Ilhan Omar, Israel and somalia


Forza Somalia!
I was arguing with talking pink toilet all the time
Do you think that avoiding to make ties with a country just because of human rights helps anyone?
Ok maybe, if the US avoided making ties with Israel it would change something since it's a big country. But Somalia?
It wouldn't change a single thing if Somalia recognizes Israel, Somalia isn't helping Palestine by ignoring Israel.

Tons of countries deal with human rights issues, the US is the one helping Israel, yet I don't see somalis being angry that Somalia has ties with the US.
France and the UK sent jet in Syria during the war, France also has a responsibility in the Libyan war, yet I don't see people being against having ties with France or the UK.
I'm not even going to talk about other big countries that have human rights issues.

Thirdly, look at Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrein, Morocco etc..., they are starting to recognize Israel.
The whole arab world is making peace with Israel and Somalis want to be the last one recognizing the country.
As if Israel cares, whether Somalia (a country with 5 billion dollar gdp) recognizes Israel or not.
It's not Somalia that is going to push Israel to compromise lo..
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Afro Asiatic

And we were dressed like this before barreView attachment 196071

So what's the issue? Jilbaabs only became a thing during the civil war when every clan was raping eachother as revenge. Let's be real it was never about religion, it was about these traumatised women feeling like if they were not covered from head to toe they'd get raped.

jilbaab/big beard/aquaan revolution happened during second intra Hawiye civil war, the war that actually destroyed xamar


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
I feel prime Michael Jordan walking into the arena.

Some people are about to get karbaashed tonight.



Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Okay, this thread needs a fact checker, I will volunteer.

Either we can end this topic after my post or people will get karbaashed.

she should spend some time advocating for foreign policy that benefits somalia instead of obsessing over a never ending war in the middle East.

She is literally the Vice-chair on the subcommittee for US-Africa relations. Any aid packages or policies towards Somalia has her signature on it.

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Attached is a letter by Ilhan in the last fortnight criticising Biden on his lack of transparency on airstrikes in Somalia as well as the lack of compensation payments for civilian victims.

It's almost as if you did not do your research before making this thread.....

Also wth are you acting like all she does is "check" the money that goes to Israel? She goes out of her way to criticize Israel lol. I get it you don't have an answer to why she's always after Israel so you're using the taxpayer argument.

That is because she is on the US House Foreign Affairs Committee.

She is legit in charge of scrutinising how Israel uses US aid money as well as US-Israel relations

As the only progressive democrat on the committee, she has the responsibility of representing her group's views (such as AOC, Rashida etc) as well her constituents on the committee.

As aforementioned in this thread, her constituents opinion on this topic is very clear.

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official Israel- Somalia ties ? IMO this wouldn't be bad, Israel could help Somalia in sectors like the military (combating terrorism) and health care

As previously stated on this thread, Israel has been a staunch ally for Ethiopia during any conflict with Somalia. Also, the Somali people in Somalia are extremely against any sort of relations with Israel.

Arabs are not our allies, never have been.

Egypt is actually one of, if not the main reason we got independence in 1960 instead of a 30 year extension. They were part of three country UN commission that oversaw the trusteeship period and were one of the only countries to support Somalia's claim over the Ogaden.

The Arab nations gave us free petroleum and co-financed a refinery so that the we would save on petroleum costs. As Somalia predominantly relied on petrol for electricity generation, their friendly measures essentially powered the country for a generation.

That was until Barre sold the free oil to apartheid South Africa for a profit.

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If Arab nations won't do anything for Palestine, we shouldn't either.

Arab nations still send millions of dollars of aid to Palestine despite recognising or being friendly with Israel.

Somalia is actually one of the only Arab League countries that does nothing for Palestine.

They didn’t say a word about Egypt doing it

Egypt literally got kicked out of the Arab League when they signed the treaty as well as being cut off by many Arab nations.

The president who signed the treaty was assassinated shortly after.

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Siding with Israel isn't going to improve the situations in Somalia. It's literally pointless.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r

You qashin or meh react my posts but I want you to provide your argument.

I am willing to hear you out, provided you refrain from insults or racial epithets.

Maxishoodayaal iyo dayuusin ayaa ka buuxo this thread. Some of these people disgust me.
Naagaheena jilbaabo ayee xiranaayin.
Go choke on a gum or some shit.

Dress like a dh!llo in somalia get whipped. Ciil udhimo.
Arab nations still send millions of dollars of aid to Palestine despite recognising or being friendly with Israel.

Somalia is actually one of the only Arab League countries that does nothing for Palestine.

Because we're the poorest Arab league member? Palestinians despite their suffering are still richer than us.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Because we're the poorest Arab league member? Palestinians despite their suffering are still richer than us.

Your entire point was that we do more for Palestine than other Arab countries.

As shown here:

If Arab nations won't do anything for Palestine, we shouldn't either.

My point is that could not be physically further away from the truth.

Don't try shifting the goal posts.

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Okay, this thread needs a fact checker, I will volunteer.

Either we can end this topic after my post or people will get karbaashed.

She is literally the Vice-chair on the subcommittee for US-Africa relations. Any aid packages or policies towards Somalia has her signature on it.

View attachment 196164

Attached is a letter by Ilhan in the last fortnight criticising Biden on his lack of transparency on airstrikes in Somalia as well as the lack of compensation payments for civilian victims.

It's almost as if you did not do your research before making this thread.....

That is because she is on the US House Foreign Affairs Committee.

She is legit in charge of scrutinising how Israel uses US aid money as well as US-Israel relations

As the only progressive democrat on the committee, she has the responsibility of representing her group's views (such as AOC, Rashida etc) as well her constituents on the committee.

As aforementioned in this thread, her constituents opinion on this topic is very clear.

View attachment 196165

As previously stated on this thread, Israel has been a staunch ally for Ethiopia during any conflict with Somalia. Also, the Somali people in Somalia are extremely against any sort of relations with Israel.

Egypt is actually one of, if not the main reason we got independence in 1960 instead of a 30 year extension. They were part of three country UN commission that oversaw the trusteeship period and were one of the only countries to support Somalia's claim over the Ogaden.

The Arab nations gave us free petroleum and co-financed a refinery so that the we would save on petroleum costs. As Somalia predominantly relied on petrol for electricity generation, their friendly measures essentially powered the country for a generation.

That was until Barre sold the free oil to apartheid South Africa for a profit.

View attachment 196167View attachment 196168

Arab nations still send millions of dollars of aid to Palestine despite recognising or being friendly with Israel.

Somalia is actually one of the only Arab League countries that does nothing for Palestine.

Egypt literally got kicked out of the Arab League when they signed the treaty as well as being cut off by many Arab nations.

The president who signed the treaty was assassinated shortly after.

View attachment 196166
zero hoots given siad barre dropped pan africanism like qashin after 77. :russ::russ::russ:
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Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
zero hoots given siad barre dropped pan africanism like qashin after 77. :russ::russ::russ:

Siyaad Barre was one of the first African leaders to line up for the apartheid regime when they offered him weapons.

Somalis and being indifferent to apartheid.


mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
Siding with Israel isn't going to improve the situations in Somalia. It's literally pointless.
Somalis actually think their opinions or votes matter in the worldstage:mjlol: Litterly palestinians are doing better then somalis and even have a higher gdp. At this point somalis should ask palestine for aid money:damn:


So, looking and reading this replies shows that we are in a worse state then Palestine itself and us helping them or going against them does nothing for us. It’s actually time for us to do smt beneficial for our own people.


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