If your husband is not loyal to HIS side of the family!

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
I don't understand women who make their husbands choose between them or their mothers. Women who treat their mother in laws shit is the lowest scum on the universe. If you think you won by making your husband cut ties with his family then think again babygirl.. If he's not loyal to his own mother or his side of the family what makes you think he will be loyal to you and be with you until death do you part? I don't care if the mother in law is a monster, she deserves your respect after all she is your husband's mother and your kids grandmother.

SSpot how would you treat your mother in law if she was infact a monster in law?


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
Any man who is disrespectful and disloyal to his family will do the same to his wife. Being respectful and loyal to your mother and being a mummies boy are two different things though. Mummies boys can't make decisions like a grown man without consulting Mummy. Can't stand over grown babies.


Your superior
Honestly I don't think this issue is big in the Somali community like other communities. 99% of in laws get along and in our culture they actually treat you like their daughter.


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
Nayaa what's wrong with a momma's boy? :what1:

They have been proven to be loyal, educated and humble and produce bless children while treating their wives like Queen's.

I'm not saying I'm one of them lol. But I don't see the negativity to it and me saying who'd you pick over your mother or wife is saying who do you love more your brother or father? That is honestly such a childish way to think of. I mean a wife has never given you birth or never fed you, clean you, clothed you and etc. A mother deserves her credit and respect by her child by any means.
What are you on about? Read my comment again. No one said anything about choosing your mum or your wife. :draketf: Obviously you'd choose your mum, as would I.

But you got to admit mummies boys are dopey af. Imagine marrying a man and giving him half of your life when he can't even make simple decisions and doesn't know how to fend for himself because he's used to being babied, it's a big turn off.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I don't understand women who make their husbands choose between them or their mothers. Women who treat their mother in laws shit is the lowest scum on the universe. If you think you won by making your husband cut ties with his family then think again babygirl.. If he's not loyal to his own mother or his side of the family what makes you think he will be loyal to you and be with you until death do you part? I don't care if the mother in law is a monster, she deserves your respect after all she is your husband's mother and your kids grandmother.

SSpot how would you treat your mother in law if she was infact a monster in law?

Id treat her like My own mother and I would keep My marriage business private


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
That isn't a momma's boy. That's more like a man who's physically grown but not mentally. Its a syndrome.

So are you telling me women are that stupid to marry such person?:chrisfreshhah:
Somali guys are 80% like this. They have an argument with their wife, they go run and tell hooyo. Not to mention they don't even know basic cooking skills. :susp:
Monster in Laws ain't really a Somali problem. It's not like we gotta live with them. Just every now and then you gotta invite the in-laws over, make nice and then send them on their way. Any woman not grown enough to bite her tongue and do that ain't grown enough to be married. And any mother that is so involved in her sons marriage that her daughter-in-law hates her, needs the son to step in and tell her to chill out.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
That isn't a momma's boy. That's more like a man who's physically grown but not mentally. Its a syndrome.

So are you telling me women are that stupid to marry such person?:chrisfreshhah:
Maybe shes referring to a mommas boy who dont know simple shit like cooking a meal and cleaning lol I remember back home ppl bragged about how the only time they would step into the kitchen was to get water


Its a shame really cause cooking is a big part of a family household


Not your typical Farah
I disagree @Sovereign-Reiko . If you can objectively know the the mother in law is someone who is unethical, then I don't want the mother in law near me or my kids. My wife and her mother can relationship, but the mother in law needs keep her distance and my wife needs keep her mother in law views or problems out my life. As long the mother in law problems don't come into my life, then I won't have problem with my wife.
Somali mothers have handicapped their sons.

Being hard on the girls, expecting an 11 year old girl to clear up and take on responsibilities that her 18 year old brother don't have.

Do better.


Since when was cooking the job of a man? taking out the bin and doing other manly things yes but cooking is the wife's
job when married.
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