cursed anyone who did not deserve it, then transform it into a prayer, a zakat and a closeness which brings him/her closer to You on the day of judgment.'


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Allaahumma innamaa anaa basharun ağDabul bishru fa'ayyumaa muslimin sababtuhu aw lacantuhu walaysa liḋaalika bi'ahlin fajcal ḋaalika lahu Salaatan wazakaatan waqurbatan tuqarribuhu ilayka yawmal qiyaamah


"If you have ever cursed anyone, hurt anyone's feelings wrongfully, backbitten anyone, and so on, and you regret it but can't fix it or cannot remember who and when, then say this dua before you go to sleep each night and teach it to your family, children, friends, and those you care about."

اللَّهمَّ إِنَّما أنا بشَرٌ أغضب كما يغضب البشر فأيُّما مسلم سببته أو لعنته وليس لذلك بأهل فاجعل ذلِكَ لَهُ صلاةً وزَكاةً وقربة تقربه إليك يوم القيامة

O Allah, I am only human. I get angry like everyone else naturally. So, if I have insulted, abused or cursed anyone who did not deserve it, then transform it into a prayer, a zakat and a closeness which brings him/her closer to You on the day of judgment.'
This Dua is a special Dua for the prophet pbuh and cannot be used by other than him.

This is from what the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was blessed and Almighty.

When a Muslim (2600) came to live, she said: “He entered the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace.

He said: (And what is that?)

She said: I said: I cursed them and caused them.

He said: (Or did you not know what my Lord had attached to? I said: God! Rather, I am human beings, which Muslims have cursed him, or caused him to make him a marriage and a reward).

Abu Al-Abbas Al-Qurtabi, may God have mercy on him, said:

And God Almighty called, and he wanted him to: If something of that happens to him that is not worthy of not doing the defendant’s apparent requirement for that supplication, and to compensate him for that forgiveness for his sins and a elevation in his degrees, then God Almighty answered the students of his Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace and promise to do so. So, he committed this with his promise of honesty and saying the truth, and about this through the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him And (I have made a covenant that they will not succeed) ... "Expected" (6/584).

This requirement and taking the covenant is something that only the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, as is well known.

The second command:

That the oppressor cannot measure himself against the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, in this supplication; Because what was issued by the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, is not unjust; Rather, it is a diligence from him in anger of the truth, and not a victory for himself.

Abu Al-Abbas Al-Qurtabi, may God have mercy on him, said:

If it is said: How can it be issued by the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, to curse or insult, or to whip for those who do not deserve it, and he is infallible like that in anger and contentment; because all this is forbidden and large, and the prophets are infallible from the major, either by evidence of reason, or by evidence of consensus As presented?

I said: I have formed this for scholars, and they have wanted to get rid of this in multiple ways, one of which is clear: that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, is angry at what he sees as an angry violation of the Sharia, so he angered God Almighty, not to himself, because he was not angry with himself, He does not take revenge on her, and we have decided in the principles: that the apparent anger is forbidden for him.

Accordingly; It is permissible for him to discipline the violator with cursing, insulting, whipping and praying against him with hatred, according to the violation of the offender, but that violation may be what was issued from him as a wick that was required by negligence, or the predominance of a soul, or a demon, and he has between him and God Almighty a sincere act, and God will pay for him because of this the effect of what was issued by the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace be with that On this, the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, expressed his saying: (Whatever one I call upon from my nation by an invitation that has no family, to make it pure for him) ... " Finished with "understand" (6/584).

And the nuclear, may God Almighty have mercy on him, said:

If it is said: How does he invite someone who is not qualified to pray for him, insult him, curse him, and so on?

The answer: What the scholars answered, and its abbreviation, are two sides:

One of them: That what is meant is not worthy of that of God Almighty and in the inside of the matter, but it is apparently obligatory for him, so he shows to him, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, his entitlement to that by a legitimate emirate, and he is in the inside of the matter is not worthy of that, and he is the prayer of God and peace commanded by the judgment and God takes over the beds .

The second: that what happened, his prayers and the like: is not intended. Rather, it is what the Arabs usually followed in communicating their words without intention, such as saying: (I raised your oath), (and my genius), (hali), and in this hadith: (I did not grow old), and in Muawiyah’s speech: (God does not satisfy his stomach), and so on, they do not mean anything from that fact of supplication, So, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him feared that something would come to him, and he asked his Lord Almighty and wanted him to make that mercy, atonement, offering, purity, and reward. “He finished with a true Muslim explanation” (16/152).

The third thing:

That the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, has shown the oppressor the way out of grievances, and he is seeking pardon from the oppressed, so he is unable to do so by supplication.

On the authority of God, God bless him.

Sheikh Al-Islam, son of Timiah, may God have mercy on him, said:

"And whoever wronged a person, then tossed him, or he insulted him, then he repented before God repented him, but if he knew the oppressed, he enabled him to take his right, and if he threw him or raped him and did not inform him, then there are two sayings for the scholars: I correct them that he does not know that I raped you, and it was said: It is better for him in his absence as he offended in his absence. Total Fatwas (3/291).

The benefit is seen: Answer to Question No. (350119).

God knows best.