Ilhan Omar sworn in as legislator

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USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Good for her, it's good to see a Darood woman reach high places. But two questions:

1) Why does she have a hutu accent when speaking Somali?
2) Why is she married to an uneducated hutu who was leading the habar gidir public mourning for cismaan caato in Minnesota after the old pig died?

:whoa: Just relax bro.
Congratulations to Ilhan she made us proud.

Are you a Muslim? If so you should condemn her for her open kufr Allah makes it clear in the Quran that legislation is only for Allah.

When we say LA ILAHA ILLALLAH we are saying that there is no God worthy of worship except Allah. Meaning that there is no power to submit to except for ALLAH. To do this we must understand that there is nothing equal to Allah in any of His attributes. Allah has described Himself with at least ninety-nine names and attributes, if any body claims to have any of the attributes of Allah then this person has becomes a taghoot. Taghoot is anything that is worshipped other than Allah. So before we can claim to be muslims we must first reject taghoot as Allah (swt) says “There is no compulsion in deen. Verily, the right path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in taghoot and believes in Allah, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break. And Allah is the All-Hearer (Sami’) All-Knower (A’leem)” (al-Baqarah 2:256) “And verily We sent to every ummah (nation) a messenger (proclaiming): “Worship ALLAH and avoid (or keep away) from Taghoot (all false deities)” (an-Nahl 16:36)

One of Allah (SWT)’s attributes is AL HAKIM meaning the only law-giver. So if anyone who legislates laws that are that are not from qur’an and sunnah, then this person becomes a taghoot as only Allah is AL HAKIM the One who legislates Law. There are many verses of the qur’an to prove that Allah (swt) is the only law giver “The hukm (legislation) is for none but Allah. He has commanded that you worship none but Him, that is the straight religion, but most men know not” (Yoosuf 12:40) and “And He makes none share in His decision and rule (hukm)” (Al-Kahf 18:26)

These verses of the qur’an prove without doubt that only Allah has the right of making laws that should be followed by man. And we as muslims can not obey any Laws that have been legislated by other than ALLAH. “Or do they have partners with Allah to legislate for them in the deen what Allah does not allow” (ash Shoora 42:21) and “And eat not of that on which the name of Allah is not pronounced, for surely that is fisq (an act of disobedience). And verily the Shayaateen inspire their friends (from mankind) to argue with you. And if you obey them then you would indeed be mushrikoon” (Al-An’am 6:121)

A lot of what these legislators do is address worldly needs and what the communities they represent want to accomplish in their neighborhoods. I think I would suggest you leave the west since you are similar to this woman and live off the welfare and generosity of kuffaars. Anything you said about her applies to you because you accept the laws of the land you live in. Speeding limits as an example of these laws you abide by on a daily basis.

You are a hypocrite similar to the guys who partied and drunk all their life and then suicide-bombed Muslims and innocent non Muslims alike for their warped view of Islam. They are most likely being blown up in their graves for punishment since that was the promised method of punishment for anyone who kills themselves in suicide according to the prophet's saying.

You are best suited to Refrain from writing about religion and leave the west since it is land of Disbelievers for which you have deep contempt. I might take you seriously if you wrote from Hargaysa or Muqdisho.
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Funny enough it is these legislators writing into law your college funds that enabled you to go to college and be on welfare at some point in your life. have some decency and be mindful of using Allah's book out of your ignorance.

Khalifah my ass.


Community Manager
Staff Member
I wonder how many legislators Somali in western parliaments.
Good for her, it's good to see a Darood woman reach high places. But two questions:

1) Why does she have a hutu accent when speaking Somali?
2) Why is she married to an uneducated hutu who was leading the habar gidir public mourning for cismaan caato in Minnesota after the old pig died?

You sound jealous. Very unmanly. It is first time I see what her tribe is and that of her husband. I have listened to interviews of her couple times on public radio and heard of her campaign before. It never occurred to me what her tribe might be.

Criticizing a Somali female is considered unmanly. If you wear Dirac, I can excuse your unmanly behavior. Raganimo iska doon/yeel meesha waad ku saxarootay.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
A lot of what these legislators do is address worldly needs and what the communities they represent want to accomplish in their neighborhoods. I think I would suggest you leave the west since you are similar to this woman and live off the welfare and generosity of kuffaars. Anything you said about her applies to you because you accept the laws of the land you live in. Speeding limits as an example of these laws you abide by on a daily basis.

You are a hypocrite similar to the guys who partied and drunk all their life and then suicide-bombed Muslims and innocent non Muslims alike for their warped view of Islam. They are most likely being blown up in their graves for punishment since that was the promised method of punishment for anyone who kills themselves in suicide according to the prophet's saying.

