In support of the balkanisation of Somalia

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
Somalia won’t have any progress until the people start getting there act together and start thinking about the country’s future

People who are arguing about clan in the 21st century are a joke and beyond pathetic we better pray Ethiopia does not annex us


Balkanization will be worse than what we have today , imagine 5-7 independent countries at war with each other . Also somalia is very diverse when it comes to qabil and various tribes live together in mixed cities and areas , you won't be able to carve homogenous clan states in anything that is south of Gaalkacyo
talking about balkanization when sub clans and their subs are slaughtering each other routinely :ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa: what do you think will happen when they have no SNA or ATMIS to keep then in check? put this foolish and naive dream to rest, it's unrealistic and will lead to disaster