Speaking of likes @Armadillo when did I f*ck you boowe nacaala ileen there's no difference between moryaan & Cali saleeban kkkk f*ck about warya & it's the mountains of qandala for you waskan yaho.
What a lie, the Italians didn't even step foot in the Sultanate until they wanted to oust him. Believe it or not Hutus helped us in fighting the Italians especially the ones from Elbur. The ones in Hobyo stabbed us in the back. You can't make up stories, that's why I'm here. We were slaughtering the Italians, their governors are buried in Galgadud because of us kkkkkk.![]()
Lagu sii qaad. You are so obsessed with us. Naga dhamow waskhan yahow.
He made a deal with the Italians and the deal was that they gonna expand him as a Sultanate. And will get the protection he wanted from Hawiye. They gave him weapons and every assistance in exchange for his submission. And when they came into Somali soil they betrayed him.
Ya'll didn't slaughter Italians for shit. Stop claiming other people accomplisment as a yours liar. The people who fought the Italians hardore were Sacad with the help of Haji Muse Igarre which also led to destroying your "Sultanate"
And i'm not making these stories up why would i ? LMAO
However, the relationship between Hobyo and Italy soured when Sultan Kenadid refused the Italians' proposal to allow a British contingent of troops to disembark in his Sultanate so that they might then pursue their battle against the Somali religious and nationalist leader Mohammed Abdullah Hassan's Dervish forces.
"The British authorities decided to remove Suldaan Al Yusuf Kenadid from hobyo. They appointed Major Muse Igarre to be incharge of the operation, named "Hammer Hobyo" he had with him 200 soldiers from somaliland camel corps and 100 indian soldiers from the Punjab."
In the year 1921, an Issaq leader Haji Muse Igarre, brought the sacad over ten
thousand rifles, to help them fight against Suldan Yusuf Kenadiids domination.
While you were helping the gaalo alongside the Idoor soldier, I was fighting them.
We were even protecting the Sayid kkkk and not allowing them to set foot on the land.
Now tell me who is the gaalo raac? How exactly were you a threat to Keenadid with out the British again?![]()
Sxb she really tried to sell the narrative that Keenadid sought protection from the gaalo against hutus kkkkk.There's no point in talking sense to these people. They know the truth but the butthurt is too severe.
Sxb she really tried to sell the narrative that Keenadid sought protection from the gaalo against hutus kkkkk.
Eventually it became Keenadid, Sayid, and Boqor Cisman against the Italians/British and their followers.
They always accuse us of fighting for them when we never did. Can't say the same for them though.![]()
That last line kkkk, was it Salad Cali Jeele who said that.To be fair to the girl it's not just her, it's all MJ haters jump on that narrative. They also do the same thing with AY and the events of 2006, even though high ranking hutu clan leaders also sided with the ethios, even the former Galnus leader Qeybdiid and the Abgaal dameer lover Gedi. And did not the Banadir governor at the time state that "water and milk should be carried for the ethios"? But we never hear that governor's name.
Strange phenomenon indeed.
Why are you trying to rewrite history? Either that or your an ignoramus. Do you even know who Haji Muse Igarre was? He was a Isaaq British solider whose sole purpose was to fight against the Sayid. Are you trying to say Igarre & Sacad fought the Italians?
How can they fight against Italians when they're allied to fight against the Sayid?
Guess who the British contingent was? You guessed it, Haji Muse Igarre. When Keenadid refused, Igarre started to arm the Sacad and along with other British lackeys attacked Hobyo. Remeber I told you Sacad betrayed Keenadid & Sayidka and backed the gaalo? Here it is kkkkkk.
You accuse us of the very exact thing you did.
I don't know why you quote random excerpts written by Somalis as if it passes for anything more than hadalka suuqa
Keenadiid was exiled to Asmara in 1900 and his son was removed by the Italians in 1925. So you need to tell us where you got 1921 from. I have never seen an Italian document or achive which mentions the British officer Muse Igarre coming to Hobyo. That was written by some dude called Yuusuf Ducaale who was an Isaaq diplomat.
I It is no secret that Keenadiid was armed and protected by the Italians, how did he become a protectorate without them![]()
I He was no friend of the Mullah, true he did shift alliance at one point since the Italians weren't giving him the extortionate salary he
expected. But he fought against them and the Mullah recited a long demeaning poem against your tribe because of it.
