If your husband is not loyal to HIS side of the family!

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Suldaanka Gobyare
Why I do love the environment but your post doesn't make sense, what has this got to do with my question ? Are you muslim ?


Queen of the light
Since when was cooking the job of a man? taking out the bin and doing other manly things yes but cooking is the wife's
job when married.
Your backwards mentality is not welcomed here no woman should marry you leave please, poor woman would be terrified you air all her private afairs


Queen of the light
I can't even see what your posting so its not really making any sense to me, are you guys that bored that you gang up on a female ?


Suldaanka Gobyare
I can't even see what your posting so its not really making any sense to me, are you guys that bored that you gang up on a female ?
Relax no one is ganging up on you. You kinda remind of that loveandlight weirdo that always talks about male circumcision lol
Ive never seen a horrible mother in law tbh
Always been looking forward to getting to know my future in laws
Can't imagine a somali habaryar trynna make life hard for me


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Since when was cooking the job of a man? taking out the bin and doing other manly things yes but cooking is the wife's
job when married.

Screw gender based ideas or roles everybody should learn how to cook for yourself and your health


Screw gender based ideas or roles everybody should learn how to cook for yourself and your health

I can cook to survive but having a wife that can't /won't cook defeats the whole purpose of having a wife. If she can't cook you better
get a maid as she won't feed your kids either they will suffer of malnutrition due to her laziness.
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