I fear for you akhi inshaallah you are alright <3im not coughing nor do i have a fever but its been kinda difficult for me to breath properlydo you think i got coronavirus?
I fear for you akhi inshaallah you are alright <3im not coughing nor do i have a fever but its been kinda difficult for me to breath properlydo you think i got coronavirus?
No but I’ve took some vitamins and inhaled hot vapor from my humidifier and had some rest and I’m feeling better rnDo you have asthma or respiratory issues? You know those ventilation things from the pharmacy those help. With some herbal medicines.
I fear for you akhi inshaallah you are alright <3
Stay strong buddy![]()
I would say you don't have the virus but make sure you get tested.
Thank you guys I’m feeling much better right nowGet better brother![]()
Thank youStay safe walaloyaal.
Please try to quit smoking it’ll make you even more unhealthy sxbYou are way healthier then me, since you don't smoke like me.
Thank you I exercise daily and I’m currently feeling much better mashallahYou should call your healthcare supervisor. Shortness of breath or difficulties with breathing shouldn’t be taken lightly. What other symptoms do you have? Are you fat? Obese? Do you have heart problems? Have you been sitting in front of your computer for days without exercising? It could be anxiety, it is common to have trouble with the breath.
Your weak somali genes will kill you off you better get help asap if it gets worse.
Get well soon walal, you are in my thoughts along with a bunch of other people![]()
Much love sxb I’ll do thatI don't know your situation but keep clean, and eat clean lots of fruits especially Grapefruits to boost your immune-system.
Please try to quit smoking it’ll make you even more unhealthy sxb
Thank you I’m doing alright atm@BetterDaysAhead
I don’t think you’ve got it. Might be anxiety since a lot of people are getting pseudo symptoms at this time. Take care of yourself![]()
mashallah so glad to hear that sxbI'm going cold turkey for life from next week.
i thought it was 2-14 days according to the newsStop being a hypochondriac, the virus doesn't work that way. For you to show symptoms now, it means you would've caught 5-14ish days ago. You're over thinking sxb, you're fine.