You are not the smartest tool in the shed by the looks of it.Offcourse it matters. We are not like southerns who brought disgrace to the Somali name and continue selling out for AS for short term gains. If small rag-tag ASWJ & Macaiisly could keep Al Shabaab at bay what makes you thinks Somaliland organized army with superior intelligence is going to do with Al Shabaab?
You are a nacas who do not have a clue about AS internal clan power dynamics. They thrive in southern culture that promotes warlord-ism over traditional clan mediation. Xoolo caadi ah who would prefer to deny the obvious to save face. What is even more baffling is minorities like yourself getting routinely squeezed between Hawiye SNA, AMISOM and Al Shabaab talking about clan grievances not being the main factor in AS survival.
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My clan, Surre, was never part of AS and has never ever turned to them for support. By your logic we should have been one of the first to join AS. As a matter of fact, Reer Koonfur know that we, along with the MX and HG Cayr, fought them due to an identification with a Sufi sect revolving around Sheekh Yusuf Direed:
More recently, the Qubeys Surre subclan fought off AS mainly by themselves and even the government acknowledged it.
We never felt the need to join them at any point in our History. The only reason why the Qubeys made peace with them was because the government had not fulfilled its promises to provide extensive military support and they thought it is in their best interests to reach a favourable treaty of non-aggression with them.
As for the Hiiraan, that conflict did not involve AS whatsoever so how is it relevant to this discussion? It is a clan war which has been going on since 2015. The Xawaadle resorted to using SNA resources but Surre never resorted to AS despite your ignorant assumption that clans routinely use AS to settle scores. In this conflict, Surre have mainly used fighters from Mudug, Ethiopian Surres and North-Western Gedo Surres to support their isolated kinmen in Hiiraan, not AS. They attacked our towns, we reciprocated in kind.
I dare you to find me one source which suggests the above conflict involved AS. As a matter of fact, it has flared up again in 2021. They again attacked one of our lightly defended towns and we did not resort to AS but called on fighters from Mudug to assist the farming community of Kabxanley to relocate to their town. The first, and second video from a Xawaadle elder in December 2021 confirms how the militia in Kabxanley and Deefow are Surre clan militias, not AS. I ask you again when have my clan ever turned to AS for 'grievance' reasons?
As for Lower Shabelle. It is widely known that AS were responsible for the harm inflicted on Biimaal after they refused to stop waging war but so have other clans such as the Habar Gidir and Cawramale below who refused their authority in areas where AS have influence. AS do not discriminate when they have power, it is their way or the highway.
Coming back to your claim that your clan fief is some sort of superpower. Nigga you are entitled to your opinion. So am I. Your rusty Soviet era weaponry and that of most Somali clans fiefs ain't shit. If they hypothetically gained control of Southern Somalia, they would be able to field more DSHK mounted Teknikos than you, more troops than you, more Kamikaze attacks than you etc. and definitely a lot more soldiers of heaven than you. There will surely as hell be more battle hardened than you too. One Qabil will not be able to defeat the combined forces of AS controlled South Somalia. Your salvation is the fact that the IC will not allow them free reign in South Somalia, for now anyway.
As for your superior intelligence, miss me with that BS.
You got satellites in space? You spout emotion driven sheit!

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