ILHAN RIGGED IT!! come laugh with me


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
They did target her, but after Bernie Sanders campaigned for Ilhan and they watched the polls, they backed out at the last minute. Don't fall for their new gimmick of claiming "we were not involved". That is BS. They were and got defeated hands down.

Keep in mind they were doing the attacking through their ads and other mouthpieces without directly donating to Samuels. It is the voters in that district who didn't fall for their nonsense.

how interesting. so they were not actually donating to the black man but still they opposed omar? Racist are a clown of new class


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Ilhan should focus more on domestic politics from now on and subtly support Palestine on the sidelines. It does her career no good if yahuuda antagonize her, she has to self preserve at the end of the day.

Very true. But it is not the nature of Somalis to be Munafiqs. We love and hate openly in declaration. That is why self suicide bombing comes easy for us
Collective conservative brain rot, they’re still going with the “election was stolen” narrative even though Trump himself doesn’t even say that anymore.

They’re going to use this as an excuse to justify intimidating voters. They’ll say they’re “patriots who want to make sure election is not rigged” and when they lose they’ll just claim the election was rigged anyway.

They can’t seem to fathom the fact that a lot of White Americans just simply don’t like conservatism, or at the very least they dislike current Republican candidates. Instead, they’ll blame the election results on illegal immigrants or just minorities in general. Because according to them only minorities and self hating liberal whites vote for democrats.
They basically can’t fathom losing when that’s actually all they’re good at. Need Kamala to win cuz of Project 2025, can’t even risk that happening.
Very true. But it is not the nature of Somalis to be Munafiqs. We love and hate openly in declaration. That is why self suicide bombing comes easy for us
I thought it was debunked, that foreigners did the suicide bombing. Looking at those AS vids majority looked like niger-mali-congo folks no ?

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
Very true. But it is not the nature of Somalis to be Munafiqs. We love and hate openly in declaration. That is why self suicide bombing comes easy for us