I Unlike others I try to be impartial. There is very little mention of HG in colonial archives, Northern Somalia (Isaaq and Darood)
were at the centre of political war with dervishes on one side and the colonialists on the other. There was very little activity north of
Mogadishu until Gaalkacyo, the Italians only governed the coasts and the nomads were left to fend for themselves.
Keenadiid adiga ayuu kula waynyahay, every reer Mudug (not just Hawiye) knows he was a Camel stealing thief who did whatever it
took to get himself authority. The letters he sent to the Italians are all over the Internet.
hutus vs punaniland this is good![]()
Im talking to an MJ chick right now who im gonna bang eventually cant wait to try some punaniland punani fam!Get your irrelevant provincial langaab ass out of here. This is between a slave and his master or I'll unleash Gen.Morgan and he opens a new "Fuckingka Street". I'm sure the old man misses that sweet fine samosa pussy.
LMFAO @me rewriting the history. Ignoramus? Nope Igarre was very brave man and highest ranking Somali in the British empire. All the books written during colonial time mentioned that he was a brave man so stop the liesWhy are you trying to rewrite history? Either that or your an ignoramus. Do you even know who Haji Muse Igarre was? He was a Isaaq British solider whose sole purpose was to fight against the Sayid. Are you trying to say Igarre & Sacad fought the Italians?
How can they fight against Italians when they're allied to fight against the Sayid?
Guess who the British contingent was? You guessed it, Haji Muse Igarre. When Keenadid refused, Igarre started to arm the Sacad and along with other British lackeys attacked Hobyo. Remeber I told you Sacad betrayed Keenadid & Sayidka and backed the gaalo? Here it is kkkkkk.
You accuse us of the very exact thing you did.
While you were helping the gaalo alongside the Idoor soldier, I was fighting them.
We were even protecting the Sayid kkkk and not allowing them to set foot in the land.
Now tell me who is the gaalo raac? How exactly were you a threat to Keenadid with out the British again? I thought he needed Italians to protect him? The same Italians who allowed the British along with their Isaaq lackey and your awowes to fight the Sultan.
Where do you come up with these duck tales.![]()
He travelled all the way to Yaman for the mercenary army and Italian backing after the local HAG army routed his militia's, called the shots with the 1000 Strong Arab Musketeers and the Italian lieutenants. l*
Im talking to an MJ chick right now who im gonna bang eventually cant wait to try some punaniland punani fam!
Your own cousin mentioned him and so did that author so there's a possibility that he did exist.
Ali Yusuf and his father were both exiled same time, in 1925. There we go again with making shit up
What a blatant lie, where's the proof for this? He conquered you without Italians ever stepping foot in Somalia, why would he need them if you were already under his control? Horta ma caqli lix sac baa tihiin, waa idin la yaabe. It's like I'm speaking to 3rd graders. Italy never stationed any troops in the Sultanate ever until they tried to oust him. They even considered reinstating him after they seen how difficult it would be to assume control of the region with Omar Samatar's rebellion gaining popularity. It's obvious your making up shit to feel better.
On 10 October 1892 the Sultan of Obbia wrote to Filonardi, the architect of the Italian colonial administration in Somalia:
"We inform that this year we have been adandoned and there was no steamboat that has come to us, as it was the practice. Nobody has brought to us the woods and we have neither food nor cartridges. There was a serious war this year. The inhabitants of the desert have rebelled against us and there was a fighting in which some of ours have been killed.
After the departure of the steamboat Esfita we hoped some one would come from your side, but until now nobody came. On the date of this letter Abu Bakr bin Auad has arrived bringing to us the payment of the year 1891. We hope you will help us with food and the supply of war material, because we are under your protection and your flag. We would not think that you have abandoned us.
Now we wish your arrival together with what we have requested. ABu Bakr bin Auad will give full information. We hope you come soon this year to negotiate together.
Now we have two countries: Obia and Eil Hur and we have many soldiers different than before. Those of our friends killed are 11. Our saia (boat) has broken down this year at Obbia with some of our properties on board. We need money and we are without boat. You are our friend and we do not know other Christians besides you, and we defend your flag.”
They weren't friends but from what I posted it's clear that Keenadid would never assist colonizers in fighting Somalis. Something I hear from you guys all the time.