If you were given a billion pounds what would you do with it?

greyhound stone

The Boss💎
I would move to American suburbs and achieve the American dream. Buuild my own golf course, swimming pool, basketball court, tennis court, my own gym and my own big house. With 1000 acres of land and get my own latina wife and settle down with wife and kids.


Flying over your heads
Buy a ton of digging machineries and soil stampers to dig ponds everywhere and so that when rain comes, it can catch the water and open dryland permaculture farms with workshops, vocational schools attached where they can learn low-tech solutions to make food last longer and also learn about value adding the produce into finished products so they can sell it to the city dwellers than can make money of selling to the locals and perhaps even export the products to other markets like how the Turks are exporting billions of dollars worth of finished products to Europe.

Fixing the weakest link and provide abundant opportunities for people to feed themselves and feed the nation with abundance of food and the understanding of the chain supply.

Agricultural entrepreneurship is the future for Somalia if we get our act together.

But the sad thing is our people seriously lack conscientiousness. Zero orderliness and industriousness. That is what cripples our nation, not qabyaalad. Qabyaalad became relevant when poverty became rampant.

Personally, I don't care about having that much money, I just wanna have feeling in Somalia like how white people feel in their homelands. Like I'm a part of a great nation and I'm in the majority.

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
Buy some land to build an autonomous city with me as the ruling prince. Shape the city in a way that we will produce Somalia's elite class. A university not seen on the African continent. Basically create competition for the tribes. Do you want more influence go ahead and build your own modern city.

This reverse psychology will probably work and my last name will have the influence to entire nation for the better.
First you need to understand how much 1 billion is, the amount of shit I could do with 1 billion dollars I could make a huge impact on Somalia, so I would probably invest in Somalia.
Water water water
I feel sad when I once read that Somalia only has 30% of clean drinking water.
Heck even the camels we enjoy and eat also drinks dirty water aka water with mud or brown sand :jcoleno:
I cringe when I see organisation build cheap quality tap water in Somalia which needs assistance after 2 or 3 weeks of usage, because they always break after a short period of time :mjcry: