This is true a smarter women then me is very intimidatingLoool can't have women become to knowledgeable! Better to stay uneducated so they're easier to control

This is true a smarter women then me is very intimidatingLoool can't have women become to knowledgeable! Better to stay uneducated so they're easier to control
= higher crime rates in males = homoeroticism and outright homosex = unique social & sexual perversions within the society = unrivaled rates of rape & gang rapes = illegitmate children raised by unsuspecting 'fathers'.Sexual repression = stronger sexual urge
= higher crime rates in males = homoeroticism and outright homosex = unique social & sexual perversions within the society = unrivaled rates of rape & gang rapes = illegitmate children raised by unsuspecting 'fathers'.
It's all rampant within these 'Islamic' societies.
FFS, is it weird I prefer they get laid??
You know something is wrong with your religion when it fears education
Notice how the majority of these neckbeard atheists hating on Arabs are of the Dooro persuasion.
You can tell these were your cookie-cutter Salafis claiming they were Arabs on the basis of a fictional descent before something traumatic happened to them and caused them to hate Arabs and the religion by extension.
I call it PTDD: Post-traumatic-Dooro-Disorder.
@Bahal Don't lie something similar happened to you and made you into the raging arab-hating atheist you are today
Notice how the majority of these neckbeard atheists hating on Arabs are of the Dooro persuasion.
You can tell these were your cookie-cutter Salafis claiming they were Arabs on the basis of a fictional descent before something traumatic happened to them and caused them to hate Arabs and the religion by extension.
I call it PTDD: Post-traumatic-Dooro-Disorder.
@Bahal Don't lie something similar happened to you and made you into the raging arab-hating atheist you are today