You are best suited to Refrain from writing about religion and leave the west since it is land of Disbelievers for which you have deep contempt. I might take you seriously if you wrote from Hargaysa or Muqdisho.
I ain't a legislator you idiot :draketf:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Funny enough it is these legislators writing into law your college funds that enabled you to go to college and be on welfare at some point in your life. have some decency and be mindful of using Allah's book out of your ignorance.

Khalifah my ass.
I merely quoted it you mumbling buffoon what are you going to tell me next don't quote the Quran :cosbyhmm:
I ain't a legislator you idiot :draketf:

But you accept and respect these laws out of the legislative sessions such as speed limit and how much you should be charged for violating that law silly. Do you drive around breaking laws? Do you commit any crimes for which you know you will be prosecuted for? City ordinances, building codes, farming ethics(not using too much fertilizer etc), anything related to city and non-city life and safety are through laws written to better communities. Islam would not object to that. You have sweeping view of what Law is, and you condemn someone without realizing there is no issue with a Muslim introducing a law that serves the community better. In her interviews, when they asked her what is her primary goal, she replied Higher Education, and college affordability was the concern of the community who elected her. Tell me, how is that Anti-ISLAM?

It is best not to get into condemning and questioning other people's faith as a general rule in Islam. You ought to spend sometime at least gathering evidence of what someone introduced as a law and see if that is contradictory to what they profess as a faith. May be you will have a leg to stand on.

I won't oppose a well researched charges against someone. You won't catch me defend Ayan Hirsi for example, but I would defend Iman. Why? because each woman by her own actions did something I can judge them for.

To me, an open Somali atheist but respectful of all things culturally Somali and does serve his/her community, respects their relatives and pays homage to their roots is more welcome than some zealot Muslim who is ignorant of Islam itself. I can suffer at the hands of ignorant Muslims more than I might at the hands of non-muslims, And that is a real fact in today's world.

I decided to be fair to all humans regardless of religion because that is what Islam teaches at basic level. Allah who can wipe out all in the Universe said his own religion for mankind should not be compelled on anyone. Best example I have there bro.

You sound someone with good spirits and who loves Islam, and I should not disrespect you, but you agree Islam is bigger than both of Us, so we will tell each other what we perceive as wrong and forgive me for any insults I directed towards you.
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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
But you accept and respect these laws out of the legislative sessions such as speed limit and how much you should be charged for violating that law silly. Do you drive around breaking laws? Do you commit any crimes for which you know you will be prosecuted for? City ordinances, building codes, farming ethics(not using too much fertilizer etc), anything related to city and non-city life and safety are through laws written to better communities. Islam would not object to that. You have sweeping view of what Law is, and you condemn someone without realizing there is no issue with a Muslim introducing a law that serves the community better. In her interviews, when they asked her what is her primary goal, she replied Higher Education, and college affordability was the concern of the community who elected her. Tell me, how is that Anti-ISLAM?

It is best not to get into condemning and questioning other people's faith as a general rule in Islam. You ought to spend sometime at least gathering evidence of what someone introduced as a law and see if that is contradictory to what they profess as a faith. May be you will have a leg to stand on.

I won't oppose a well researched charges against someone. You won't catch me defend Ayan Hirsi for example, but I would defend Iman. Why? because each woman by her own actions did something I can judge them for.

To me, an open Somali atheist but respectful of all things culturally Somali and does serve his/her community, respects their relatives and pays homage to their roots is more welcome than some zealot Muslim who is ignorant of Islam itself. I can suffer at the hands of ignorant Muslims more than I might at the hands of non-muslims, And that is a real fact in today's world.

I decided to be fair to all humans regardless of religion because that is what Islam teaches at basic level. Allah who can wipe out all in the Universe said his own religion for mankind should not be compelled on anyone. Best example I have there bro.

You sound someone with good spirits and who loves Islam, and I should not disrespect you, but you agree Islam is bigger than both of Us, so we will tell each other what we perceive as wrong and forgive me for any insults I directed towards you.
I don't care about your emotions Islam means to submit & surrenders one will to Allah's will. I quoted verses from the Quran which Allah makes clear that legislation is only for him, please calm down bradar without resorting to profanities please bring your evidence forward or are you just going on your whim & desires :comeon:
I don't care about your emotions Islam means to submit & surrenders one will to Allah's will. I quoted verses from the Quran which Allah makes clear that legislation is only for him, please calm down bradar without resorting to profanities please bring your evidence forward or are you just going on your whim & desires :comeon:

And you have no desire and whims? I kind of figured you transcended having both. Explains your attitude in the forums. Good on you to be perfect human and all knowing.
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