Iman's daughter?

I've noticed women like Waris Dirie with strong jawlines who would grow to 170+ were once more common as well:

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Modern nutrition has screwed us, walaal.
I believe modern nutrition has aided us, but most Somali parents would rather die than monitor what their children eat.

My parents are semi-health freaks who never let us have anything with too much sugar or fat. They both are 5'2 and 5'6 respectively, but my siblings and I tower over them.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
I believe modern nutrition has aided us, but most Somali parents would rather die than monitor what their children eat.

My parents are semi-health freaks who never let us have anything with too much sugar or fat. They both are 5'2 and 5'6 respectively, but my siblings and I tower over them.
They were wrong regarding fat. Saturated fat, contrary to popular belief, is a crucial human nutrient. Even ruminant herbivores have the microbes in their guts convert plant matter into mostly saturated fats which is why their milks contain it as a useful nutrient for their newborns. And height isn't a huge deal. I've seen plenty of malaclused and otherwise unhealthy people grow taller than their parents. It's one of the most no-brainer bases to cover if you get just enough protein and minerals, by the looks of it. A lot of work must be done for the Somali folks.
They were wrong regarding fat. Saturated fat, contrary to popular belief, is a crucial human nutrient. Even ruminant herbivores have the microbes in their guts convert plant matter into mostly saturated fats which is why their milks contain it as a useful nutrient for their newborns. And height isn't a huge deal. I've seen plenty of malaclused and otherwise unhealthy people grow taller than their parents. It's one of the most no-brainer bases to cover if you get just enough protein and minerals, by the looks of it. A lot of work must be done for the Somali folks.
Of course there is good fats, I'm not doubting that or it's importance. I mean like trans fats. Also even though saturated fat is not that bad for you,you're better off eating stuff with less of it or sticking with unsaturated fat instead.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Of course there is good fats, I'm not doubting that or it's importance. I mean like trans fats. Also even though saturated fat is not that bad for you,you're better off eating stuff with less of it or sticking with unsaturated fat instead.
No, you are not, walaal. Polyunsaturated fats are not good for you in anything but the small amounts found in animal foods. Seed oils (vegetable oils) are inflammatory and toxic. If you observe any mammal in nature they eat overwhelmingly saturated fat, then a fair amount of mono-unsaturated fat (olive oil and coconut oil) and very little PUFAs by eating whatever their natural diet is. And saturated fats, particularly from animals, is where most of the fat soluble vitamins tend to be found and thrive. Of course avoid any processed foods and the fats or anything in them of any kind but whole foods are a different matter.


Death Awaits You
No, you are not, walaal. Polyunsaturated fats are not good for you in anything but the small amounts found in animal foods. Seed oils (vegetable oils) are inflammatory and toxic. If you observe any mammal in nature they eat overwhelmingly saturated fat, then a fair amount of mono-unsaturated fat (olive oil and coconut oil) and very little PUFAs by eating whatever their natural diet is. And saturated fats, particularly from animals, is where most of the fat soluble vitamins tend to be found and thrive. Of course avoid any processed foods and the fats or anything in them of any kind but whole foods are a different matter.
A lot of food influencer have a strong bias towers what they promote and use pseudoscientific facts to back their claims. That's why I always go by scientific facts. I never follow any of them or read their books.

A systematic review of many previous study in 2016 actually found no link between bad cholesterol and heart disease. A similar review in 2014 also found no link between saturated fat and heart disease.

CAn you link good evidence that backs the notions that PUFA intake with good omega 3:6 ratio is bad for your health ?


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
A lot of food influencer have a strong bias towers what they promote and use pseudoscientific facts to back their claims. That's why I always go by scientific facts. I never follow any of them or read their books.

A systematic review of many previous study in 2016 actually found no link between bad cholesterol and heart disease. A similar review in 2014 also found no link between saturated fat and heart disease.



CAn you link good evidence that backs the notions that PUFA intake with good omega 3:6 ratio is bad for your health ?

Saxiib, that study you shared is garbage for making any real conclusions. And I say that despite agreeing with it's conclusions. Epidemiological studies are COMPLETELY inappropriate for making conclusive statements and always will be:

Psychological studies are often pseudoscientific. A lot of this stuff is just based on questionnaires (highly unreliable) and nothing truly beyond reproach. They should conduct actual health marker studies. Brain scans, levels of things like dopamine and oxytocin, overall physiological health and so on. People telling you they're happy and answering a line of questioning that implies they are is not scientific.

