Im not gonna disrespect this Somali sheekh brother but who gives the right to curse these nations?

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That's because the Arab royal families of the Khaleej, Wahhabis/Salafis, ISIS, and even America itself are entities that directly serve the Zionist agenda. Your local Somali Salafi imam is part of a network that leads back to Tel Aviv whether he realizes this or not. Shias, like Assad and Iran, are being targeted because they, along with Russia, stand in defiance to this Jewish plot for world domination.
...Or rather it's plain but potent sectarianism at it's core. Anti-Alawite and Shia and their on and off supporter and/or coconspirator, Russia.
That's because the Arab royal families of the Khaleej, Wahhabis/Salafis, ISIS, and even America itself are entities that directly serve the Zionist agenda. Your local Somali Salafi imam is part of a network that leads back to Tel Aviv whether he realizes this or not. Shias, like Assad and Iran, are being targeted because they, along with Russia, stand in defiance to this Jewish plot for world domination.

They clandestinely fund all sides, just like during the Iran/Iraq war, nothing has changed in relation to Iran since those days, there banks and institutions are still somewhat independent, but Israel still sent them plenty of weapons despite Saddam at that time being a patron to the American's.

Arab royal families with the exception of Qatar somewhat are 100% patrons, your right on that, but don't be fooled with this rhetoric that Iran is any different, a pious slave or a rebellious slave, at the end of the day is still a slave due to dependence to the global system.

Iran has serious demographics issues, the 'Persian's' are no longer majority there like they had been, there only rallying call is this shia crescent dream, it will ensure none of the many ethnics in their country rebels because they are kept busy with expansionist dreams and the many conflicts they ignite far from their borders

These people are far more dangerous then the royal toothless inbreds that are only concerned counting their wealth and spreading extreme ideologies

In their entire history, they have never fought zionist, all the fighting they ever did was against other Muslims, as they do today, don't be fooled by their cheap propaganda that they are a wall against zionist, it's BS.
That's because the Arab royal families of the Khaleej, Wahhabis/Salafis, ISIS, and even America itself are entities that directly serve the Zionist agenda. Your local Somali Salafi imam is part of a network that leads back to Tel Aviv whether he realizes this or not. Shias, like Assad and Iran, are being targeted because they, along with Russia, stand in defiance to this Jewish plot for world domination.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
Like I said before misplaced priorities. How come he's not crying for thousands of Somalis who die everyday? How come these sheikhs are not condemning alshabab's killing sprees? How come these Sheikhs are not raising awareness for young people risking their lives to have a better life, how come they're not raising money to build orphanages, schools in Somalia.

Somali sheikhs are the weakest ever. You will never see Arab sheikh crying for Somalia or Somali people. Charity starts from home, help your people first then cry for the rest of the ummah. Miss me with your bs calcaal..

This is wrong on so many levels.

1. No Somali sheikh wants involve themselves with AS.
2. Most Somalis that do tahriib are wealthy (It takes upward of 15k to do tahriib)
3. How do you know he doesn't fundraise.
4. Stop generalising our Imams
5. Why do single out Arab imams, they fundraised so much for Somalia during the famine here in Aust.
6. Our people are choosing to f*ck themselves over.
I had to stop the video when he started to cry. These Somali Salafis/Wahabis even take on the overly expressive and emotional traits of Arab men thinking it's part of the deen. You'll never ever catch a Somali geeljire cry and wail like a woman.

Somali Imam: "Oh Allah heleb the beobal of suuriya" wails:jcoleno:

Me: "Bro, what about the rape victims in Somalia?":umwhat:

Somali Imam: *ignores and continues wailing* "Ya allah, destroy the iifall Basher al Assad" wails:kendrickcry:

Me: "Bro what about the Rohingyans being butchered in Myanmar?":sass2:

Somali Imam: *ignores and starts howling like a dog* "Oh Allah punish the iifall yahuudis and sayf the balestinian beobal":rejoice:

Me: "Bro, what about alshabab killing innocent people in Mogadishu?":wtfdis:

Somali Imam: "Shut up, you Somali rapist dog! Nobody is suffering like the Arabs. They are truly the only victims in the world. Oh Allah, make my daughter marry a falafel stand owner":rejoice:

Me: "What happened to 'muh ummah'?":ayaanswag:


As i live and breathe
Somalis in this forum are very bizarre. There are no ppl suffering worse than the people of syria. Instead of saying why isn't he saying this or that just say ameen

Find me a single Arab sheikh crying for Somalia. Fact of the matter is Somalia is the last thing Arabs care about, and yet here we are with Somalis crying for Arabs. Cajiib.
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Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
Find me a single Arab sheikh crying for Somalia. Fact of the matter is Somalia is the last thing Arabs care about, and yet here we are with Somalis crying for Arabs. Cajiib.

Do you really want me to do that...

Screen Shot 2017-01-28 at 4.45.31 PM.png

The Arabs at my local mosque donated a 40 foot container of food stuffs and over 100k of their savings to Somalia while the Somalis were doing FKD.



As i live and breathe
Do you really want me to do that...

View attachment 12386

The Arabs at my local mosque donated a 40 foot container of food stuffs and over 100k of their savings to Somalia while the Somalis were doing FKD.


I stand corrected :ohhh:

I still believe Somalis should prioritize themselves though, i've seen many Somalis crying over Palestine while not giving a damn about the state of their own country :manny:


Weeping for the Nation of 68

The man is cursing Assad El-Bashir as if Assad didnt give Somalis asylum and proper (no racism) treatment from 1991-2011. The one and only Arab countries who opened their arms and who never rescinded their policy to the cursed Somali people. Sudan also had an open policy for Somali but it was intermittent and would change on us like the weather but Syria never bothered Somalis. I swear ive met so many Somalis from Syria and who told me that they never felt as welcomed and brotherly treatment like the Syrian nation accorded to them. Somali kids were given free access to Syrian schools where they were treated as if they were Syrians. Their concept was that Somalia was part of the Arab league and so they were their citizen. What arab nation afforded them that.

Why get involved in the affairs of the Arab mayhem? Just pray for Somalia and leave these folks alone.

That sheikh should mind his own business and pray for the famine in Somalia
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