"If you have ever cursed anyone, hurt anyone's feelings wrongfully, backbitten anyone, and so on, and you regret it but can't fix it or cannot remember who and when, then say this dua before you go to sleep each night and teach it to your family, children, friends, and those you care about."
اللَّهمَّ إِنَّما أنا بشَرٌ أغضب كما يغضب البشر فأيُّما مسلم سببته أو لعنته وليس لذلك بأهل فاجعل ذلِكَ لَهُ صلاةً وزَكاةً وقربة تقربه إليك يوم القيامة
O Allah, I am only human. I get angry like everyone else naturally. So, if I have insulted, abused or cursed anyone who did not deserve it, then transform it into a prayer, a zakat and a closeness which brings him/her closer to You on the day of judgment.'
اللَّهمَّ إِنَّما أنا بشَرٌ أغضب كما يغضب البشر فأيُّما مسلم سببته أو لعنته وليس لذلك بأهل فاجعل ذلِكَ لَهُ صلاةً وزَكاةً وقربة تقربه إليك يوم القيامة
O Allah, I am only human. I get angry like everyone else naturally. So, if I have insulted, abused or cursed anyone who did not deserve it, then transform it into a prayer, a zakat and a closeness which brings him/her closer to You on the day of judgment.'