Also, this all flies in the face of basic science. Anyone who's studied any scientific field (even doctors) is told from day one that correlation does not mean causation. You cannot make conclusions based on correlations. You just can't. It can get the ball rolling and be the precursor for an actual clinical study but it cannot be used to make real conclusions. It is completely inappropriate for that but most people nowadays, being scientifically illiterate, don't realize this.

I will give you a simple, jokey example:
  • I can display on a chart that children with bigger feet on average will display better math skills.
Does this then mean that bigger feet = better math skills? Nope. It means there is a confounding factor outside of the data in this chart actually causing the better math skills and you just can't see it. Those factors being that children with bigger feet on average tend to be older, have more developed brains as a result and be ahead of children younger than them in the school system and thus farther ahead in terms of the math they're being taught.

Would you have been able to glean any of that from the initial correlation? No. But that's a simple, jokey example. A more serious one would be what's going on with nutrition studies nowadays which are mostly epidemiological (correlative studies).

They'll make observations in America like "People who eat more meat die younger" then some scientifically illiterate journalist will grab this and tell people meat = you die younger and not be aware of confounding factors like the fact that people who eat meat in a place like America mostly get it via processed/junk foods and are usually less health conscious. More likely to smoke, more likely to drink and so forth. This is what's actually killing them and not the meat which we know mechanistically is not bad for humans at all and even a deep review of the correlative data finds no compelling evidence that it's bad for people. Hell, those correlative studies even get turned on their head if you go somewhere like Hong Kong where people who eat more meat tend to live longer.

The same applies here. The only way to make real conclusions is to have a clinical study which will never happen because it would have to look something like this:

  • Control group of single people
  • Single group living in an unhappy, unhealthy and generally draining environment
  • Single group living in ideal emotional conditions and in peak physical health
  • Married couples group where the clinicians deliberately make the relationships unhealthy/toxic
  • Married couples group where the clinicians intervene with therapies and matchmaking to ensure the relationships are healthy
  • Unmarried couples group where the clinicians deliberately make the relationships unhealthy/toxic
  • Unmarried couples group where the clinicians intervene with therapies and matchmaking to ensure the relationships healthy

And then keep these people in essentially a highly controlled giant lab-like setting (like a controlled town environment) and monitor them closely to see their health markers. No simple questionnaires only but actually measure their health markers like I mentioned earlier and then you'd have to repeat this experiment with at least 2-4 generations of their descendants. All while making this study's groups randomly selected, representative of the overall population and statistically significant in number. Then and only then could you make real conclusions, abaayo.

A study like that will never be greenlit though because it would essentially require slavery to be carried out. Anything else is correlative gobbledygook you are wasting time trying to draw real conclusions from.

So no, I won't waste time showing you an epidemiological study that shows PUFAs are bad even though simple googling can do that for you. Simply google "PUFAs and inflammation" or "PUFAs and metabolism" and so forth and follow along when the biochemical mechanisms are explained.

That is all that is truly going to hold any weight in nutritional science; mechanistic data and perhaps just observing the historical data (like isotopic data on old remains showing what they ate) or just observing modern anecdotes and practicing an n=1 and seeing how you fare.

We will never, I repeat, we will never have an actual clinical study proving any diet is truly for the best. The slave-like conditions your need to pull off such a study would not be legal let alone pass through ethics boards.
I've never seen a group on earth who have noses like the Somali, people pay good money for Somali noses.
I remember watching a Somali music clip and foreigners commented that most Somalis have similar noses and that's when I started noticing it and it's true.

Now I think think it may be one of our most identifying features after the forehead.

Somali women 9/10 have perfect noses.
It would have been amazing if at least one of Iman's children inherited her slim and sharpe features, she'd be killing it in the model world right now.
I remember someone telling me the daughter of Iman raises awareness for Somalia, especially during the famine and draughts. That young woman had a good heart. May Allah (swt) guide her to Islam.


I remember someone telling me the daughter of Iman raises awareness for Somalia, especially during the famine and draughts. That young woman had a good heart. May Allah (swt) guide her to Islam.

I believe she also displays the Somali flag :)

The Iman family are just awesome!